87S10770 SMT-D
  By: Jetton H.B. No. 269
  relating to electronic voter registration.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 13, Election Code, is
  amended by adding Section 13.009 to read as follows:
         Sec. 13.009.  ELECTRONIC VOTER REGISTRATION. (a) The
  secretary of state shall implement a program to allow a person who
  has a valid driver's license or personal identification card issued
  in this state to complete a voter registration application over the
  Internet from an official website of this state. The secretary of
  state may develop an Internet website for this purpose.
         (b)  An applicant for electronic voter registration must:
               (1)  attest to the truth of the information provided on
  the application by affirmatively accepting the information as true;
               (2)  affirmatively consent to the use of the signature
  on the applicant's driver's license or personal identification card
  for voter registration purposes;
               (3)  provide the information required under Section
  13.002(c); and
               (4)  provide the audit number and date of issuance of
  the applicant's Texas driver's license or personal identification
  card issued by the Department of Public Safety.
         (c)  When a person submits an application under this section,
  the secretary of state shall compare the information provided by
  the applicant against Department of Public Safety records. If any
  information submitted by an applicant does not match Department of
  Public Safety records, the secretary shall reject the application.
         (d)  When a person submits an application under this section,
  the Internet Protocol address of the device used to submit the
  application shall be recorded and included with the applicant's
  application file under Section 13.101 or 13.102, as appropriate.
         (e)  The completed online application and information from
  the Department of Public Safety, including all copies of the
  applicant's digital signature on record, shall be provided to:
               (1)  the voter registrar for the county where the
  applicant currently resides; and
               (2)  the secretary of state for the statewide
  computerized voter registration list under Section 18.061.
         (f)  An application submitted electronically under this
  section is considered for all purposes as an application submitted
  by mail under this title.
         (g)  The secretary of state shall adopt rules as necessary to
  implement this section.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect December 1, 2022.