82R6997 CAS-D
  By: Workman H.B. No. 1370
  relating to establishment of the Texas Construction Academy as a
  residential construction training and high school center for
  certain public high school students and high school graduates.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter F, Chapter 29, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 29.191 to read as follows:
         Sec. 29.191.  TEXAS CONSTRUCTION ACADEMY. (a) The agency
  shall establish the Texas Construction Academy as a residential
  training center for high school juniors and seniors who are
  interested in a career in the construction industry.
         (b)  The academy must offer:
               (1)  a residential program for high school juniors and
               (2)  the high school curriculum necessary for high
  school juniors and seniors to graduate from the academy with a high
  school diploma;
               (3)  to the greatest extent practicable, training in
  all areas of civil, commercial, residential, and industrial
  construction, including training in the following specific areas:
                     (A)  installing:
                           (i)  electrical systems;
                           (ii)  heating, ventilating, and air
  conditioning systems;
                           (iii)  plumbing systems; and
                           (iv)  drywall;
                     (B)  framing;
                     (C)  performing concrete work;
                     (D)  painting and applying other wall or exterior
  building finishes;
                     (E)  roofing;
                     (F)  welding;
                     (G)  pipefitting;
                     (H)  operating heavy equipment;
                     (I)  surveying;
                     (J)  estimating the costs of materials and
                     (K)  managing construction projects, including
  scheduling projects and providing project leadership; and
                     (L)  ensuring a safe work environment; and
               (4)  counseling concerning educational and career
  training opportunities available to students after high school
         (c)  To the greatest extent practicable, training under
  Subsection (b) must be provided by requiring students to perform
  construction activities.
         (d)  A student who resides anywhere in this state may apply
  for admission to the academy for all or part of a student's junior
  or senior year of high school. The commissioner shall by rule adopt
  a form and procedure for applying for admission to the academy and
  criteria for admission.
         (e)  The commissioner shall determine the location of the
  academy based on the need in an area of this state for the type of
  educational environment and program to be provided by the academy
  and the cost of locating the academy in a particular area. In
  making that determination, the commissioner shall include
  consideration of:
               (1)  the appropriateness of various rural areas of this
  state as a location for the academy; and
               (2)  the availability for use by the academy of a
  facility of a school district or institution of higher education or
  a facility donated by an appropriate private entity.
         (f)  The agency shall post on the agency's Internet website
  information concerning the academy, including information
  concerning the location of the academy, the program offered,
  eligibility requirements for admission, and application forms and
         (g)  The agency shall solicit and may accept for use by the
  academy donations of material, equipment, or facilities from a
  public or appropriate private entity.
         (h)  During a period when regular academy classes are in
  recess, the academy may enroll high school graduates, especially
  recent high school graduates, in academy courses developed for that
  purpose. The academy may charge reasonable tuition and fees as
  established by commissioner rule to a high school graduate who
  enrolls in an academy course.
         (i)  In addition to rules specifically required to be adopted
  by this section, the commissioner shall adopt any other rules
  necessary for the administration of this section.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.