Amend HB 1263 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1) In the recital to SECTION 1 of the bill (page 1, line 25), strike "Subsection (d)" and substitute "Subsections (d) and (e)".
(2) In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike added Section 542.203(d), Transportation Code (page 1, lines 26-30), and substitute the following:
(d)A local authority's standards, policies, orders, ordinances, regulations, or other measures that designate a school crossing zone or school crosswalk must include a high school campus that is located in a municipality with a population of two million or more.
(e)On request of an administrator of a high school campus described by Subsection (d), a local authority shall determine the components, including any engineering report, necessary to designate a school crossing zone or school crosswalk at the campus and shall make the designation. This subsection does not apply to a high school campus undergoing major expansion or new construction that requires the preparation of a traffic impact analysis as part of the permitting process.
(3) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ___. Not later than September 1, 2023, a local authority described by Section 542.203(d), Transportation Code, as added by this Act, shall:
(1) update all applicable school zone standards, policies, orders, ordinances, and regulations to comply with that section; and
(2) post the updates described by Subdivision (1) of this section on a publicly accessible Internet website with clear instructions describing the process by which a designation request may be made under Section 542.203(e), Transportation Code, as added by this Act.