2023-2024 Bill 4098 Text of Previous Version (Mar. 08, 2023) - South Carolina Legislature Online

South Carolina General Assembly
125th Session, 2023-2024

Bill 4098

Indicates Matter Stricken
Indicates New Matter

(Text matches printed bills. Document has been reformatted to meet World Wide Web specifications.)









A concurrent RESOLUTION




Whereas, since the 1600s, America has attracted Irish immigrants seeking opportunity, fleeing persecution, or preserving their religion.  Before the Revolutionary War, about a quarter of a million immigrants of all religions had arrived from Ireland; and


Whereas, significant numbers of Irishmen participated in the American Revolution and General Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee believed that "half the rebel Continental Army were from Ireland."  From 1720 to 1820, almost a half of a million Irish immigrants arrived in America; and


Whereas, from 1820 to 1860, almost two million more Irish arrived, seventy-five percent of whom came after the Great Hunger caused by Ireland's potato famine.  They took jobs in mills and mines or laying tracks or digging canals, helping to build America, and they also helped to defend her as they filled the ranks of her military from the many Irish regiments in the Union Army and the legendary Irish Brigade itself.  Irish immigrant women also worked in mills or as domestics; and


Whereas, Irish Americans found acceptance and overcame bias against them as they contributed to the shaping of America.  The sheer numbers of Irish immigrants guaranteed that the work ethic which they brought to America's shores would be vital in building the nation.  By 1910, almost five million Irish had arrived, and as they and their children received education, their economic standards improved, and they entered professional jobs alongside their neighbors; and


Whereas, the cultural and religious celebration of Saint Patrick's Day on March 17, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland, commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity he brought to Ireland; and


Whereas, records indicate Patrick was born into a wealthy family in Roman Britain in the fourth century and that he was kidnapped by Irish raiders when he was sixteen and spent six years in Gaelic Ireland.  Even though Ireland was pagan at the time, he had a Christian experience there.  He fled to the coast and went home by sea, where he became a priest and later returned to Ireland as a missionary; and


Whereas, while March is recognized as Irish-American Heritage Month, Saint Patrick's Day celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general with public parades and festivals and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks; and


Whereas, 2023 also marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement that helped to create a more peaceful and prosperous future for the people of Northern Ireland; and


Whereas, many recognize that, as the Irish became more American, America itself became partly Irish.  Irish Americans are one of the more remarkable success stories in America's book of immigrants, an example to all who seek refuge on America's shores.  Now, therefore,


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring:


That the members of the South Carolina General Assembly, by this resolution, recognize and honor Irish Americans whose families made America their home and celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with them on March 17, 2023.


This web page was last updated on March 08, 2023 at 11:09 AM