relating to the pilot program authorizing a property owner to |
appeal to the State Office of Administrative Hearings certain |
appraisal review board determinations. |
SECTION 1. Section 2003.902, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 2003.902. COUNTIES INCLUDED. The pilot program shall |
be implemented: |
(1) in Bexar, Cameron, El Paso, Harris, Tarrant, and |
Travis Counties for a three-year period beginning with the ad |
valorem tax year that begins January 1, 2010; and |
(2) in Collin, Denton, Fort Bend, Montgomery, and |
Nueces Counties for a one-year period beginning with the ad valorem |
tax year that begins January 1, 2012. |
SECTION 2. Section 2003.906, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) To appeal an appraisal review board order to the office under |
this subchapter, a property owner must file with the chief |
appraiser of the appraisal district [not later than the 30th day
after the date the property owner receives notice of the order]: |
(1) a completed notice of appeal to the office in the |
form prescribed by Section 2003.907; and |
(2) a deposit [filing fee] in the amount of $1,500 |
[$300], made payable to the office. |
(a-1) The notice of appeal required under Subsection (a)(1) |
must be filed with the chief appraiser not later than the 30th day |
after the date the property owner receives notice of the order. |
(a-2) The deposit required under Subsection (a)(2) must be |
filed with the chief appraiser not later than the 90th day after the |
date the property owner receives notice of the order. The deposit |
is refundable: |
(1) less the filing fee if the property owner and the |
appraisal district settle before the appeal is heard; or |
(2) less the filing fee and the office's costs if the |
property owner and the appraisal district settle after the appeal |
is heard. |
(a-3) If the property owner fails to pay the deposit as |
required under Subsection (a-2): |
(1) the office shall dismiss the property owner's |
appeal; and |
(2) the property owner is not entitled to file an |
appeal under this subchapter in any subsequent tax year. |
(b) As soon as practicable after receipt of a notice of |
appeal, the chief appraiser for the appraisal district shall: |
(1) indicate, where appropriate, those entries in the |
records that are subject to the appeal; |
(2) submit the notice of appeal and deposit [filing
fee] to the office; and |
(3) request the appointment of a qualified |
administrative law judge to hear the appeal. |
SECTION 3. Section 2003.912(b), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) The determination: |
(1) must include a determination of the appraised or |
market value, as applicable, of the property that is the subject of |
the appeal; |
(2) must contain a brief analysis of the |
administrative law judge's rationale for and set out the key |
findings in support of the determination but is not required to |
contain a detailed discussion of the evidence admitted or the |
contentions of the parties; |
(3) may include any remedy or relief a court may order |
under Chapter 42, Tax Code, in an appeal relating to the appraised |
or market value of property, including [other than] an award of |
attorney's fees under Section 42.29, Tax Code; and |
(4) shall specify whether the appraisal district or |
the property owner is required to pay the costs of the hearing and |
the amount of those costs. |
SECTION 4. The change in law made by this Act to Section |
2003.912, Government Code, applies only to an appeal filed under |
Subchapter Z, Chapter 2003, Government Code, on or after the |
effective date of this Act. An appeal filed under Subchapter Z, |
Chapter 2003, Government Code, before the effective date of this |
Act is governed by the law in effect when the appeal was filed, and |
the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |
* * * * * |