relating to the underground storage of water for later retrieval |
and beneficial use; authorizing the imposition of fees. |
SECTION 1. Section 11.002, Water Code, is amended by adding |
Subdivisions (22) and (23) to read as follows: |
(22) "Aquifer storage and recovery project" means an |
undertaking to facilitate the injection of surface water, |
groundwater, or treated effluent into a suitable aquifer by means |
of a well for later retrieval and beneficial use from that well or |
another well. |
(23) "Target aquifer" means an aquifer used in an |
aquifer storage and recovery project. |
SECTION 2. The heading to Section 11.153, Water Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 3. Sections 11.153(a), (b), (c), and (d), Water |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commission shall expedite [investigate the
feasibility of storing appropriated water in various types of
aquifers around the state by encouraging] the issuance of temporary |
or term permits for aquifer [demonstration projects for the] |
storage and recovery projects [of appropriated water for subsequent
retrieval and beneficial use]. The commission by rule shall allow |
the use of an existing permit for appropriated water that |
authorizes a consumptive use for a project to demonstrate the |
feasibility of an aquifer storage and recovery project. |
(b) A permit described by Subsection (a) must authorize the |
use of a sufficient quantity of appropriated water to demonstrate |
the feasibility of [be for only the duration of] the aquifer storage |
and recovery [pilot] project for the duration of the project to |
provide the commission [and] the [board further] opportunity to |
evaluate the storage of appropriated water in the target aquifer |
[aquifers for subsequent retrieval and beneficial use]. |
(c) After [At the conclusion of a pilot project,] a permit |
holder has completed the feasibility project described by |
Subsection (a), the permit holder may file an appropriate |
application for a permit or permit amendment to store appropriated |
water in an aquifer storage and recovery project. After |
considering the success of the project and the criteria set out in |
Section 11.154, the commission shall determine whether to issue a |
permit or permit amendment authorizing the continued storage of |
appropriated water in the aquifer. |
(d) The commission shall [only] issue a final order granting |
a permit or amendment to a permit authorizing the storage of |
appropriated water using an aquifer storage and recovery project |
[in aquifers for subsequent beneficial use] where the aquifer |
storage and recovery project is [completed pilot projects or
historically demonstrated projects have been] shown to be feasible |
under the criteria provided in Sections 11.154(c) and (d). |
SECTION 4. Section 11.154, Water Code, is amended to read as |
follows: |
application filed with the commission [to undertake a project] |
under Section 11.153 for a permit or a permit amendment to authorize |
the storage of appropriated water in an aquifer storage and |
recovery project must include: |
(1) the information required for an application for a |
permit or permit amendment to appropriate state water; |
(2) all information required for an application for a |
permit for a Class V injection well without requiring a separate |
hearing or notice; and |
(3) a map or plat showing the injection facility and |
the aquifer in which the water will be stored. |
(a-1) Subsection (a)(1) does not apply to an application |
filed under this section if the application is for an amendment to |
an existing permit and: |
(1) the permit the applicant seeks to amend authorizes |
a consumptive use of the appropriated water; and |
(2) the requested amendment will not change the point |
of diversion or the rate of diversion authorized under the permit |
the applicant seeks to amend. |
(b) If the application is for a permit or permit amendment |
to store appropriated water in a groundwater reservoir or a |
subdivision of a groundwater reservoir, as defined by Chapter 36, |
that is under the jurisdiction of a groundwater conservation |
district: |
(1) the applicant shall: |
(A) provide a copy of the application to each |
groundwater conservation district that has jurisdiction over the |
reservoir or subdivision; |
(B) register the permit as provided by Subchapter |
N, Chapter 36, [cooperate] with each district that has jurisdiction |
over the reservoir or subdivision [to ensure compliance with the
rules of each district]; and |
(C) [cooperate with each district that has
jurisdiction over the reservoir or subdivision to develop rules
regarding the injection, storage, and withdrawal of appropriated
water stored in the aquifer; and
[(D)] comply with the rules governing the |
injection, storage, and withdrawal of appropriated water stored in |
the reservoir or subdivision that are adopted by each district that |
has jurisdiction over the reservoir or subdivision, including a |
rule specifically relating to an aquifer storage and recovery |
project; and |
(2) the commission shall require that the applicant |
notify the commission when the applicant has registered the permit |
with the district as required by Subdivision (1)(B) [any agreement
the applicant reaches with a district that has jurisdiction over
the reservoir or subdivision regarding the terms for the injection,
storage, and withdrawal of appropriated water be included as a
condition of the permit or permit amendment]. |
(c) Before issuing [On receipt of an application for] a |
permit or an amendment to an existing permit authorizing the |
storage of appropriated water in an aquifer storage and recovery |
project, the [from an applicant with a completed pilot or
historically demonstrated project, the commission shall evaluate
the success of the project for purposes of issuing a final order
granting a permit or permit amendment authorizing the storage of
appropriated water incident to a beneficial use. The] commission |
shall consider whether: |
(1) the introduction of water into the target aquifer |
will alter the physical, chemical, or biological quality of native |
groundwater to a degree that the introduction would: |
(A) render groundwater produced from the aquifer |
harmful or detrimental to people, animals, vegetation, or property; |
or |
(B) require treatment of the groundwater to a |
greater extent than the native groundwater requires before being |
applied to that beneficial use; |
(2) the water stored in the target [receiving] aquifer |
can be successfully retrieved [harvested] from the aquifer for |
beneficial use; and |
(3) reasonable diligence will be used to protect the |
water stored in the target [receiving] aquifer from unauthorized |
withdrawals to the extent necessary to maximize the permit holder's |
ability to retrieve and beneficially use the stored water without |
experiencing unreasonable loss of appropriated water. |
(d) In making its evaluation under Subsection (c), the |
commission may consider all relevant facts, including: |
(1) the location and depth of the target aquifer in |
which the stored water is located; |
(2) the nature and extent of the surface development |
and activity above the stored water; |
(3) the permit holder's ability to prevent |
unauthorized withdrawals by contract or the exercise of the power |
of eminent domain; |
(4) the existence of a groundwater [an underground
water] conservation district or other governmental entity with |
jurisdiction over the production of water from the target aquifer |
[storing the water] and the district's ability to adopt rules to |
protect [stored] water stored in the aquifer storage and recovery |
project; and |
(5) the existence of any other political subdivision |
or state agency authorized to regulate the drilling of wells into or |
the production of water from the target aquifer. |
(e) A permit or a permit amendment that authorizes the |
storage of [to store] appropriated water in a groundwater reservoir |
or subdivision, as defined by Chapter 36, shall provide as a |
condition to the permit or permit amendment that the permit holder |
shall: |
(1) register the permit holder's injection and |
recovery wells that are used in connection with an aquifer storage |
and recovery project with a groundwater conservation district that |
has jurisdiction over the reservoir or subdivision, if any; and |
(2) comply with the reporting requirements |
established under Subchapter N, Chapter 36 [each calendar month,
provide the district, if any, with a written report showing for the
previous calendar month:
the amount of water injected for storage;
[(B) the amount of water recaptured for use]. |
SECTION 5. The heading to Section 11.155, Water Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 6. Section 11.155(b), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) The board, as part of the state and regional water |
planning process, shall conduct [make other] studies, |
investigations, and surveys of the aquifers in the state, including |
target aquifers, as it considers necessary to determine the |
feasibility of recommending the occurrence, quantity, quality, and |
availability of other aquifers in which water may be stored and |
subsequently retrieved for beneficial use. [The board shall
undertake the studies, investigations, and surveys in the following
order of priority:
[(1) the aquifers described in Section 11.153(a);
areas designated by the commission as "priority
groundwater management areas" under Section 35.008; and
other areas of the state in a priority to be
determined by the board's ranking of where the greatest need
exists.] |
SECTION 7. Section 26.001, Water Code, is amended by adding |
Subdivisions (27) and (28) to read as follows: |
(27) "Aquifer storage and recovery project" means an |
undertaking to facilitate the injection of surface water, |
groundwater, or treated effluent into a suitable aquifer by means |
of a well for later retrieval and beneficial use from that well or |
another well. |
(28) "Target aquifer" means an aquifer used in an |
aquifer storage and recovery project. |
SECTION 8. Sections 26.0271(b) and (c), Water Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) In any permit or amendment to a permit issued under this |
chapter, at the request of the applicant the commission may |
authorize a wastewater treatment facility to contribute treated |
domestic wastewater produced by the facility as reclaimed water to |
a reuse water system, or for storage in an aquifer storage and |
recovery project, if the commission has approved the use of |
reclaimed water from the wastewater treatment facility. |
(c) In any permit or amendment to a permit issued under this |
chapter, at the request of the applicant the commission shall |
authorize, subject to any required approval by the United States |
Environmental Protection Agency, a wastewater treatment facility |
to: |
(1) contribute reclaimed water into a reuse water |
system operated by the agency; [and] |
(2) discharge reclaimed water contributed to a reuse |
water system at any outfall for which a discharge from the reuse |
water system is authorized in any permit issued for any wastewater |
treatment facility operated by the agency; or |
(3) inject the reclaimed water for storage in an |
aquifer storage and recovery project. |
SECTION 9. Section 26.029(a), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) In each permit, the commission shall prescribe the |
conditions on which it is issued, including: |
(1) the duration of the permit; |
(2) the location of the point of discharge of the |
waste; |
(3) the maximum quantity of waste that may be |
discharged under the permit at any time and from time to time; |
(4) the character and quality of waste that may be |
discharged under the permit; [and] |
(5) any monitoring and reporting requirements |
prescribed by the commission for the permittee; and |
(6) the target aquifer into which the treated effluent |
may be injected as a contribution to an aquifer storage and recovery |
project. |
SECTION 10. Chapter 36, Water Code, is amended by adding |
Subchapter N to read as follows: |
Sec. 36.451. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Aquifer storage and recovery project" means an |
undertaking to facilitate the injection of surface water, |
groundwater, or treated effluent into a suitable aquifer by means |
of a well for later retrieval and beneficial use from that well or |
another well. |
(2) "Target aquifer" means an aquifer used in an |
aquifer storage and recovery project. |
(a) A well that is constructed and operated as part of an aquifer |
storage and recovery project is subject to the permitting |
requirements established under Section 11.154. |
(b) A well that is constructed and operated as part of an |
aquifer storage and recovery project is not subject to: |
(1) permitting by a district; or |
(2) rules adopted by a district relating to spacing, |
setback, or production limits. |
Sec. 36.453. REGISTRATION OF WELLS. (a) A well that is |
constructed and operated as part of an aquifer storage and recovery |
project must be registered with the district. |
(b) The registration application shall include: |
(1) the longitude and latitude coordinates of the |
well; |
(2) the depth at which the deepest point of the well is |
located and the aquifer, groundwater reservoir, or aquifer |
subdivision into which the well penetrates; |
(3) a designation of the well as a well for injection, |
recovery, or injection and recovery; |
(4) a copy of the commission's Class V injection well |
authorization, if applicable; |
(5) a copy of an authorization, if required, to use the |
surface and subsurface of the property to construct and operate an |
aquifer storage and recovery project, including a deed, lease, or |
easement; |
(6) evidence that each well associated with the |
aquifer storage and recovery project is metered; and |
(7) a copy of the following, as applicable: |
(A) a permit authorizing the use of the water to |
be injected into a storage well, if use of that water requires a |
permit; |
(B) a permit for use of unappropriated water from |
the commission; or |
(C) a production and operating permit issued by a |
district other than the district in which the well is registered. |
(c) A district shall register a well that is the subject of |
an application that meets the requirements of Subsection (b). |
Except as provided by Subsection (b), a district shall adopt rules |
to protect water stored in an aquifer storage and recovery project |
to the greatest extent practicable. |
(b) The district is not required to adopt rules to prohibit |
the withdrawal of water stored in an aquifer storage and recovery |
project by the holder of a permit issued by a district from a well |
located outside of the area described in the aquifer storage and |
recovery project well registration. |
(c) Nothing in this subchapter may be construed as |
authorizing the production of groundwater from an aquifer, |
groundwater reservoir, or subdivision of an aquifer within the |
jurisdiction of a district without a permit issued under this |
chapter. |
(d) In considering an application for a permit for |
production from a highly productive aquifer, as determined by |
district rule, for purposes of storing the water produced in an |
aquifer storage and recovery project, a district shall consider: |
(1) the benefits of storing the water in the aquifer |
storage and recovery project; and |
(2) the ability of the more productive contributing |
aquifer to recover and replace the water stored in the target |
aquifer. |
Sec. 36.455. REPORTS. (a) A person operating an aquifer |
storage and recovery project shall meter the volume of water |
injected and recovered from each well associated with the project |
at the wellhead and file a monthly report with the district in which |
each well is located. The report must contain the following |
information: |
(1) the amount of water injected for storage in each |
well located in the district and the source of the injected water; |
and |
(2) the amount of water recovered from each well |
located in the district. |
(b) The report required by Subsection (a) must be filed not |
later than the 20th day of each month. |
(c) A person operating an aquifer storage and recovery |
project shall file an annual report with the district in which each |
well associated with the project is located. The report must |
contain the following information: |
(1) the cumulative amount of water in storage in the |
project; and |
(2) a map showing the areal extent of the underground |
movement of the stored water as of the end of the year in which the |
report is prepared. |
(d) The report required by Subsection (c) must be filed not |
later than January 20 of each year. |
(e) If water is injected into a well for storage in one |
district and later recovered from a well located in a different |
district, the reports required under this section shall be provided |
to each district in which a well associated with the project is |
located. |
Sec. 36.456. FEES. (a) Except as provided by Subsections |
(b) and (c), a district may not assess against an aquifer storage |
and recovery project a fee, assessment, or tax. |
(b) A district may require: |
(1) the payment of a fee of $100 for each well related |
to an aquifer storage and recovery project that is registered as |
provided by Section 36.453, payable at the time the well is |
registered with the district, except as provided by Subsection (c); |
and |
(2) the payment of an annual fee not to exceed $5 per |
acre-foot of water injected in an aquifer storage and recovery |
project during the preceding year, which must be submitted with the |
annual report required under Section 36.455(c). |
(c) The fees collected by a district: |
(1) under Subsection (b)(1) may not exceed $10,000 for |
a single aquifer storage and recovery project and may only be used |
to compensate the district for the cost of conducting field |
inspections to verify: |
(A) the location of wells associated with an |
aquifer storage and recovery project; and |
(B) the installation of meters on each well |
associated with an aquifer storage and recovery project; and |
(2) under Subsection (b)(2) must be deposited into a |
mitigation account and may be used by the district only to |
compensate a person who meets the requirements prescribed by |
Subsection (d). |
(d) A district may pay money from a mitigation account to a |
person in an amount equal to the costs incurred by the person to |
repair, rehabilitate, or replace a well if the person presents |
evidence to the district's board of directors that demonstrates to |
a reasonable degree of certainty that the operation of the aquifer |
storage and recovery project resulted in damage to the person's |
well. |
(e) A district's payment of money under Subsection (d) may |
not be construed as an admission of liability by an aquifer storage |
and recovery project. |
Sec. 36.457. STORAGE AND RECOVERY. (a) Water in an aquifer |
storage and recovery project may be stored in and recovered from |
multiple aquifers, provided that the storage and recovery is |
accomplished using injection and recovery wells completed in the |
target aquifer. Individual injection and recovery wells may be |
completed only in a single aquifer to prevent cross-contamination |
of aquifers. |
(b) Water stored in an aquifer storage and recovery project |
is not subject to production limits, cutbacks, or other action by |
the district to reduce production. |
Sec. 36.458. REGULATION BY DISTRICT. An aquifer storage |
and recovery project, and the water stored in a project, is not |
subject to any provision or requirement of this chapter related to |
the desired future conditions or modeled available groundwater |
adopted by the district or the applicable groundwater management |
area. |
Sec. 36.459. ADMINISTRATION. The executive administrator |
shall develop for adoption by the Texas Water Development Board or |
any successor agency model rules for the administration of aquifer |
storage and recovery projects for districts not later than December |
31, 2013. The model rules, once adopted, are applicable to all |
districts in the state and must be adopted by each district on or |
before the 60th day following the date of adoption by the Texas |
Water Development Board. |
Sec. 36.460. WASTEWATER USAGE. Under a permit issued under |
Chapter 26, treated wastewater effluent may be stored in an aquifer |
storage and recovery project. |
Sec. 36.461. STATE FUNDING. An aquifer storage and |
recovery project is eligible for state funding in the form of loans |
and grants from any available fund or revenue source used to fund |
projects included in the state water plan. |
SECTION 11. Sections 11.153(e) and 11.155(a), Water Code, |
are repealed. |
SECTION 12. This Act takes effect on the 91st day after the |
last day of the legislative session. |