relating to the control of access to state highways by the Texas |
Department of Transportation. |
SECTION 1. Section 203.031(a-1), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a-1) In the exercise of its authority to manage access to |
or from a controlled access highway under Subsection (a)(2) or (4), |
the commission by rule shall: |
(1) require that a decision by a department district |
office denying a request for access to a specific location on a |
controlled access highway be in writing and include the reasons for |
the denial; |
(2) provide procedures for appealing a denial under |
Subdivision (1), including procedures that: |
(A) allow the applicant to appeal the denial to |
the department's design division before the 31st day after the date |
written notice of the denial is given to the applicant; |
(B) provide that if an appeal under Paragraph (A) |
is not decided before the 31st [91st] day after the date the appeal |
was filed, the access applied for must be granted; and |
(C) allow the applicant to appeal the decision of |
the design division to the director and, if the decision is |
affirmed, to a board of variance appointed by the director and |
composed of at least three persons who may not be below the level of |
department division director, office director, or district |
engineer and who were not involved in the original decision to deny |
access; |
(3) provide that properly platted access points to or |
from a controlled access highway that are located on undeveloped |
property are subject to the access management standards in effect |
at the time the points were platted regardless of when the initial |
request for access was submitted to the department, but only if: |
(A) development of the property begins and the |
request for access at the platted locations is submitted to the |
department before the fifth anniversary of the date the plat was |
recorded; and |
(B) the design of the highway facility in the |
vicinity of the platted access points did not materially change |
after the date the plat was recorded so as to significantly impact |
traffic patterns to the extent that the platted access points |
present a threat to public safety; |
(4) require that: |
(A) owners of land adjacent to a proposed highway |
construction project be provided written notice of the project at |
least 60 days before the date construction begins if the project |
will permanently alter permitted access to or from a controlled |
access highway at the owners' existing locations; and |
(B) the access described by Paragraph (A) be |
reinstated to the most practicable extent possible after due |
consideration of the impact on highway safety, mobility, and |
efficient operation of any changed traffic patterns resulting from |
the construction; |
(5) adopt criteria for determining when a variance to |
access management standards may be granted, including criteria |
that, in addition to highway safety, mobility, and efficient |
operation concerns, takes into consideration any of the following |
consequences resulting from denial of the owner's request for |
access to a specific location on a controlled access highway that |
may impact a property owner: |
(A) denial of reasonable access to the property; |
and |
(B) undue hardship on a business located on the |
property; [and] |
(6) clarify that the remodeling or demolition and |
rebuilding of a business does not cause new access management |
standards to apply unless the department makes an affirmative |
finding in writing that the remodeled or rebuilt business will |
significantly impact traffic patterns to the extent that the |
current access location presents a threat to public safety; |
(7) ensure that the application of access management |
standards does not result in inconsistent access to or from a |
controlled access highway for properties used for the same or |
similar purposes; and |
(8) adopt access management standards that: |
(A) ensure sufficient access to or from a |
controlled access highway for properties that are two acres or |
less; and |
(B) require direct access to a controlled access |
highway for properties that are adjacent to the highway and have at |
least two hundred feet of frontage on the highway. |
SECTION 2. Not later than January 1, 2016, the Texas |
Transportation Commission shall adopt the rules required by Section |
203.031, Transportation Code, as amended by this Act. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2015. |