Amend CSHB 100 (senate committee report) in Article 1 of the bill as follows:
(1) In SECTION 1.17, in the recital adding Sections 21.416 and 21.417, Education Code (page 8, line 61), strike "21.416 and 21.417" and substitute "21.416, 21.417, and 21.418".
(2) In SECTION 1.17, immediately following added Section 21.417, Education Code (page 9, between lines 58 and 59), insert the following:
Sec.21.418.ELECTION BY TEACHER TO USE UNPAID LEAVE. The board of trustees of a school district shall adopt a policy that provides a classroom teacher employed by the district the option to elect not to take the teacher's paid personal leave concurrently with unpaid leave the teacher is entitled to take under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq.) for an absence due to pregnancy or the birth or adoption of a child.