76th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2012 Regular Session

HA to HB 4128

LC 25/HB 4128-3

                       HOUSE AMENDMENTS TO
                         HOUSE BILL 4128

                   By COMMITTEE ON HEALTH CARE

                           February 14

  On page 1 of the printed bill, line 6, delete 'includes any
congenital' and insert 'means a physical disorder identifiable at
birth that affects the bony structures of'.
  In line 7, delete 'anomaly affecting'.
  In line 11, delete 'improve or'.
  After line 12, insert:
  ' (3) This section does not require coverage for the treatment
  ' (a) Developmental maxillofacial conditions that result in
overbite, crossbite, malocclusion or similar developmental
irregularities of the teeth; or
  ' (b) Temporomandibular joint disorder.'.
  In line 13, delete '(3)' and insert '(4)'.
  In line 15, delete '(4)' and insert '(5)'.
  In line 17, delete '(5)' and insert '(6)'.