relating to projects funded through the Texas emissions reduction |
plan. |
SECTION 1. Section 386.051(b), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) Under the plan, the commission and the comptroller shall |
provide grants or other funding for: |
(1) the diesel emissions reduction incentive program |
established under Subchapter C, including for infrastructure |
projects established under that subchapter; |
(2) the motor vehicle purchase or lease incentive |
program established under Subchapter D; |
(3) the air quality research support [new technology
research and development] program established under Chapter 387; |
(4) the clean school bus program established under |
Chapter 390; [and] |
(5) the new technology implementation grant program |
established under Chapter 391; |
(6) the regional air monitoring program established |
under Section 386.252(a)(5); |
(7) a health effects study as provided by Section |
386.252(a)(7); |
(8) air quality planning activities as provided by |
Section 386.252(a)(8); and |
(9) a contract with the Energy Systems Laboratory at |
the Texas Engineering Experiment Station for computation of |
creditable statewide emissions reductions as provided by Section |
386.252(a)(9). |
SECTION 2. Section 386.108(a), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commission shall provide funding under Section |
386.252(a) [386.252(a)(1)] for infrastructure projects. |
SECTION 3. Section 386.252(a), Health and Safety Code, as |
amended by Chapters 1125 (H.B. 1796) and 1232 (S.B. 1759), Acts of |
the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009, is reenacted and |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Money in the fund may be used only to implement and |
administer programs established under the plan, and the total |
appropriation shall be allocated as follows: |
(1) [for the diesel emissions reduction incentive
program, 87.5 percent of the money in the fund, of which:
[(A)] not more than four percent may be used for |
the clean school bus program; |
(2) [(B)] not more than 10 percent may be used for |
on-road diesel purchase or lease incentives; [and] |
(3) [(C)] a specified amount may be used for the new |
technology implementation grant program, from which a defined |
amount may be set aside for electricity storage projects related to |
renewable energy; |
(4) five percent shall be used for the clean fleet |
program; |
(5) not more than $7 million shall be allocated in 2012 |
and 2013 and not more than $3 million shall be allocated in 2014 and |
in subsequent years to fund a regional air monitoring program in |
commission Regions 3 and 4 to be implemented under the commission's |
oversight, including direction regarding the type, number, |
location, and operation of, and data validation practices for, |
monitors funded by the program through a regional nonprofit entity |
located in North Texas having representation from counties, |
municipalities, higher education institutions, and private sector |
interests across the area; |
(6) a specified amount is to be allocated each year to |
support research related to air quality as provided by Chapter 387; |
(7) [(2)
for the new technology research and
development program, nine percent of the money in the fund, of
[(A)] up to $200,000 is allocated for a health |
effects study; |
(8) up to [(B)] $500,000 is to be deposited in the |
state treasury to the credit of the clean air account created under |
Section 382.0622 to supplement funding for air quality planning |
activities in affected counties; |
(9) not more than $216,000 is allocated to the |
commission to [(C)
not less than 20 percent is to be allocated each
year to support research related to air quality as provided by
Section 387.010; and
the balance is allocated each year to the
commission to be used to:
implement and administer the new
technology research and development program for the purpose of
identifying, testing, and evaluating new emissions-reducing
technologies with potential for commercialization in this state and
to facilitate their certification or verification; and
[(ii)] contract with the Energy Systems |
Laboratory at the Texas Engineering Experiment Station [for
$216,000 annually] for the development and annual computation of |
creditable statewide emissions reductions obtained through wind |
and other renewable energy resources for the state implementation |
plan; [and] |
(10) not more than $3.4 million [(3) two percent] is |
allocated to the commission [and 1.5 percent is allocated to the
laboratory] for administrative costs incurred by the commission; |
(11) 1.5 percent of the money in the fund is allocated |
for administrative costs incurred by [and] the laboratory; and |
(12) the balance is allocated to the commission for |
the diesel emissions reduction incentive program. |
SECTION 4. The heading to Chapter 387, Health and Safety |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 5. Section 387.001(2), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(2) "Program" means the air quality research support |
[new technology research and development] program established |
under this chapter. |
SECTION 6. Section 387.010, Health and Safety Code, is |
redesignated as Section 387.002, Health and Safety Code, and |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 387.002 [387.010]. AIR QUALITY RESEARCH SUPPORT |
PROGRAM. (a) The commission shall contract with a nonprofit |
organization or institution of higher education to establish and |
administer a program to support research related to air quality. |
(b) The board of directors of a nonprofit organization |
establishing and administering the research program related to air |
quality under this chapter [section] may not have more than 11 |
members, must include two persons with relevant scientific |
expertise to be nominated by the commission, and may not include |
more than four county judges selected from counties in the |
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria and Dallas-Fort Worth nonattainment |
areas. The two persons with relevant scientific expertise to be |
nominated by the commission may be employees or officers of the |
commission, provided that they do not participate in funding |
decisions affecting the granting of funds by the commission to a |
nonprofit organization on whose board they serve. |
(c) The commission shall provide oversight as appropriate |
for grants provided under the program established under this |
chapter [section]. |
(d) A nonprofit organization or institution of higher |
education shall submit to the commission for approval a budget for |
the disposition of funds granted under the program established |
under this chapter [section]. |
(e) A nonprofit organization or institution of higher |
education shall be reimbursed for costs incurred in establishing |
and administering the research program related to air quality under |
this chapter [section]. Reimbursable administrative costs of a |
nonprofit organization or institution of higher education may not |
exceed 10 percent of the program budget. |
(f) A nonprofit organization that receives grants from the |
commission under this chapter [section] is subject to Chapters 551 |
and 552, Government Code. |
SECTION 7. Section 447.011(h), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(h) The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality shall |
obtain information on any fuel-saving technology that appears to |
reduce particulate matter, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, or |
hydrocarbon emissions. [The Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality may use this information to fund the United States
Environmental Protection Agency verification of a technology in
accordance with Section 387.003, Health and Safety Code.] |
SECTION 8. Sections 387.003, 387.004, 387.005, 387.006, and |
387.007, Health and Safety Code, are repealed. |
SECTION 9. A grant issued under Chapter 387, Health and |
Safety Code, before the effective date of this Act is governed by |
Chapter 387, Health and Safety Code, as it existed immediately |
before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in |
effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 10. To the extent of any conflict, this Act prevails |
over another Act of the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session, 2011, |
relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted |
codes. |
SECTION 11. This Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |