relating to decreasing administrative burdens of Medicaid managed |
care for the state, the managed care organizations, and providers |
under managed care networks. |
SECTION 1. Section 533.0071, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
commission shall make every effort to improve the administration of |
contracts with managed care organizations. To improve the |
administration of these contracts, the commission shall: |
(1) ensure that the commission has appropriate |
expertise and qualified staff to effectively manage contracts with |
managed care organizations under the Medicaid managed care program; |
(2) evaluate options for Medicaid payment recovery |
from managed care organizations if the enrollee dies or is |
incarcerated or if an enrollee is enrolled in more than one state |
program or is covered by another liable third party insurer; |
(3) maximize Medicaid payment recovery options by |
contracting with private vendors to assist in the recovery of |
capitation payments, payments from other liable third parties, and |
other payments made to managed care organizations with respect to |
enrollees who leave the managed care program; |
(4) decrease the administrative burdens of managed |
care for the state, the managed care organizations, and the |
providers under managed care networks to the extent that those |
changes are compatible with state law and existing Medicaid managed |
care contracts, including decreasing those burdens by: |
(A) where possible, decreasing the duplication |
of administrative reporting requirements for the managed care |
organizations, such as requirements for the submission of encounter |
data, quality reports, historically underutilized business |
reports, and claims payment summary reports; |
(B) allowing managed care organizations to |
provide updated address information directly to the commission for |
correction in the state system; |
(C) promoting consistency and uniformity among |
managed care organization policies, including policies relating to |
the [preauthorization process,] lengths of hospital stays, filing |
deadlines, levels of care, and case management services; |
(D) developing efficiency standards and |
requirements for managed care organizations for submitting and |
tracking preauthorization requests for services provided under the |
Medicaid program [reviewing the appropriateness of primary care
case management requirements in the admission and clinical criteria
process, such as requirements relating to including a separate
cover sheet for all communications, submitting handwritten
communications instead of electronic or typed review processes, and
admitting patients listed on separate notifications]; [and] |
(E) providing a single portal through which |
providers in any managed care organization's provider network may |
submit claims; [and] |
(F) requiring the use of standardized |
application processes and forms for credentialing providers in a |
managed care organization's network; and |
(G) promoting prompt adjudication of claims |
through provider education on the proper submission of clean claims |
and on appeals; |
(5) reserve the right to amend the managed care |
organization's process for resolving provider appeals of denials |
based on medical necessity to include an independent review process |
established by the commission for final determination of these |
disputes; and |
(6) monitor and evaluate a managed care organization's |
compliance with contractual requirements regarding: |
(A) the reduction of administrative burdens for |
network providers; and |
(B) complaints regarding claims adjudication or |
payment. |
SECTION 2. If before implementing any provision of this Act |
a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a |
federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision, |
the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or |
authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the |
waiver or authorization is granted. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2013. |