Amend HB 4628 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1) In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike added Section 420.043(a-1), Government Code (page 1, lines 23 through 30) and substitute the following:
(a-1)An accredited crime laboratory that submits a DNA profile to the department to perform the comparison required under Subsection (a) shall monitor the accredited crime laboratory's database for any matches between the DNA profile submitted to the department and the DNA profiles contained in the databases described by Subsections (a)(1) and (2). For purposes of Section 420.0431, the date on which a match is displayed in an accredited crime laboratory's database is considered written notification of a match.
(2) In SECTION 2 of the bill, adding Section 420.0431, Government Code (page 1, lines 36 and 48), strike "Section 402.043" in each place it appears and substitute "Section 420.043".
(3) In SECTION 3 of the bill, adding transition language (page 2, line 26), strike "Section 420.0431" and substitute "Sections 420.0431 and 420.0432".