relating to requirements for the notice that excavators must |
provide to notification centers and underground facility operators |
for certain excavation operations. |
SECTION 1. Section 251.151(a), Utilities Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Sections 251.155, [and] 251.156, |
and 251.1565, a person who intends to excavate shall notify a |
notification center not earlier than the 14th day before the date |
the excavation is to begin or later than the 48th hour before the |
time the excavation is to begin, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and |
legal holidays. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter D, Chapter 251, Utilities Code, is |
amended by adding Section 251.1565 to read as follows: |
For the purposes of this section, "large operation" means an |
excavation operation conducted in a contiguous geographical area |
that: |
(1) exceeds one linear mile; or |
(2) reasonably requires more than 90 days to complete. |
(b) For a planned large operation, the excavator shall: |
(1) notify a notification center of the operation and |
include in the notice: |
(A) the information described by Section |
251.152; and |
(B) an indication that the operation is a large |
operation; and |
(2) provide written notice of the operation to each |
operator that may have an underground facility in the vicinity of |
the operation. |
(c) The excavator may not begin the large operation until |
the excavator and each operator that is known to the excavator to |
have an underground facility in the vicinity of the operation have |
entered into an agreement to coordinate the marking of the |
operator's underground facilities in segments as the operation |
progresses in order to coordinate the marking of the facilities |
with excavation schedules. The excavator and each operator shall |
determine a mutually agreed on marking schedule based on the |
planned operation schedule. |
(d) Once an excavator establishes a marking schedule under |
Subsection (c) with each operator that has an underground facility |
in the vicinity of the operation, the marking and notification |
requirements of Sections 251.151, 251.154, and 251.157 do not apply |
to the large operation. |
(e) An excavator may treat any excavation operation as a |
large operation for the purposes of notifying an operator of a |
planned excavation operation and determining a marking schedule |
with the operator if the operator agrees. |
(f) The excavator shall notify each operator with which the |
excavator has agreed on a marking schedule under this section if: |
(1) the start time of the large operation changes; |
(2) the information provided to the notification |
center under Subsection (b) for the large operation changes; or |
(3) the operator's markings are no longer visible, are |
unclear, or are damaged. |
(g) The excavator shall notify each operator with which the |
excavator has agreed on a marking schedule under this section of the |
time excavation will begin in close proximity to the operator's |
facility at least 24 hours before that time. |
SECTION 3. Section 251.157(a), Utilities Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) Each Class A underground facility operator contacted by |
the notification system shall mark the approximate location of its |
underground facilities at or near the site of the proposed |
excavation if the operator believes that marking the location is |
necessary. The operator shall mark the location not later than: |
(1) the 48th hour after the time the excavator gives to |
the notification system notice of intent to excavate, excluding |
Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays; |
(2) 11:59 a.m. on the Tuesday following a Saturday |
notification unless the intervening Monday is a holiday; |
(3) 11:59 a.m. on the Wednesday following a Saturday |
notification if the intervening Monday is a holiday; [or] |
(4) if the operator must use additional equipment or |
excavate the proposed excavation site to mark the approximate |
location of its underground facilities, 96 hours after 8:00 a.m. on |
the business day following the date the excavator gives the |
notification system notice of intent to excavate; or |
(5) a time agreed to by the operator and the excavator. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2017. |