Whereas, the South Carolina General Assembly is pleased to learn that William F. "Bill" Zeigler will be inducted into the Chapin Hall of Fame on Sunday, January 13, 2019; and

Whereas, after serving as a volunteer with the Irmo Fire Department for a number of years, William F. "Bill" Zeigler and his family moved to Chapin in 1973. In 1974, he became a volunteer with the Chapin Fire Department and was appointed a captain in 1975; and

Whereas, Bill had worked for Dunbar Funeral Home for over twenty-five years when the position of fire chief became available to him. He retired from Dunbar and became the Chapin fire chief in 1985. With the job of fire chief came other appointed duties. When Chapin owned the water system, he was called on to assist with locating and repairing water lines that meant the difference between citizens' having or not having water in their homes and businesses. This sometimes required long hours in inclement weather and frequently required the sacrifice of weekends and holidays. Another position he was called on to fill was that of zoning administrator. In this post, he issued zoning and sign permits and enforced the zoning ordinances as mandated by the town; and

Whereas, one of the industries that had moved into Chapin was Suffolk Chemical, and that proved to be a major problem for the town. A long list of incidents at the plant prompted concerns for health and environmental safety. Bill worked diligently to enforce health and safety regulations to safeguard the welfare of the citizens of Chapin and the outlying community. As fire chief, he encouraged and supported efforts to discontinue Suffolk's operations in the Town of Chapin; and

Whereas, during his tenure as fire chief, the Amicks Ferry and Crossroads stations were built and staffed with paid and volunteer firefighters. His favorite accomplishment was the reduction of the ISO rating from 10 to 5, which reduced each family's fire insurance premiums; and

Whereas, Bill enjoys the companionship and encouragement of his family: his lovely wife, Pamela; their three children, Holley Z. Barfield (Butch), William Sean Zeigler (Kristine), and Walter Seth Zeigler (Julia); and six grandchildren, Billy and Katie Barfield, Madison and Tyler Zeigler, and Zoe and Mia Zeigler. They continue to reside in Chapin and are members of the Chapin Baptist Church; and

Whereas, through his decades of service and his strong support of the Town of Chapin, Bill Zeigler has improved quality of life for all the people of his town and has been a blessing to many. Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring:

That the members of the South Carolina General Assembly, by this resolution, honor William F. "Bill" Zeigler on his induction into the Chapin Hall of Fame.

Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to Bill Zeigler.