relating to the Hays County Development District No. 1. |
SECTION 1. Section 1, Chapter 1503, Acts of the 77th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2001, is amended by amending |
Subsections (a) and (c) and adding Subsection (d) to read as |
follows: |
(a) The legislature finds that the creation of Hays County |
Development District No. 1 (the "district"), [and] the project |
approved by the Hays County Commissioners Court on January 11, 2000 |
(the "project"), and other improvement projects described by |
Section 5A will serve the public purpose of attracting visitors and |
tourists to Hays County and will result in employment and economic |
activity in the manner contemplated by Section 52-a, Article III, |
Texas Constitution, and Chapter 383, Local Government Code. |
(c) The legislature further finds that the creation and |
operation of the district and the works, projects, improvements, |
and services that are to be promoted, facilitated, and accomplished |
by the district under powers conferred by Sections 52 and 52-a, |
Article III, and Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and |
other powers granted under this Act will provide a substantial and |
continuing public use and benefit [and the acquisition or financing
of the project by the district serve the purpose of Section 59,
Article XVI, and Section 52, Article III, Texas Constitution, and
that all steps necessary to create the district have been taken]. |
(d) The legislature further finds that the creation and |
continued operation of the district is essential to accomplish the |
purposes of Sections 52 and 52-a, Article III, and Section 59, |
Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and other public purposes stated |
in this Act. |
SECTION 2. Section 5, Chapter 1503, Acts of the 77th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2001, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 5. POWERS. (a) The district has all of the rights, |
powers, privileges, authority, functions, and duties provided by |
Chapters 375 and 383, Local Government Code, to county development |
districts and municipal management districts and the general laws |
relating to conservation and reclamation districts created under |
Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, including Chapters 49 |
and 54, Water Code. |
(b) The rights, powers, privileges, authority, functions, |
and duties include, [including] but are not limited to: |
(1) the authority to levy, assess, and collect ad |
valorem taxes for the purposes approved at the elections conducted |
on November 7, 2000; |
(2) the authority[, after approval by voters at an
election conducted within the boundaries of the district,] to levy, |
assess and collect taxes for maintenance and operating purposes in |
the manner set forth in Sections 49.107(a)-(e), Water Code, and for |
the repayment of bonds, notes, warrants, lease purchase agreements, |
certificates of assessment, certificates of participation in lease |
purchase agreements, and other interest-bearing obligations in the |
manner set forth in Sections 49.106(a)-(d), Water Code, and for all |
of the purposes for which the district may expend funds; |
(3) to establish, levy, and collect special |
assessments in the manner specified in Sections 375.111-375.124, |
Local Government Code; provided, however, that Sections |
375.161-375.163, Local Government Code, shall not apply to the |
assessments imposed by the district; |
(4) to utilize funds, whether the funds are derived |
from ad valorem taxes, sales and use taxes, hotel occupancy taxes, |
assessments, revenues from the project, or any other source, for |
payment of projects or services in the manner authorized by |
Section 375.181, Local Government Code, Chapter 54, Water Code, and |
Chapter 383, Local Government Code; |
(5) to enter into obligations, including, but not |
limited to, lease purchase agreements, certificates of |
participation in lease purchase agreements, general obligation |
bonds and notes and revenue bonds and notes, and combination |
general obligation and revenue bonds and notes and other |
interest-bearing obligations, in the manner specified in Sections |
375.201-375.204, Local Government Code. To enter into these |
obligations, the district shall obtain only those approvals |
required for the issuance of obligations by Hays County by Chapter |
53, Acts of the 70th Legislature, Second Called Session, 1987; |
(6) to adopt the powers of a road district under |
Section 52(b)(3), Article III, Texas Constitution, in the manner |
specified in Sections 53.029(c) and (d), Water Code; |
(7) to levy, assess, and collect ad valorem taxes to |
make payments on a contract under Sections 49.108(a)-(d), Water |
Code, after obtaining those approvals specified in Section 1, |
Chapter 778, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995; |
(8) to exercise all of the rights, powers, and |
authority of a road district, a municipal management district, and |
a municipal utility district [water control and improvement
district which are not specifically contradicted by Chapter 383,
Local Government Code]; [and] |
(9) to exercise all of the rights, powers, and |
authority granted to the district by this Act, and all of the |
rights, powers, and authority granted to the district by Chapters |
383 and 375, Local Government Code, and Chapters 49 and 54, Water |
Code, which are not contrary to [any provisions of] this Act, to |
finance, construct, or otherwise acquire an improvement project |
described by Section 5A or the project or any element of the project |
identified in the Commissioners Court Order Upon Hearing and |
Granting Petition Requesting the Creation of Hays County |
Development District No. 1 and Appointing Temporary Directors dated |
January 11, 2000, including, but not limited to, a [the] hotel, a |
residential area of a development, a nature trail, a commercial |
activity or endeavor, a [the] golf course, [the] water, sewer, |
drainage, and road improvements, [the] organizational costs, and |
[the] costs of issuance of the obligations of the district; and |
(10) to purchase a right-of-way. |
SECTION 3. Chapter 1503, Acts of the 77th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2001, is amended by adding Sections 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, |
5E, and 5F to read as follows: |
Sec. 5A. IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. (a) The district may |
provide, or it may contract with a governmental or private entity to |
provide, the following types of improvement projects or activities |
in support of or incidental to those projects: |
(1) a supply and distribution facility or system to |
provide potable and nonpotable water to the residents and |
businesses of the district, including a wastewater collection |
facility; |
(2) a paved road or street, inside and outside the |
district, to the extent authorized by Section 52, Article III, |
Texas Constitution; |
(3) the planning, design, construction, improvement, |
and maintenance of: |
(A) landscaping; |
(B) highway right-of-way or transit corridor |
beautification and improvement; |
(C) lighting, banners, and signs; |
(D) a street or sidewalk; |
(E) a hiking and cycling path or trail; |
(F) a pedestrian walkway, skywalk, crosswalk, or |
tunnel; |
(G) a park, lake, garden, recreational facility, |
sports facility, golf course, open space, scenic area, or related |
exhibit or preserve; |
(H) a fountain, plaza, or pedestrian mall; or |
(I) a drainage or storm-water detention |
improvement; |
(4) protection and improvement of the quality of storm |
water that flows through the district; |
(5) the planning, design, construction, improvement, |
maintenance, and operation of: |
(A) a water or sewer facility; or |
(B) an off-street parking facility or heliport; |
(6) the planning and acquisition of: |
(A) public art and sculpture and related exhibits |
and facilities; or |
(B) an educational and cultural exhibit or |
facility; |
(7) the planning, design, construction, acquisition, |
lease, rental, improvement, maintenance, installation, and |
management of and provision of furnishings for a facility for: |
(A) a conference, convention, or exhibition; |
(B) a manufacturer, consumer, or trade show; |
(C) a civic, community, or institutional event; |
or |
(D) an exhibit, display, attraction, special |
event, or seasonal or cultural celebration or holiday; |
(8) the removal, razing, demolition, or clearing of |
land or improvements in connection with an improvement project; |
(9) the acquisition and improvement of land or other |
property for the mitigation of the environmental effects of an |
improvement project; |
(10) the acquisition of property or an interest in |
property in connection with an authorized improvement project; |
(11) a special or supplemental service for the |
improvement and promotion of the district or an area adjacent to the |
district or for the protection of public health and safety in or |
adjacent to the district, including: |
(A) advertising; |
(B) promotion; |
(C) tourism; |
(D) health and sanitation; |
(E) public safety; |
(F) security; |
(G) fire protection or emergency medical |
services; |
(H) business recruitment; |
(I) development; |
(J) elimination of traffic congestion; and |
(K) recreational, educational, or cultural |
improvements, enhancements, and services; or |
(12) any similar public improvement, facility, or |
service, including a public improvement, facility, or service |
normally provided by a municipal utility district or municipal |
management district. |
(b) The district may undertake: |
(1) the project approved by the Hays County |
Commissioners Court on January 11, 2000, wholly or partly; or |
(2) an improvement project under this section that the |
board determines is necessary to accomplish a public purpose of the |
district. |
Sec. 5B. CONTRACT POWERS. (a) The district may contract |
with any person to accomplish a district purpose, including to: |
(1) pay a person for any costs incurred by that person |
on behalf of the district, including all or part of the costs of an |
improvement project, and any interest on those costs; and |
(2) use, occupy, lease, rent, operate, maintain, or |
manage all or part of an improvement project. |
(b) The district may apply for and contract with any person |
to receive, administer, and perform a district duty under a |
federal, state, local, or private gift, grant, loan, conveyance, |
transfer, bequest, or other financial assistance arrangement |
relating to the investigation, planning, analysis, study, design, |
acquisition, construction, improvement, completion, |
implementation, or operation by the district or other entity of an |
improvement project. |
(c) The district may contract with any person to carry out a |
district purpose on the terms and for a period determined by the |
board. |
(d) A person may contract with the district to carry out a |
district purpose without further statutory or other authorization. |
Sec. 5C. RULES; ENFORCEMENT. (a) The district may adopt |
rules: |
(1) to administer or operate the district; |
(2) for the use, enjoyment, availability, protection, |
security, and maintenance of the district's property, including |
facilities; or |
(3) to provide for public safety and security in the |
district. |
(b) The district may enforce its rules by injunctive relief. |
To the extent a district rule conflicts with a rule, order, or |
ordinance of a municipality, the municipal rule, order, or |
ordinance controls. |
FACILITY OF DISTRICT. (a) The board by rule may regulate the |
private use of a public roadway, open space, park, sidewalk, or |
similar public area or facility in the district. A rule may provide |
for the safe and orderly use of public roadways, open spaces, parks, |
sidewalks, and similar public areas or facilities. |
(b) The board may require a permit for a parade, |
demonstration, celebration, entertainment event, or similar |
nongovernmental activity in or on a public roadway, open space, |
park, sidewalk, or similar public area or facility in the district. |
The board may charge a fee for the permit application or for public |
safety or security services for those facilities in an amount the |
board considers necessary. |
(c) The board may require a permit or franchise agreement |
with a vendor, concessionaire, exhibitor, or similar private or |
commercial person or organization for the limited use of the area or |
facility in the district on terms and on payment of a permit or |
franchise fee the board may impose. |
The district's bonds and other securities are not subject to the |
jurisdiction or supervision of the Texas Commission on |
Environmental Quality under Chapter 49, Water Code, Chapter 375, |
Local Government Code, or any other law. |
(b) Sections 375.207 and 375.208, Local Government Code, do |
not apply to the district. |
SECTION 4. Sections 7(a) and (b), Chapter 1503, Acts of the |
77th Legislature, Regular Session, 2001, are amended to read as |
follows: |
(a) The district shall [continue to] operate |
administratively as a municipal utility [county development] |
district and, subject to this Act [the provisions hereinafter set
forth], comply with Subchapters C and D, Chapter 49, Water Code, and |
Subchapter C, Chapter 54, Water Code [383, Local Government Code]. |
(b) Each director who takes office after the effective date |
of the [this] Act of the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session, 2011, |
amending this section shall: |
(1) own land in [within the boundaries of] the |
district; or |
(2) be a qualified voter in the district. |
SECTION 5. Section 8, Chapter 1503, Acts of the 77th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2001, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 8. LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS. [The legislature finds that
the principal function of the district is to provide for
development and operation of the project, to facilitate economic
development, and to attract visitors and tourists, which will
result in employment and economic activity in Hays County.] The |
legislature finds that the district may provide water and sewer, |
landscaping, drainage, and reclamation services to residential |
retail or commercial customers or entertainment venues. The |
district is a district described in Section 49.181(h)(4), Water |
Code. |
SECTION 6. Section 7(e), Acts of the 77th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2001, is repealed. |
SECTION 7. An election to confirm a person who is a member |
of the board of directors of the Hays County Development District |
No. 1 as of May 1, 2011, is not required. |
SECTION 8. The legislature confirms and validates all |
actions of the Hays County Development District No. 1 that were |
taken before May 1, 2011, including any elections conducted by the |
district, including any election to impose maintenance and |
operation taxes or to adopt the powers of a road district. |
SECTION 9. (a) The legal notice of the intention to |
introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this |
Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a |
copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies, |
officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished |
under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313, |
Government Code. |
(b) The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed |
its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor, the |
lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of |
representatives within the required time. |
(c) All requirements of the constitution and laws of this |
state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect |
to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled |
and accomplished. |
SECTION 10. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |