relating to the desired future conditions of groundwater resources |
within groundwater management areas. |
SECTION 1. Section 16.053(e), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(e) Each regional water planning group shall submit to the |
development board a regional water plan that: |
(1) is consistent with the guidance principles for the |
state water plan adopted by the development board under Section |
16.051(d); |
(2) provides information based on data provided or |
approved by the development board in a format consistent with the |
guidelines provided by the development board under Subsection (d); |
(3) identifies: |
(A) each source of water supply in the regional |
water planning area, including information supplied by the |
executive administrator on the amount of modeled [managed] |
available groundwater in accordance with the guidelines provided by |
the development board under Subsections (d) and (f); |
(B) factors specific to each source of water |
supply to be considered in determining whether to initiate a |
drought response; |
(C) actions to be taken as part of the response; |
and |
(D) existing major water infrastructure |
facilities that may be used for interconnections in the event of an |
emergency shortage of water; |
(4) has specific provisions for water management |
strategies to be used during a drought of record; |
(5) includes but is not limited to consideration of |
the following: |
(A) any existing water or drought planning |
efforts addressing all or a portion of the region; |
(B) approved groundwater conservation district |
management plans and other plans submitted under Section 16.054; |
(C) all potentially feasible water management |
strategies, including but not limited to improved conservation, |
reuse, and management of existing water supplies, conjunctive use, |
acquisition of available existing water supplies, and development |
of new water supplies; |
(D) protection of existing water rights in the |
region; |
(E) opportunities for and the benefits of |
developing regional water supply facilities or providing regional |
management of water supply facilities; |
(F) appropriate provision for environmental |
water needs and for the effect of upstream development on the bays, |
estuaries, and arms of the Gulf of Mexico and the effect of plans on |
navigation; |
(G) provisions in Section 11.085(k)(1) if |
interbasin transfers are contemplated; |
(H) voluntary transfer of water within the region |
using, but not limited to, regional water banks, sales, leases, |
options, subordination agreements, and financing agreements; and |
(I) emergency transfer of water under Section |
11.139, including information on the part of each permit, certified |
filing, or certificate of adjudication for nonmunicipal use in the |
region that may be transferred without causing unreasonable damage |
to the property of the nonmunicipal water rights holder; |
(6) identifies river and stream segments of unique |
ecological value and sites of unique value for the construction of |
reservoirs that the regional water planning group recommends for |
protection under Section 16.051; |
(7) assesses the impact of the plan on unique river and |
stream segments identified in Subdivision (6) if the regional water |
planning group or the legislature determines that a site of unique |
ecological value exists; and |
(8) describes the impact of proposed water projects on |
water quality. |
SECTION 2. Section 36.001, Water Code, is amended by |
amending Subdivisions (24) and (25) and adding Subdivision (30) to |
read as follows: |
(24) "Total estimated recoverable [aquifer] storage" |
means the total calculated volume of groundwater that an aquifer is |
capable of producing. |
(25) "Modeled [Managed] available groundwater" means |
the amount of water that the executive administrator determines may |
be produced on an average annual basis to achieve a [permitted by a
district for beneficial use in accordance with the] desired future |
condition established [of the aquifer as determined] under Section |
36.108. |
(30) "Desired future condition" means a quantitative |
description of the desired condition of the groundwater resources |
in a groundwater management area at a specified time in the future. |
SECTION 3. Section 36.1071(e), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(e) In the management plan described under Subsection (a), |
the district shall: |
(1) identify the performance standards and management |
objectives under which the district will operate to achieve the |
management goals identified under Subsection (a); |
(2) specify, in as much detail as possible, the |
actions, procedures, performance, and avoidance that are or may be |
necessary to effect the plan, including specifications and proposed |
rules; |
(3) include estimates of the following: |
(A) the amount of modeled [managed] available |
groundwater in the district based on information described by |
Subsection (h) and on the desired future condition established |
under Section 36.108; |
(B) the amount of groundwater being used within |
the district on an annual basis; |
(C) the annual amount of recharge from |
precipitation, if any, to the groundwater resources within the |
district; |
(D) for each aquifer, the annual volume of water |
that discharges from the aquifer to springs and any surface water |
bodies, including lakes, streams, and rivers; |
(E) the annual volume of flow into and out of the |
district within each aquifer and between aquifers in the district, |
if a groundwater availability model is available; |
(F) the projected surface water supply in the |
district according to the most recently adopted state water plan; |
and |
(G) the projected total demand for water in the |
district according to the most recently adopted state water plan; |
and |
(4) consider the water supply needs and water |
management strategies included in the adopted state water plan. |
SECTION 4. Section 36.108, Water Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (d), (d-1), (d-2), and (o) and adding |
Subsections (d-3), (d-4), (d-5), and (d-6) to read as follows: |
(d) Not later than September 1, 2010, and every five years |
thereafter, the districts shall consider groundwater availability |
models and other data or information for the management area and |
shall establish desired future conditions for the relevant aquifers |
within the management area. The desired future conditions |
established under this section must be for a period consistent with |
the planning cycles established under Section 16.051. In |
establishing the desired future conditions of the aquifers under |
this section, the districts shall consider [uses or conditions of
an aquifer within the management area that differ substantially
from one geographic area to another. The districts may establish
different desired future conditions for]: |
(1) aquifer uses or conditions within the management |
area, including uses or conditions that differ substantially from |
one geographic area to another; |
(2) the water supply needs and water management |
strategies included in the state water plan; |
(3) whether the desired future conditions are |
physically possible; |
(4) socioeconomic impacts reasonably expected; |
(5) environmental impacts, including spring flow and |
other interactions between groundwater and surface water; |
(6) the impact on the interests and rights in private |
property, including ownership and rights of the owners of the land |
and their lessees and assigns in groundwater as recognized under |
Section 36.002; |
(7) the hydrogeological conditions, including the |
total estimated recoverable storage reported by the executive |
administrator, recharge, inflows, and discharge; |
(8) the impact on subsidence; and |
(9) any other information relevant to the specific |
desired future condition. |
(d-1) The districts shall provide a written explanation of |
their determination of each consideration under Subsection (d). |
(d-2) The desired future conditions established under this |
section must provide a balance between: |
(1) the highest practicable level of groundwater |
production; and |
(2) the conservation, preservation, protection, |
recharging, and prevention of waste of groundwater and control of |
subsidence in the groundwater management area. |
(d-3) Subsection (d-2) may not be construed to prohibit the |
establishment of desired future conditions that provide for |
reasonable long-term management of groundwater resources |
consistent with the management goals under Section 36.1071(a). |
(d-4) The districts may establish different desired future |
conditions for: |
(1) each aquifer, subdivision of an aquifer, or |
geologic strata located in whole or in part within the boundaries of |
the management area; or |
(2) each geographic area overlying an aquifer in whole |
or in part or subdivision of an aquifer within the boundaries of the |
management area. |
(d-5) [(d-1)] The desired future conditions established |
under Subsection (d) must be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the |
district representatives present at a meeting: |
(1) at which at least two-thirds of the districts |
located in whole or in part in the management area have a voting |
representative in attendance; and |
(2) for which all districts located in whole or in part |
in the management area provide public notice in accordance with |
Chapter 551, Government Code. |
(d-6) [(d-2)] Each district in the management area shall |
ensure that its management plan contains goals and objectives |
consistent with achieving the desired future conditions of the |
relevant aquifers as adopted during the joint planning process. |
(o) The districts shall submit the conditions established |
under this section to the executive administrator. The executive |
administrator shall provide each district and regional water |
planning group located wholly or partly in the management area with |
the modeled [managed] available groundwater in the management area |
based upon the desired future condition of the groundwater |
resources established under this section. |
SECTION 5. Section 36.1132, Water Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
GROUNDWATER. A district, to the extent possible, shall issue |
permits up to the point that the total volume of groundwater |
permitted equals the modeled [managed] available groundwater, if |
administratively complete permit applications are submitted to the |
district. |
SECTION 6. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |