relating to emergency preparedness information about water |
facilities. |
SECTION 1. Sections 13.1396(b), (c), (d), (e), and (g), |
Water Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) An affected utility shall submit to [the county judge,] |
the office of emergency management of each county in which the |
utility has more than one customer, the Public Utility Commission |
of Texas, and the office of emergency management of the governor[,] |
a copy of: |
(1) the affected utility's emergency preparedness plan |
approved under Section 13.1395; and |
(2) the commission's notification to the affected |
utility that the plan is accepted. |
(c) Each affected utility shall submit to each electric |
utility that provides transmission and distribution service to the |
affected utility, each retail electric provider that sells electric |
power to the affected utility, [the county judge and] the office of |
emergency management of each county in which the utility has water |
and wastewater facilities that qualify for critical load status |
under rules adopted by the Public Utility Commission of Texas, [and
to] the Public Utility Commission of Texas, and the division of |
emergency management of the governor: |
(1) information identifying the location and |
providing a general description of all water and wastewater |
facilities that qualify for critical load status; and |
(2) emergency contact information for the affected |
utility, including: |
(A) the person who will serve as a point of |
contact and the person's telephone number; |
(B) the person who will serve as an alternative |
point of contact and the person's telephone number; and |
(C) the affected utility's mailing address. |
(d) An affected utility shall: |
(1) annually submit the information required by |
Subsection (c) to each electric utility that provides transmission |
and distribution service to the affected utility and to each retail |
electric provider that sells electric power to the affected |
utility; and |
(2) immediately update the information provided under |
Subsection (c) as changes to the information occur. |
(e) Each [Not later than February 1 of each year, the county
judge of each county that receives the information required by
Subsections (c) and (d) shall:
submit the information for each affected utility
to each retail electric provider that sells electric power to an
affected utility and each electric utility that provides
transmission and distribution service to an affected utility; and
[(2) in cooperation with the] affected utility shall |
[,] submit annually to each electric utility that provides |
transmission and distribution service to the affected utility and |
to each retail electric provider that sells electric power to the |
affected utility [for each affected utility] any forms reasonably |
required by an electric utility or retail electric provider for |
determining critical load status, including a critical care |
eligibility determination form or similar form. |
(g) If an electric utility determines that an affected |
utility's facilities do not qualify for critical load status, the |
electric utility and the retail electric provider, not later than |
the 30th day after the date the electric utility or retail electric |
provider receives the information required by Subsections (c) and |
(d), shall provide a detailed explanation of the electric utility's |
determination to the affected utility and the office of emergency |
management of each county in which the affected utility's |
facilities are located [each county judge that submitted the
information]. |
SECTION 2. Section 13.1396(a)(2), Water Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |
* * * * * |