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| AN ACT |
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1 | Amending the act of December 19, 1984 (P.L.1140, No.223), |
2 | entitled "An act relating to the development of oil and gas |
3 | and coal; imposing duties and powers on the Department of |
4 | Environmental Resources; imposing notification requirements |
5 | to protect landowners; and providing for definitions, for |
6 | various requirements to regulate the drilling and operation |
7 | of oil and gas wells, for gas storage reservoirs, for various |
8 | reporting requirements, including certain requirements |
9 | concerning the operation of coal mines, for well permits, for |
10 | well registration, for distance requirements, for well casing |
11 | requirements, for safety device requirements, for storage |
12 | reservoir obligations, for well bonding requirements, for a |
13 | Well Plugging Restricted Revenue Account to enforce oil and |
14 | gas well plugging requirements, for the creation of an Oil |
15 | and Gas Technical Advisory Board, for oil and gas well |
16 | inspections, for enforcement and for penalties," further |
17 | providing for definitions, for well permits, for well |
18 | location restrictions, for protection of fresh groundwater, |
19 | casing requirements and for protection of water supplies. |
20 | The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania |
21 | hereby enacts as follows: |
22 | Section 1. Section 103 of the act of December 19, 1984 |
23 | (P.L.1140, No.223), known as the Oil and Gas Act, is amended by |
24 | adding a definition to read: |
25 | Section 103. Definitions. |
26 | The following words and phrases when used in this act shall |
1 | have the meanings given to them in this section unless the |
2 | context clearly indicates otherwise: |
3 | * * * |
4 | "Unconventional well." A bore hole drilled or being drilled |
5 | for the purpose of or to be used for producing oil or gas from a |
6 | geological formation existing below the base of the Elk |
7 | Sandstone or its geologic equivalent stratigraphic interval |
8 | where oil or gas generally cannot be produced at economic flow |
9 | rates or in economic volumes except by wells stimulated by |
10 | hydraulic fracture treatments, a horizontal well bore or by |
11 | using multilateral well bores or other techniques to expose more |
12 | of the formation of the well bore. |
13 | * * * |
14 | Section 2. Sections 201(b) and (d) and 205 of the act are |
15 | amended to read: |
16 | Section 201. Well permits. |
17 | * * * |
18 | (b) The permit application shall be accompanied by a plat |
19 | prepared by a competent engineer or a competent surveyor, on |
20 | forms to be furnished by the department, showing the political |
21 | subdivision and county in which the tract of land upon which the |
22 | well to be drilled is located, the name of the surface landowner |
23 | of record and lessor, the name of all surface landowners or |
24 | water purveyors whose water supplies are within [1,000] 1,500 |
25 | feet of the proposed well location or, in the case of an |
26 | unconventional well, within 2,500 feet of the proposed well |
27 | location, the name of the owner of record or operator of all |
28 | known underlying workable coal seams, if any, the acreage in the |
29 | tract to be drilled, the proposed location of the well |
30 | determined by survey, the courses and distances of such location |
1 | from two or more permanent identifiable points or landmarks on |
2 | said tract boundary corners, the proposed angle and direction of |
3 | such well, if the well is to be deviated substantially from a |
4 | vertical course, the number or other identification to be given |
5 | the well, the workable coal seams, if any, underlying the tract |
6 | of land upon which the well is to be drilled or altered, which |
7 | are to be cased off in accordance with section 207, and such |
8 | information needed by the department to administer this act. The |
9 | applicant shall forward, by certified mail, a copy of said plat |
10 | to the following: |
11 | (1) The surface landowner[, all]. |
12 | (2) The coal owner if coal rights have been severed from |
13 | the surface regardless of whether the coal seam is workable. |
14 | (3) All surface landowners or water purveyors whose |
15 | water supplies are within [1,000] 1,500 feet of the proposed |
16 | well location[, the] or, in the case of an unconventional |
17 | well, within 2,500 feet of the proposed well location. |
18 | (4) The owner and lessee, if any, of [such] any coal |
19 | seams, and every coal operator required to be identified on |
20 | the well permit application and shall submit proof of such |
21 | notification with the well permit application. |
22 | (5) The municipality where the proposed unconventional |
23 | well is located and a municipality within 2,500 feet of the |
24 | proposed unconventional well location. |
25 | (b.1) With respect to surface owners, notification shall be |
26 | accomplished under this section by sending notice to the persons |
27 | to whom the tax notices for said surface property are sent, as |
28 | indicated in the assessment books in the county in which the |
29 | property is located. With respect to surface landowners or water |
30 | purveyors whose water supplies are within [1,000] 1,500 feet of |
1 | the proposed well location or, in the case of an unconventional |
2 | well, within 2,500 feet of the proposed well location, |
3 | notification shall be made on forms and in a manner prescribed |
4 | by the department sufficient to identify, for such persons, the |
5 | rights afforded them under section 208 and the advisability of |
6 | taking their own predrilling or prealteration survey. |
7 | (b.2) If the applicant submits to the department written |
8 | approval of the proposed well location by the surface landowner |
9 | and the coal operator, lessee or owner, if any, of the coal |
10 | underlying the proposed well location and no objections are |
11 | raised by the department within 15 days of filing or if no such |
12 | approval has been submitted and no objections are made to such |
13 | proposed well location within 15 days from receipt of such |
14 | notice by the surface landowner and the coal operator, lessee or |
15 | owner, if any, or by the department, the same shall be filed and |
16 | become a permanent record of such location, subject to |
17 | inspection at any time by any interested person. |
18 | * * * |
19 | (d) Every application for a well permit shall be accompanied |
20 | by a permit fee, established by regulation of the [department] |
21 | Environmental Quality Board, which bears a reasonable |
22 | relationship to the cost of administering this act: Provided, |
23 | however, That the permit fee shall be $100 for two years |
24 | immediately following the effective date of this act. |
25 | * * * |
26 | Section 205. Well location restrictions. |
27 | (a) Wells may not be drilled within 200 feet or, in the case |
28 | of an unconventional well, within 500 feet, measured |
29 | horizontally from any existing building or existing water well |
30 | without the written consent of the owner thereof. Where the |
1 | distance restriction would deprive the owner of the oil and gas |
2 | rights of the right to produce or share in the oil or gas |
3 | underlying said surface tract, the well operator may be granted |
4 | a variance from said distance restriction upon submission of a |
5 | plan which shall identify the additional measures, facilities or |
6 | practices to be employed during well site construction, drilling |
7 | and operations. The variance, if granted, shall include such |
8 | additional terms and conditions as the department shall require |
9 | to insure the safety and protection of affected persons and |
10 | property. The provisions may include insurance, bonding and |
11 | indemnification, as well as technical requirements. |
12 | (b) No well site may be prepared or well drilled within 100 |
13 | feet measured horizontally from any stream, spring or body of |
14 | water as identified on the most current 7 1/2 minute topographic |
15 | quadrangle map of the United States Geological Survey or within |
16 | 100 feet of any wetlands greater than one acre in size. The |
17 | department may waive such distance restrictions upon submission |
18 | of a plan which shall identify the additional measures, |
19 | facilities or practices to be employed during well site |
20 | construction, drilling and operations. Such waiver, if granted, |
21 | shall impose such permit conditions as are necessary to protect |
22 | the waters of the Commonwealth. The department may establish |
23 | additional protective measures for the storage of hazardous |
24 | chemicals or material intended to be used on the well drilling |
25 | site within 500 feet of any such stream, spring, body of water |
26 | or wetland. |
27 | (c) The department shall, on making a determination on a |
28 | well permit, consider the impact of the proposed well on public |
29 | resources to include, but not be limited to, the following: |
30 | (1) Publicly owned parks, forests, gamelands and |
1 | wildlife areas. |
2 | (2) National or State scenic rivers. |
3 | (3) National natural landmarks. |
4 | (4) Habitats of rare and endangered flora and fauna and |
5 | other critical communities. |
6 | (5) Historical and archaeological sites listed on the |
7 | Federal or State list of historic places. |
8 | (6) Sources used for public drinking water supplies. |
9 | (7) Whether the proposed well location is within a |
10 | floodplain. |
11 | Section 3. Section 208(a), (b), (c) and (d) of the act are |
12 | amended and the section is amended by adding subsections to |
13 | read: |
14 | Section 208. Protection of water supplies. |
15 | (a) Any well operator who affects a public or private water |
16 | supply by pollution or diminution shall restore or replace the |
17 | affected supply with an alternate source of water adequate in |
18 | quantity or quality for the purposes served by the supply. The |
19 | department shall ensure that a restored or replaced water supply |
20 | meets applicable water quality standards consistent with the |
21 | Safe Drinking Water Act (Public Law 93-523, 21 U.S.C. § 349 and |
22 | 42 U.S.C. §§ 201 and 300f et seq.), the act of May 1, 1984 |
23 | (P.L.206, No.43), known as the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water |
24 | Act, and predrilling or alteration water quantity standards as |
25 | determined by the department. The Environmental Quality Board |
26 | shall promulgate regulations necessary to meet the requirements |
27 | of this subsection. |
28 | (b) Any landowner or water purveyor suffering pollution or |
29 | diminution of a water supply as a result of the drilling, |
30 | alteration or operation of an oil or gas well may so notify the |
1 | department and request that an investigation be conducted. A |
2 | well operator who receives notice from a landowner, water |
3 | purveyor or affected person that a water supply has been |
4 | affected by pollution or diminution shall report receipt of the |
5 | notice to the department as soon as possible, but no later than |
6 | ten calendar days after receiving the notice. Within ten days of |
7 | such notification, the department shall investigate any such |
8 | claim and shall, within 45 days following notification, make a |
9 | determination. If the department finds that the pollution or |
10 | diminution was caused by the drilling, alteration or operation |
11 | activities or if it presumes the well operator responsible for |
12 | pollution pursuant to subsection (c), then it shall issue such |
13 | orders to the well operator as are necessary to assure |
14 | compliance with subsection (a). Such orders may include orders |
15 | requiring the temporary replacement of a water supply where it |
16 | is determined that the pollution or diminution may be of limited |
17 | duration. |
18 | (c) Unless rebutted by one of the five defenses established |
19 | in subsection (d), it shall be presumed that a well operator is |
20 | responsible for the pollution of a water supply that is within |
21 | [1,000] 1,500 feet of the oil or gas well, where the pollution |
22 | occurred within [six] 12 months after the completion of drilling |
23 | or alteration of such well. |
24 | (c.1) Unless rebutted by a defense established under |
25 | subsection (d), it shall be presumed that an unconventional well |
26 | operator is responsible for the pollution of a water supply that |
27 | is within 2,500 feet of the unconventional well where the |
28 | pollution occurred within 12 months after the completion of |
29 | drilling or alteration of the well. |
30 | (d) In order to rebut [the] a presumption of liability |
1 | established in subsection (c) or (c.1), the well operator must |
2 | affirmatively prove one of the following five defenses: |
3 | (1) The pollution existed prior to the drilling or |
4 | alteration activity as determined by a predrilling or |
5 | prealteration survey. |
6 | (2) The landowner or water purveyor refused to allow the |
7 | operator access to conduct a predrilling or prealteration |
8 | survey. |
9 | (3) The water supply is not within [1,000] 1,500 feet |
10 | or, in the case of a conventional well, within 2,500 feet of |
11 | the well. |
12 | (4) The pollution occurred more than six months after |
13 | completion of drilling or alteration activities. |
14 | (5) The pollution occurred as the result of some cause |
15 | other than the drilling or alteration activity. |
16 | * * * |
17 | (g) The department shall ensure that a facility which seeks |
18 | a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for the |
19 | purposes of treating and discharging wastewater originating from |
20 | oil and gas activities into waters of this Commonwealth is |
21 | operated by a competent and qualified individual. |
22 | Section 4. This act shall take effect in 60 days. |