relating to funding for new and existing migrant labor housing |
facilities; establishing an interagency task force to provide |
support for migrant agricultural workers. |
SECTION 1. Section 12.0271, Agriculture Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (b-1) to read as |
follows: |
(b) Financial assistance under Subsection (a) may be used |
only for a project relating to: |
(1) the acquisition or development of land, easements, |
or rights-of-way; |
(2) attracting new private enterprises to the county |
or municipality, including: |
(A) manufacturing facilities; |
(B) freight storage facilities; |
(C) distribution warehouse centers; and |
(D) other nonretail private enterprises; |
(3) the construction, extension, or other improvement |
of: |
(A) water or waste disposal facilities; [or] |
(B) transportation infrastructure; or |
(C) migrant labor housing facilities as defined |
by Section 2306.921, Government Code; or |
(4) any other activity relating to private economic |
development that the commissioner determines will encourage |
economic and infrastructure development in a rural area. |
(b-1) Financial assistance for projects described by |
Subsection (b)(3)(C) may only be awarded if the commissioner |
determines that the construction, extension, or improvement of |
migrant labor housing facilities will result in the creation and |
retention of jobs for migrant agricultural workers on a recurring |
basis or will otherwise encourage economic development in the area. |
In this subsection, "migrant agricultural worker" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 2306.921, Government Code. |
SECTION 2. Section 12.046, Agriculture Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (c-1) to read as |
follows: |
(c) The fund may be used by the department only to: |
(1) pay for grants or loans to public or private |
entities for projects in rural communities that have strong local |
support, provide positive return on the state's investment, and |
stimulate one or more of the following: |
(A) local entrepreneurship; |
(B) job creation or retention; |
(C) new capital investment; |
(D) strategic economic development planning; |
(E) individual economic and community |
development leadership training; |
(F) housing development, including the |
development of migrant labor housing facilities as defined by |
Section 2306.921, Government Code; or |
(G) innovative workforce education; and |
(2) administer the grant and loan program under this |
section. |
(c-1) Grants or loans for projects related to migrant labor |
housing facilities described by Subsection (c)(1)(F) may only be |
awarded for the purpose of establishing, maintaining, or operating |
a migrant labor housing facility if the recipient of the grant or |
loan commits to creating and retaining jobs for migrant |
agricultural workers on a recurring basis. In this subsection, |
"migrant agricultural worker" has the meaning assigned by Section |
2306.921, Government Code. |
SECTION 3. Section 481.078, Government Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (d-2) to read as |
follows: |
(c) Except as provided by Subsections (d), [and] (d-1), and |
(d-2), the fund may be used only for economic development, |
infrastructure development, community development, job training |
programs, and business incentives. |
(d-2) Money from the fund may be used by a farmer to |
establish, maintain, or operate a migrant labor housing facility. |
The governor may transfer appropriations from the fund to the Texas |
Department of Housing and Community Affairs to award grants for a |
purpose specified by this subsection. Subsections (e-1), (f), |
(f-1), (f-2), (g), (h), (h-1), (i), and (j) and Section 481.080 do |
not apply to a grant awarded for a purpose specified by this |
subsection. In this subsection, "farmer" means the owner or |
operator of an agricultural facility that is licensed as a migrant |
labor housing facility under Subchapter LL, Chapter 2306, or the |
owner or operator of an agricultural facility who seeks to |
establish a new migrant labor housing facility requiring licensure |
under that subchapter. |
SECTION 4. Subchapter DD, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 2306.67141 to read as follows: |
(a) In this section: |
(1) "Migrant labor housing facility" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 2306.921. |
(2) "Person" has the meaning assigned by Section |
2306.921. |
(b) The department shall set aside for eligible persons a |
portion, as determined by department rule, of the housing tax |
credits available for allocation in the calendar year. |
(c) A person is eligible to be awarded the housing tax |
credits set aside under Subsection (b) if the person: |
(1) has applied to receive federal financial |
assistance under Section 514 or 516, Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. |
Section 1484 or 1486); or |
(2) has received federal financial assistance |
provided under Section 514 or 516, Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. |
Section 1484 or 1486). |
(d) The department shall develop threshold, scoring, and |
underwriting criteria for applications from persons eligible to be |
awarded the set-aside. |
(e) An allocation of housing tax credits under Subsection |
(c)(1) is conditional on the actual receipt of federal financial |
assistance provided under Section 514 or 516, Housing Act of 1949 |
(42 U.S.C. Section 1484 or 1486). If an eligible person does not |
receive the assistance required by this subsection, the department |
shall rescind the allocation of housing tax credits and award those |
credits to another eligible person described by Subsection (c). |
(f) Any amount of housing tax credits set aside under this |
section that remains after the initial allocation of housing tax |
credits is available for allocation to any eligible applicant as |
provided by the qualified allocation plan. |
SECTION 5. Subchapter LL, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Sections 2306.934, 2306.935, and 2306.936 to read |
as follows: |
Sec. 2306.934. FARMER INCENTIVE PROGRAM. (a) In this |
section, "farmer" means the owner or operator of an agricultural |
facility who seeks to establish, maintain, or operate a migrant |
labor housing facility under this subchapter. |
(b) The department shall develop and administer an |
incentive program for farmers who have applied to receive federal |
financial assistance provided under Section 514 of the Housing Act |
of 1949 (42 U.S.C. Section 1484). |
(a) The department shall establish a fund in the department for the |
conditional forward commitment of funds to establish migrant labor |
housing facilities. The department may contribute money to the |
fund from any available source of revenue that the department |
considers appropriate, including money allocated to the department |
under the federal HOME Investment Partnerships program established |
under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing |
Act (42 U.S.C. Section 12701 et seq.), money allocated to the |
department under the community development block grant program |
authorized by Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act |
of 1974 (42 U.S.C. Section 5301 et seq.), and money from the housing |
trust fund under Section 2306.201. |
(b) A person licensed under this subchapter and who has |
applied to receive federal financial assistance provided under |
Section 514 or 516, Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. Section 1484 or |
1486), is eligible to be awarded a conditional forward commitment |
of funds. |
(c) An award of a forward commitment of funds under this |
section is conditional on the actual receipt of federal financial |
assistance provided under Section 514 or 516, Housing Act of 1949 |
(42 U.S.C. Section 1484 or 1486). If a person licensed under this |
subchapter does not receive the assistance required by this |
subsection, the department shall rescind the award. |
(d) The department shall develop threshold, scoring, and |
underwriting criteria for applications from persons who are |
licensed under this subchapter. |
Sec. 2306.936. INTERAGENCY TASK FORCE. (a) The department |
shall establish an interagency task force to coordinate efforts to |
improve housing conditions and housing options for migrant |
agricultural workers. |
(b) The interagency task force shall: |
(1) help coordinate interagency efforts to improve |
housing conditions and housing options for migrant agricultural |
workers; |
(2) provide migrant agricultural workers with |
information regarding available support services; |
(3) establish a complaint system for migrant |
agricultural workers to report poor housing conditions or poor |
treatment; |
(4) investigate complaints made by migrant |
agricultural workers using the complaint system established under |
Subdivision (3); and |
(5) create strategies to increase the number of |
migrant labor housing facilities. |
(c) The interagency task force shall be composed of the |
following nine members: |
(1) one representative of the department who is |
designated by the director of the department; |
(2) one representative of the Texas Department of |
Agriculture who is designated by the commissioner of the Texas |
Department of Agriculture; |
(3) one representative of the Health and Human |
Services Commission who is designated by the executive commissioner |
of the Health and Human Services Commission; |
(4) one representative of a local workforce |
development board who is designated by the executive director of |
the Texas Workforce Commission; |
(5) one representative from a nonprofit provider of |
affordable housing who is designated by the governor; |
(6) one representative from a nonprofit representing |
migrant agricultural workers who is designated by the governor; and |
(7) three migrant agricultural worker advocates who |
are designated by the governor. |
(d) The governor shall designate a member of the interagency |
task force to serve as presiding officer. |
(e) A vacancy on the interagency task force shall be filled |
in the same manner as the initial appointment. |
(f) A member on the interagency task force may not receive |
compensation for service on the task force, but is entitled to |
reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in |
performing task force duties. |
(g) The interagency task force may accept gifts and grants |
from any source to be used to carry out a function of the task force. |
(h) The interagency task force shall meet at least quarterly |
at the call of the presiding officer and at other times as |
determined by the presiding officer. |
(i) Not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year, |
the interagency task force shall prepare and submit to the |
governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of |
representatives a report with recommendations on improving housing |
conditions and housing options for migrant agricultural workers. |
SECTION 6. This Act takes effect September 1, 2017. |