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| AN ACT |
| |
1 | Amending Title 45 (Legal Notices) of the Pennsylvania |
2 | Consolidated Statutes, in legal advertising, further |
3 | providing for additional publication in legal journals; and |
4 | providing for electronic publication of legal advertising. |
5 | The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania |
6 | hereby enacts as follows: |
7 | Section 1. Section 308(a) of Title 45 of the Pennsylvania |
8 | Consolidated Statutes is amended to read: |
9 | § 308. Additional publication in legal journals. |
10 | (a) General rule.--Except as otherwise provided by statute, |
11 | every notice or advertisement required by law or rule of court |
12 | to be published in one or more newspapers of general circulation |
13 | or permitted by section 403 (relating to authorization) to be |
14 | electronically published, unless dispensed with by special order |
15 | of court, shall also be published in the legal newspaper, issued |
16 | at least weekly, in the county, designated by rules of court for |
17 | the publication of court or other legal notices, if such |
18 | newspaper exists. Publication in such legal newspaper shall be |
1 | made as often as required to be made in such newspapers in |
2 | general circulation, and shall be subject to the same |
3 | stipulations and regulations as those imposed for the like |
4 | services upon all newspapers. |
5 | * * * |
6 | Section 2. Title 45 is amended by adding a chapter to read: |
7 | CHAPTER 4 |
9 | Sec. |
10 | 401. Scope of chapter. |
11 | 402. Definitions. |
12 | 403. Authorization. |
13 | 404. Election to electronically publish legal notices. |
14 | 405. Administration. |
15 | 406. Department responsibilities. |
16 | 407. Reporting. |
17 | § 401. Scope of chapter. |
18 | This chapter relates to public notice modernization. |
19 | § 402. Definitions. |
20 | The following words and phrases when used in this chapter |
21 | shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the |
22 | context clearly indicates otherwise: |
23 | "Center for Local Government Services." The Governor's |
24 | Center for Local Government Services within the Department of |
25 | Community and Economic Development. |
26 | "Department." The Department of Community and Economic |
27 | Development of the Commonwealth. |
28 | "Electronic publication" or "electronically publish." The |
29 | public advertisement of a legal notice in hypertext markup |
30 | language (HTML) format, or an equivalent language format, on an |
1 | official Internet website in accordance with this chapter. |
2 | "Government unit." Any municipality, school district, local |
3 | authority or council of government or similar intergovernmental |
4 | cooperative entity. |
5 | "Legal notice" or "notice." A notice, advertisement, |
6 | publication, statement or report or an abstract of a notice, |
7 | advertisement, publication, statement or report required by law, |
8 | rule or regulation to be published in a newspaper relating to |
9 | any of the following: |
10 | (1) A meeting of the governing body of the government |
11 | unit or its committees. |
12 | (2) An ordinance or resolution. |
13 | (3) A budget, auditor's report or financial statement. |
14 | (4) A contract, agreement, request for bids or proposals |
15 | or other documentation related to the procurement of |
16 | supplies, services or construction. |
17 | (5) A sale of real or personal property. |
18 | (6) A proceeding requiring public notice in accordance |
19 | with the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247), known as the |
20 | Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. |
21 | (7) A proceeding requiring public notice in accordance |
22 | with applicable laws governing zoning or subdivision and land |
23 | development in municipalities not subject to the act of July |
24 | 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247), known as the Pennsylvania |
25 | Municipalities Planning Code. |
26 | "Notice website." An official Internet website or other |
27 | Internet website that is maintained by a government unit or by a |
28 | third party under contract with the government unit that |
29 | contains links to the legal notices electronically published by |
30 | the government unit designated for publication of notices. |
1 | "Official Internet website" or "official website." The |
2 | official Internet location designated by a government unit as |
3 | its primary source of information about the government unit. |
4 | § 403. Authorization. |
5 | (a) General rule.--In accordance with the provisions of this |
6 | chapter, a government unit which publishes notices and |
7 | advertisements consistent with section 308 (relating to |
8 | additional publication in legal journals) shall have the |
9 | authority to electronically publish legal notices in lieu of |
10 | newspaper advertisements required under Chapter 3 (relating to |
11 | legal advertising) or any other law. |
12 | (b) Effect of electronic publication.--Electronic |
13 | publication in accordance with this chapter shall substitute for |
14 | and satisfy the requirements for publication of legal notice in |
15 | newspapers of general circulation by a government unit imposed |
16 | by any other provision of law. |
17 | § 404. Election to electronically publish legal notices. |
18 | (a) Ordinance or resolution.--A government unit may, by |
19 | ordinance or resolution, elect to electronically publish legal |
20 | notices in accordance with this chapter. The ordinance or |
21 | resolution shall be adopted prior to electronic publication. |
22 | (b) Specification of notices.--The ordinance or resolution |
23 | adopted under subsection (a) shall specify which type of legal |
24 | notices are subject to electronic publication under this |
25 | chapter. |
26 | (c) Center for Local Government Services.--Within 90 days of |
27 | the enactment of an ordinance or resolution under subsection |
28 | (a), the government unit shall furnish the Center for Local |
29 | Government Services a copy of the ordinance or resolution and |
30 | all Internet website addresses applicable to the electronic |
1 | publication of legal notices for compilation and posting. |
2 | (d) Newspaper publication.-- |
3 | (1) After adopting an ordinance or resolution under |
4 | subsection (a), and prior to electronically publishing any |
5 | legal notices, the government unit shall publish a legal |
6 | advertisement once a week for four successive weeks in one or |
7 | more newspapers of general circulation within the |
8 | jurisdiction of the government unit, announcing that certain |
9 | legal notices will in the future be posted on the government |
10 | unit's notice website in the following form: |
11 | Internet Posting of Public Notices: (name of government |
12 | unit). |
13 | The (name of government unit) announces that legal |
14 | notices on the following matters, effective (insert |
15 | date), shall no longer be advertised by newspaper |
16 | publication but shall be posted on (Internet address for |
17 | the notice website or the notice website of the county in |
18 | which the government unit is located, if necessary). The |
19 | following types of notices shall be subject to electronic |
20 | publication: (the advertisement shall then list the legal |
21 | notices that the government unit's governing body has |
22 | elected to publish electronically). |
23 | Free public access to the Internet is available at |
24 | (list locations within, adjacent to or accessible to the |
25 | government unit). |
26 | If someone is unable to access the Internet, |
27 | individual copies of notices can be obtained by calling |
28 | (insert appropriate government unit phone number). |
29 | (2) If, after a good faith attempt to comply with the |
30 | newspaper publication requirement of paragraph (1), the |
1 | governmental unit fails to obtain publication of the notice |
2 | required by this subsection in any newspaper of general |
3 | circulation within the jurisdiction of the governmental unit, |
4 | the governmental unit may publish the required notice at |
5 | least once in the legal journal of a county within which the |
6 | governmental unit is located and shall post the required |
7 | notice on its official Internet website and at the principal |
8 | office of the governmental unit. |
9 | (e) Additional advertisement.--In addition to the newspaper |
10 | publication required by subsection (d), a government unit may, |
11 | from time to time, advertise by newspaper or other means the |
12 | fact that it is electronically publishing specific legal notices |
13 | as identified in the advertisement. |
14 | § 405. Administration. |
15 | A government unit which has elected to provide electronic |
16 | publication of legal notices shall comply with all of the |
17 | following requirements: |
18 | (1) Prior to electronically publishing notices, a |
19 | government unit or a contractor providing the notice website |
20 | shall enter into a service level agreement with an Internet |
21 | service provider that guarantees the website is accessible to |
22 | the public over the Internet at least 98% of the time, 24 |
23 | hours a day, 365 days a year. |
24 | (2) All notices electronically published shall be |
25 | available for review in printed form in the appropriate |
26 | office of the government unit. The government unit shall |
27 | provide a copy of the notice to any individual. The notice |
28 | may be provided at cost. |
29 | (3) (i) A government unit's official Internet website |
30 | shall prominently display the link to any other notice |
1 | website. The notice website shall include an indexed web |
2 | page containing a list of all current electronically |
3 | published notices of the government unit, with links to |
4 | the full text of those notices. The index web page shall |
5 | also contain a search function and may contain other |
6 | features that improve public accessibility to |
7 | electronically published notices. |
8 | (ii) If a government unit does not have an official |
9 | Internet website, the county in which the government unit |
10 | is located may agree, under terms and conditions as the |
11 | county may require, to provide space on the Internet |
12 | website of the county necessary to serve as the |
13 | government unit's notice website for purposes of this |
14 | chapter. In the case of an agreement, the publication |
15 | required by section 404 (relating to election to |
16 | electronically publish legal notices) shall include the |
17 | county's official Internet website address. |
18 | (4) (i) An e-mail address of the government unit shall |
19 | be displayed on any website on which legal notices are |
20 | provided and on each page of any official Internet |
21 | website that contains a link to each notice website or |
22 | index page of any notice website. |
23 | (ii) The government unit shall review all complaints |
24 | reported under paragraph (1) to determine the cause of |
25 | any access problem and shall document the findings and |
26 | any action taken to resolve it. |
27 | (iii) The government unit shall keep and make |
28 | available for public inspection all records of complaints |
29 | and service accessibility failures reported under |
30 | paragraph (1). The documentation shall also be filed with |
1 | the Center for Local Government Services. |
2 | (5) (i) Electronic publication shall first be made on |
3 | any date permitted by law for the initial printed |
4 | publication of the legal notice and shall remain |
5 | electronically published at least until the last date |
6 | that printed publication could be made in accordance with |
7 | law. |
8 | (ii) Electronic publication for the period specified |
9 | under subparagraph (i) shall be sufficient for purposes |
10 | of certification of publication under paragraph (6). |
11 | (iii) A government unit that electronically |
12 | publishes a notice for the period under subparagraph (i) |
13 | may do any of the following: |
14 | (A) Continue to electronically publish the |
15 | notice for up to 180 days after the last date for |
16 | publication under subparagraph (i). |
17 | (B) Provide for the printed publication of the |
18 | notice in a newspaper. |
19 | (6) (i) The government unit shall provide for |
20 | certification indicating that the legal notice was |
21 | electronically published for the period required under |
22 | paragraph (5)(i) and the beginning and ending dates of |
23 | the continuous electronic publication of the legal |
24 | notice. The certification shall be a printed or written |
25 | statement, identifying the Internet website on which the |
26 | electronically published notice was posted. A copy of the |
27 | legal notice, exactly as electronically published, shall |
28 | be attached to the certification. The certification shall |
29 | also state that all of the allegations of the statement |
30 | as to the time, place and character of publication are |
1 | true. The certification shall be signed by an official or |
2 | employee of the government unit responsible for |
3 | electronically published legal notices and an agent of |
4 | the notice website contractor, if applicable. |
5 | (ii) The certification shall constitute a public |
6 | record as defined in the act of February 14, 2008 (P.L.6, |
7 | No.3, known as the Right-to-Know Law. |
8 | (iii) The completed certification shall constitute |
9 | proof of publication for the purpose of complying with |
10 | the requirement for legal notice by a government unit in |
11 | accordance with this chapter or any other provision of |
12 | law. |
13 | (iv) A proof of publication may be rebutted by clear |
14 | and convincing evidence establishing that the legal |
15 | notice was not electronically published as set forth in |
16 | the certification. |
17 | (7) The government unit shall maintain a copy of each |
18 | legal notice in accordance with standards relating to records |
19 | retention established under law, regulation, policy or other |
20 | directive. |
21 | § 406. Department responsibilities. |
22 | (a) List of government units electing electronic |
23 | publication.--As soon as is reasonably possible, after the |
24 | effective date of this section, the Center for Local Government |
25 | Services shall create and maintain a list of the names and |
26 | Internet websites of all government units for which it has |
27 | received a copy of an enactment to advertise under this chapter |
28 | in accordance with section 404 (relating to election to |
29 | electronically publish legal notices). The list shall be |
30 | accessible through the department's Internet website and may be |
1 | organized to correspond with any existing database the Center |
2 | for Local Government Services may maintain. The list shall |
3 | contain links to the government units' official Internet |
4 | websites. |
5 | (b) List of all notices to be published electronically.-- |
6 | (1) The government unit shall provide notification of |
7 | the electronic publication of a legal notice to the Center |
8 | for Local Government Services, in a form and structure |
9 | prescribed by the Center for Local Government Services. The |
10 | notification shall include the name of the government unit, |
11 | the date the notice is published, the subject matter of the |
12 | notice and the Internet address to connect to the notice |
13 | website. |
14 | (2) The Center for Local Government Services shall |
15 | maintain a list of all notifications received. |
16 | (3) Notifications of the publication of a legal notice |
17 | shall remain on the list for at least 24 months. The list |
18 | shall be accessible through the department's Internet website |
19 | and may be organized to correspond with any existing database |
20 | the Center for Local Government Services may maintain. The |
21 | department shall use RSS feeds or similar technology to |
22 | enable users to receive notification when the list is |
23 | updated. |
24 | (c) Failure to comply.--Notwithstanding any other provision |
25 | of law, the failure of a government unit to provide notice to |
26 | the Center for Local Government Services to maintain lists under |
27 | subsections (a) and (b) shall not invalidate any action for |
28 | which electronic publication has been made. |
29 | § 407. Reporting. |
30 | The department shall prepare a report on the use of this |
1 | chapter 12 months after the effective date of this chapter, and |
2 | biannually thereafter. The report shall be posted on the |
3 | department's Internet website. Notification of the report's |
4 | publication shall be provided to the President pro tempore of |
5 | the Senate, the Majority Leader of the Senate, the Minority |
6 | Leader of the Senate, the chairman and minority chairman of the |
7 | Local Government Committee of the Senate, the Speaker of the |
8 | House of Representatives, the Majority Leader of the House of |
9 | Representatives, the Minority Leader of the House of |
10 | Representatives and the chairman and the minority chairman of |
11 | the Local Government Committee of the House of Representatives. |
12 | Section 3. This act shall take effect in 60 days. |