82R7052 JXC-F
  By: Laubenberg H.B. No. 3846
  relating to the creation of the Mustang Ranch Municipal Management
  District No. 1; providing authority to levy an assessment and issue
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 4, Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 3885 to read as follows:
         Sec. 3885.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Board" means the district's board of directors.
               (2)  "City" means the City of Celina, Texas.
               (3)  "County" means Collin County, Texas.
               (4)  "Development agreement" means the development
  agreement between the city and Celina 682 Partners, L.P., effective
  June 11, 2007.  The agreement includes any amendments made before
  the effective date of the Act enacting this chapter.
               (5)  "Director" means a board member.
               (6)  "District" means the Mustang Ranch Municipal
  Management District No. 1.
         Sec. 3885.002.  CREATION AND NATURE OF DISTRICT. The
  district is a special district created under Sections 52 and 52-a,
  Article III, and Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
         Sec. 3885.003.  PURPOSE; LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS. (a) The
  creation of the district is essential to accomplish the purposes of
  Sections 52 and 52-a, Article III, and Section 59, Article XVI,
  Texas Constitution, and other public purposes stated in this
  chapter. By creating the district and in authorizing the city and
  other political subdivisions to contract with the district, the
  legislature has established a program to accomplish the public
  purposes set out in Section 52-a, Article III, Texas Constitution.
         (b)  The creation of the district is necessary to promote,
  develop, encourage, and maintain employment, commerce,
  transportation, housing, tourism, recreation, the arts,
  entertainment, economic development, safety, and the public
  welfare in the district.
         (c)  This chapter and the creation of the district may not be
  interpreted to relieve the city or county from providing the level
  of services provided to the area in the district as of the effective
  date of the Act enacting this chapter. The district is created to
  supplement and not to supplant the city and county services
  provided in the district.
         Sec. 3885.004.  FINDINGS OF BENEFIT AND PUBLIC PURPOSE. (a)
  The district is created to serve a public use and benefit.
         (b)  All land and other property included in the district
  will benefit from the improvements and services to be provided by
  the district under powers conferred by Sections 52 and 52-a,
  Article III, and Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and
  other powers granted under this chapter.
         (c)  The district is created to accomplish the purposes of a
  municipal management district as provided by general law and
  Sections 52 and 52-a, Article III, and Section 59, Article XVI,
  Texas Constitution.
         (d)  The creation of the district is in the public interest
  and is essential to:
               (1)  further the public purposes of developing and
  diversifying the economy of the state;
               (2)  eliminate unemployment and underemployment; and
               (3)  develop or expand transportation and commerce.
         (e)  The district will:
               (1)  promote the health, safety, and general welfare of
  residents, employers, potential employees, employees, visitors,
  and consumers in the district, and of the public;
               (2)  provide needed funding for the district to
  preserve, maintain, and enhance the economic health and vitality of
  the district territory as a community and business center; and
               (3)  promote the health, safety, welfare, and enjoyment
  of the public by providing pedestrian ways and by landscaping and
  developing certain areas in the district, which are necessary for
  the restoration, preservation, and enhancement of scenic beauty.
         (f)  Pedestrian ways along or across a street, whether at
  grade or above or below the surface, and street lighting, street
  landscaping, parking, and street art objects are parts of and
  necessary components of a street and are considered to be a street
  or road improvement.
         (g)  The district will not act as the agent or
  instrumentality of any private interest even though the district
  will benefit many private interests as well as the public.
         Sec. 3885.005.  INITIAL DISTRICT TERRITORY. (a) The
  district is initially composed of the territory described by
  Section 2 of the Act enacting this chapter.
         (b)  The boundaries and field notes contained in Section 2 of
  the Act enacting this chapter form a closure. A mistake in the
  field notes or in copying the field notes in the legislative process
  does not affect the district's:
               (1)  organization, existence, or validity;
               (2)  right to contract;
               (3)  authority to borrow money or issue bonds or other
  obligations described by Section 3885.253 or to pay the principal
  and interest of the bonds or other obligations;
               (4)  right to impose or collect an assessment, or
  collect other revenue; or
               (5)  legality or operation.
  (a)  All or any part of the area of the district is eligible to be
  included in:
               (1)  a tax increment reinvestment zone created under
  Chapter 311, Tax Code;
               (2)  a tax abatement reinvestment zone created under
  Chapter 312, Tax Code;
               (3)  an enterprise zone created under Chapter 2303,
  Government Code; or
               (4)  an industrial district created under Chapter 42,
  Local Government Code.
         (b)  If the city creates a tax increment reinvestment zone
  described by Subsection (a), the city and the board of directors of
  the zone, by contract with the district, may grant money deposited
  in the tax increment fund to the district to be used by the district
               (1)  the purposes permitted for money granted to a
  corporation under Section 380.002(b), Local Government Code; and
               (2)  any other district purpose, including the right to
  pledge the money as security for any bonds or other obligations
  issued by the district under Section 3885.253.
         (c)  A tax increment reinvestment zone created by the city in
  the district is not subject to the limitations provided by Section
  311.006, Tax Code.
  DISTRICT LAW.  Except as provided by this chapter, Chapter 375,
  Local Government Code, applies to the district.
         Sec. 3885.008.  LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION OF CHAPTER. This
  chapter shall be liberally construed in conformity with the
  findings and purposes stated in this chapter.
  [Sections 3885.009-3885.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 3885.051.  GOVERNING BODY; TERMS. (a) The district is
  governed by a board of five directors composed of:
               (1)  three directors appointed by the governing body of
  the city;
               (2)  the city manager; and
               (3)  the city's chief financial officer.
         (b)  An appointed director serves a term of four years.
         Sec. 3885.052.  QUALIFICATIONS OF DIRECTOR. (a) Section
  375.063, Local Government Code, does not apply to a director
  employed by the city.
         (b)  Section 49.052, Water Code, does not apply to the
         Sec. 3885.053.  VACANCY. The governing body of the city
  shall appoint a director to fill a vacancy on the board for the
  remainder of the unexpired term.
         Sec. 3885.054.  DIRECTOR'S OATH OR AFFIRMATION. A  director
  shall file the director's oath or affirmation of office with the
  district, and the district shall retain the oath or affirmation in
  the district records.
         Sec. 3885.055.  OFFICERS. The board shall elect from among
  the directors a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary.
         Sec. 3885.056.  COMPENSATION; EXPENSES. (a) The district
  may compensate each director in an amount not to exceed $150 for
  each board meeting.
         (b)  A director is entitled to reimbursement for necessary
  and reasonable expenses incurred in carrying out the duties and
  responsibilities of a director.
         Sec. 3885.057.  LIABILITY INSURANCE.  The district may
  obtain and pay for comprehensive general liability insurance
  coverage from a commercial insurance company or other source that
  protects and insures the directors against personal liability and
  from all claims for actions taken as directors or actions and
  activities taken by the district or by others acting on its behalf.
         Sec. 3885.058.  BOARD MEETINGS.  The board shall hold
  meetings at a place accessible to the public.
         Sec. 3885.059.  INITIAL DIRECTORS. (a) The initial board
  consists of the following directors:
               (1)  Jason Gray, city manager;
               (2)  Jay Toutounchian, city chief financial officer;
               (3)  Jim Melino;
               (4)  a director appointed by the governing body of the
  city; and
               (5)  a director appointed by the governing body of the
         (b)  Of the initial directors, the term of the director
  appointed under Subsection (a)(3) expires May 31, 2014, and the
  terms of the directors appointed under Subsections (a)(4) and (5)
  expire May 31, 2012.
         (c)  This section expires September 1, 2014.
  [Sections 3885.060-3885.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 3885.101.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES.  The district has
  the powers and duties necessary to accomplish the purposes for
  which the district is created.
         Sec. 3885.102.  IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. The district may
  provide, or it may enter into contracts with a governmental or
  private entity to provide, the improvement projects described by
  Subchapter C-1 or activities in support of or incidental to those
         Sec. 3885.103.  WATER DISTRICT POWERS. The district has the
  powers provided by the general laws relating to conservation and
  reclamation districts created under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas
  Constitution, including Chapters 49 and 54, Water Code.
         Sec. 3885.104.  ROAD DISTRICT POWERS.  The district has the
  powers provided by the general laws relating to road districts and
  road utility districts created under Section 52(b), Article III,
  Texas Constitution, including Chapter 441, Transportation Code.
  district has the powers provided by Chapter 372, Local Government
  Code, to a municipality or county.
         Sec. 3885.106.  CONTRACT POWERS. The district may contract
  with a governmental or private entity, on terms determined by the
  board, to carry out a power or duty authorized by this chapter or to
  accomplish a purpose for which the district is created.
         Sec. 3885.107.  ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.  (a)  The district may
  engage in activities that accomplish the economic development
  purposes of the district.
         (b)  The district may establish and provide for the
  administration of one or more programs to promote state or local
  economic development and to stimulate business and commercial
  activity in the district, including programs to:
               (1)  make loans and grants of public money; and
               (2)  provide district personnel and services.
         (c)  The district may create economic development programs
  and exercise the economic development powers that:
               (1)  Chapter 380, Local Government Code, provides to a
  municipality; and
               (2)  Subchapter A, Chapter 1509, Government Code,
  provides to a municipality.
         Sec. 3885.108.  NO EMINENT DOMAIN POWER.  The district may
  not exercise the power of eminent domain.
         Sec. 3885.109.  NO TOLL ROADS.  The district may not
  construct, acquire, maintain, or operate a toll road.
  [Sections 3885.110-3885.150 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 3885.151.  IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AND SERVICES.  The
  district may provide, design, construct, acquire, improve,
  relocate, operate, maintain, or finance an improvement project or
  service using money available to the district, or contract with a
  governmental or private entity to provide, design, construct,
  acquire, improve, relocate, operate, maintain, or finance an
  improvement project or service authorized under this chapter or
  Chapter 375, Local Government Code.
         Sec. 3885.152.  BOARD DETERMINATION REQUIRED.  The district
  may not undertake an improvement project unless the board
  determines the project:
               (1)  is necessary to accomplish a public purpose of the
  district; and
               (2)  complies with the development agreement or the
  parties to the development agreement agree to the project, in
         Sec. 3885.153.  LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. An
  improvement project may be inside or outside the district.
         Sec. 3885.154.  CITY REQUIREMENTS.  (a)  An improvement
  project in the city must comply with any applicable requirements of
  the city, including codes and ordinances, that are consistent with
  the development agreement.
         (b)  The district may not provide, conduct, or authorize any
  improvement project on the city's streets, highways,
  rights-of-way, or easements without the consent of the governing
  body of the city.
  AREA. The district may undertake an improvement project or service
  that confers a special benefit on a definable area in the district
  and levy and collect a special assessment on benefited property in
  the district in accordance with:
               (1)  Chapter 372, Local Government Code; or
               (2)  Chapter 375, Local Government Code.
         Sec. 3885.156.  CONTRACTS. A contract to design, construct,
  acquire, improve, relocate, operate, maintain, or finance an
  improvement project is considered a contract for a good or service
  under Subchapter I, Chapter 271, Local Government Code.
  [Sections 3885.157-3885.200 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 3885.201.  DIVISION OF DISTRICT; PREREQUISITE. The
  district may be divided into two or more new districts only if the
  district has no outstanding bonded debt.
         Sec. 3885.202.  LAW APPLICABLE TO NEW DISTRICT. This
  chapter applies to any new district created by division of the
  district, and a new district has all the powers and duties of the
         Sec. 3885.203.  DIVISION PROCEDURES. (a) The board, on its
  own motion or on receipt of a petition signed by an owner of real
  property in the district, may adopt an order proposing to divide the
         (b)  The board may not divide the district unless the
  division is approved by the governing body of the city by
  resolution. The resolution may set terms for the division under
  Subsection (c).
         (c)  If the board decides to divide the district, the board
  shall, subject to the city's resolution:
               (1)  set the terms of the division, including names for
  the new districts and a plan for the payment or performance of any
  outstanding district obligations;
               (2)  prepare a metes and bounds description for each
  proposed district; and
               (3)  appoint initial directors for each new district.
         Sec. 3885.204.  NOTICE AND RECORDING OF ORDER.  Not later
  than the 30th day after the date of an order dividing the district,
  the district shall:
               (1)  file the order with the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality; and
               (2)  record the order in the real property records of
  the county in which the district is located.
         Sec. 3885.205.  CONTRACT AUTHORITY OF NEW DISTRICTS. (a)  
  Except as provided by Subsection (b), the new districts may
  contract with each other for any matter the boards of the new
  districts consider appropriate.
         (b)  The new districts may not contract with each other for
  water and wastewater services.
  [Sections 3885.206-3885.250 reserved for expansion]
  board by resolution shall establish the number of directors'
  signatures and the procedure required for a disbursement or
  transfer of the district's money.
  The district may undertake and provide an improvement project or
  service authorized by this chapter using any money available to the
         Sec. 3885.253.  BORROWING MONEY; OBLIGATIONS. (a) The
  district may borrow money for a district purpose without holding an
  election by issuing bonds, notes, time warrants, or other
  obligations, or by entering into a contract or other agreement
  payable wholly or partly from an assessment, a contract payment, a
  grant, revenue from a zone created under Chapter 311 or 312, Tax
  Code, other district revenue, or a combination of these sources.
         (b)  An obligation described by Subsection (a):
               (1)  may bear interest at a rate determined by the
  board; and
               (2)  may include a term or condition as determined by
  the board.
         Sec. 3885.254.  DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. Before the district
  borrows money or issues an obligation under Section 3885.253, the
  city must provide written certification to the district that no
  party to the development agreement is in default as of the date the
  district is authorized to borrow the money or enter the obligation.
         Sec. 3885.255.  ASSESSMENTS.  (a)  Except as provided by
  Subsection (b), the district may impose an assessment on property
  in the district to pay for an obligation described by Section
  3885.253 in the manner provided for:
               (1)  a district under Subchapters A, E, and F, Chapter
  375, Local Government Code; or
               (2)  a municipality or county under Subchapter A,
  Chapter 372, Local Government Code.
         (b)  The district may not impose an assessment on a
  municipality, county, or other political subdivision.
         Sec. 3885.256.  NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS. (a) The board shall
  annually file written notice with the secretary of the city that
  specifies the assessments the district will impose in the
  district's next fiscal year in sufficient clarity to describe the
  assessments for the operation and maintenance of the district and
  the assessments for the payment of debt service of obligations
  issued or incurred by the district.
         (b)  The board shall annually record in the deed records of
  the county a current assessment roll approved by the governing body
  of the city.
         (c)  The assessment roll must clearly state that the
  assessments in the assessment roll are in addition to the ad valorem
  taxes imposed by other taxing units that tax real property in the
         (d)  The district shall generate and implement a program to
  provide notification to a prospective purchaser of property in the
  district of the assessments that have been approved and are imposed
  by the district.
         Sec. 3885.257.  RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY NOT EXEMPT. Section
  375.161, Local Government Code, does not apply to the district.
         Sec. 3885.258.  NO IMPACT FEES. The district may not impose
  an impact fee.
         Sec. 3885.259.  NO AD VALOREM TAX. The district may not
  impose an ad valorem tax.
  QUALITY.  An obligation described by Section 3885.253 and secured
  by special assessments is not subject to the jurisdiction or
  supervision of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality under
  Chapter 49 or 54, Water Code, Section 375.208, Local Government
  Code, or any other law.
  [Sections 3885.261-3885.300 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 3885.301.  DISSOLUTION BY CITY. (a) The city may
  dissolve the district by ordinance.
         (b)  The city may not dissolve the district until:
               (1)  the district's outstanding debt or contractual
  obligations have been repaid or discharged; or
               (2)  the city agrees to succeed to the rights and
  obligations of the district.
  (a) If the dissolved district has bonds or other obligations
  outstanding secured by and payable from assessments or other
  revenue, the city succeeds to the rights and obligations of the
  district regarding enforcement and collection of the assessments or
  other revenue.
         (b)  The city shall have and exercise all district powers to
  enforce and collect the assessments or other revenue to pay:
               (1)  the bonds or other obligations when due and
  payable according to their terms; or
               (2)  special revenue or assessment bonds or other
  obligations issued by the city to refund the outstanding bonds or
  obligations of the district.
         Sec. 3885.303.  ASSUMPTION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. (a)
  After the city dissolves the district, the city assumes the
  obligations of the district, including any bonds or other debt
  payable from assessments or other district revenue.
         (b)  If the city dissolves the district, the board shall
  transfer ownership of all district property to the city.
         SECTION 2.  The Mustang Ranch Municipal Management District
  No. 1 initially includes all the territory contained in the
  following area:
         BEING a tract of land located in the COLEMAN WATSON SURVEY,
  ABSTRACT NO. 945, Collin County, Texas and being a part of a called
  632.051 acre tract of land described in Deed to Twin Eagles, Ltd.
  recorded in County Clerk's Document Number 96-0013989, Deed
  Records, Collin County, Texas and being a part of a called 12.686
  acre tract of land described in Deed to Robert S. Folsom, Trustee of
  the Twin Eagles Qualified Personal Residence Trust recorded in
  County Clerk's Document Number 95-0093145, Deed Records, Collin
  County, Texas and being a part of a called 50.00 acre tract of land
  described in Deed to Twin Eagles Ltd. recorded in Volume 4826, Page
  2205, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas and being more
  particularly described as follows:
         BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found in the North line of
  Farm-To-Market Road 1461, a variable width right-of-way, at the
  Southwest corner of a called 19.93 acre tract of land described in
  Deed to Debra Folsom Jarma and Don M. Jarma recorded in Volume 3790,
  Page 267, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, said point being the
  Southeast corner of said 50.00 acre tract;
         THENCE South 89 degrees 41 minutes 18 seconds West, along the
  North line of said Farm-To-Market Road 1461, a distance of 750.84
  feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA"
  set for corner, from which a 1/2 inch iron found bears South 76
  degrees 31 minutes 14 seconds West, a distance of 2.08 feet;
         THENCE South 89 degrees 16 minutes 18 seconds West,
  continuing long the North line of said Farm-To-Market Road 1461, a
  distance of 231.01 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic
  cap stamped "DAA" set at the Southwest corner of Lot 30, Block C of
  TWELVE OAKS PHASE II, an Addition to Collin County, Texas according
  to the Plat thereof recorded in Cabinet P, Slide 486, Map Records,
  Collin County, Texas, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow
  plastic cap stamped "EC&D RPLS 5439" bears South 06 degrees 27
  minutes 24 seconds West, a distance of 0.32 feet;
         THENCE North 00 degrees 54 minutes 55 seconds East, along the
  West line of said TWELVE OAKS PHASE II, a distance of 2,206.67 feet
  to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA" set in
  the South line of said 632.051 acre tract at the Northeast corner of
  Lot 18, Block C of said TWELVE OAKS PHASE II, from which a 1/2 inch
  iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "ROOME" bears South 50
  degrees 24 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 0.44 feet;
         THENCE South 89 degrees 37 minutes 23 seconds West, along the
  North line of said TWELVE OAKS PHASE II, a distance of 2,146.50 feet
  to a 3/8 inch iron rod found at the Southwest corner of said 632.051
  acre tract;
         THENCE North 00 degrees 07 minutes 29 seconds East, along the
  West line of said 632.051 acre tract, a distance of 1,637.32 feet to
  a point for corner in the approximate centerline of Wilson Creek and
  in the East line of Lot 5, Block A of WILSON CREEK ESTATES, an
  Addition to Collin County, Texas according to the Plat thereof
  recorded in Cabinet J, Slide 605, Map Records, Collin County,
         THENCE Northerly, along the East line of said WILSON CREEK
  ESTATES and the approximate centerline of said Wilson Creek, the
  following five (5) courses and distances; North 39 degrees 31
  minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of 1.00 feet to a point for
  corner; North 14 degrees 09 minutes 54 seconds East, a distance of
  67.24 feet to a point for corner; North 01 degrees 45 minutes 24
  seconds West, a distance of 113.30 feet to a point for corner; North
  08 degrees 43 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 137.99 feet to
  point for corner; North 02 degrees 14 minutes 13 seconds West, a
  distance of 113.37 feet to point at the Southeast corner of WILSON
  CREEK ESTATES 2, an Addition to Collin County, Texas according to
  the Plat thereof recorded in Cabinet K, Slide 192, Map Records,
  Collin County, Texas;
         THENCE Northerly, along the East line of said WILSON CREEK
  ESTATES 2 and the approximate centerline of said Wilson Creek, the
  following eight (8) courses and distances; North 15 degrees 56
  minutes 43 seconds East, a distance of 284.21 feet to point for
  corner; North 27 degrees 49 minutes 29 seconds East, a distance of
  53.72 feet to a point for corner; North 13 degrees 03 minutes 17
  seconds East, a distance of 109.39 feet to point for corner; North
  10 degrees 02 minutes 27 seconds West, a distance of 235.76 feet to
  point for corner; North 04 degrees 58 minutes 53 seconds East, a
  distance of 56.26 feet to a point for corner; North 05 degrees 12
  minutes 56 seconds West, a distance of 121.33 feet to point for
  corner; North 09 degrees 39 minutes 44 seconds West, a distance of
  165.65 feet to point for corner; North 01 degrees 30 minutes 36
  seconds East, a distance of 45.98 feet to a point for corner in the
  South line of a called 185.094 acre tract of land described as Tract
  One in Deed to J. Baxter Brinkman recorded in County Clerk's
  Document Number 92-0052450, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas,
  from which a 3/4 inch iron rod found bears South 89 degrees 38
  minutes 46 seconds West; a distance of 39.22 feet;
         THENCE North 89 degrees 38 minutes 46 seconds East, along the
  common line of said 185.094 acre tract and said 632.051 acre tract,
  a distance of 1,947.39 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner;
         THENCE North 00 degrees 14 minutes 27 seconds West, along the
  common line of said 185.094 acre tract and said 632.051 acre tract,
  a distance of 1,721.69 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow
  plastic cap stamped "DAA" set at the Southwest corner of a called
  5.384 acre tract of land described as Tract Two in Deed to J. Baxter
  Brinkman recorded in County Clerk's Document Number 92-0052450,
  Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, from which a 1/2 inch iron rod
  found bears South 85 degrees 18 minutes 16 seconds West, a distance
  of 1.01 feet;
         THENCE Easterly, along the common line of said 5.384 acre
  tract and said 632.051 acre tract, the following six (6) courses and
  distances: North 89 degrees 48 minutes 09 seconds East, a distance
  of 2,167.88 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap
  stamped "COLLIS RPLS 1764" found for corner; North 89 degrees 49
  minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 465.82 feet to a 1/2 inch
  iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA" set for corner,
  from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found bears South 35 degrees 46
  minutes 01 seconds West, a distance of 0.39 feet; North 89 degrees
  47 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 305.39 feet to a 1/2 inch
  iron rod found for corner; North 89 degrees 51 minutes 51 seconds
  East, a distance of 816.05 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow
  plastic cap stamped "DAA" set for corner; South 89 degrees 56
  minutes 24 seconds East, a distance of 311.73 feet to a 1/2 inch
  iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA" set for corner;
  North 89 degrees 42 minutes 42 seconds East, a distance of 330.59
  feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA"
  set at the Northwest corner of a called 1.0000 acre tract of land
  described in Deed to Danville Water Supply Corporation recorded in
  Volume 1992, Page 738, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas;
         THENCE South 00 degrees 15 minutes 01 seconds East, along the
  common line of said 1.0000 acre tract and said 632.051 acre tract, a
  distance of 146.88 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner;
         THENCE North 89 degrees 44 minutes 59 seconds East,
  continuing along the common line of said 1.0000 acre tract and said
  632.051 acre tract a distance of 299.37 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod
  with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA" set for corner in the West
  line of Farm-To-Market Road 2478, a variable width right-of-way,
  from which a 1/2 inch iron rod found bears South 89 degrees 44
  minutes 59 seconds East, a distance of 0.33 feet;
         THENCE Southerly, along the West line of said Farm-To-Market
  Road 2478, the following eight (8) courses and distances: South 04
  degrees 07 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 113.40 feet to a
  wood right-of-way marker found for corner; South 03 degrees 46
  minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 525.05 feet to a 1/2 inch
  iron rod found for corner; South 01 degrees 56 minutes 26 seconds
  West, a distance of 100.50 feet to a nail found in wood right-of-way
  marker for corner; South 03 degrees 46 minutes 13 seconds East, a
  distance of 200.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic
  cap stamped "DAA" set for corner, from which a wood right-of-way
  marker found bears North 78 degrees 39 minutes 45 seconds West, a
  distance of 0.95 feet; South 09 degrees 28 minutes 51 seconds East,
  a distance of 100.50 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow
  plastic cap stamped "DAA" set for corner; South 03 degrees 46
  minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 415.90 feet to a wood
  right-of-way marker found for corner at the beginning of a curve to
  the right having a central angle of 03 degrees 41 minutes 00
  seconds, a radius of 5,679.58 feet and a chord bearing and distance
  of South 01 degrees 55 minutes 43 seconds East, 365.06 feet;
  Southerly, along said curve to the right, an arc distance of 365.12
  feet to a wood right-of-way marker found for corner; South 00
  degrees 05 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 2,278.15 feet to a
  1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA" set at the
  Northeast corner of a called 1.000 acre tract of land described in
  Deed to Rhea's Mill Baptist Church recorded in Volume 1745, Page
  773, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, from which a 1/2 inch
  square pipe found bears South 89 degrees 48 minutes 02 seconds West,
  a distance of 1.07 feet;
         THENCE South 89 degrees 48 minutes 02 seconds West, a
  distance of 291.81 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the
  Northwest corner of said Rhea's Mill Baptist Church tract;
         THENCE South 00 degrees 20 minutes 34 seconds East, a
  distance of 150.52 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic
  cap stamped "DAA" set for corner in the North line of Lot 4 of
  ROLLING MEADOWS ESTATES, an Addition to Collin County, Texas
  according to the Plat thereof recorded in Cabinet P, Slide 486, Map
  Records, Collin County, Texas;
         THENCE South 89 degrees 40 minutes 07 seconds West, along the
  common line of said ROLLING MEADOWS ESTATES and said 632.051 acre
  tract, passing at a distance of 1,509.89 feet a 1 inch iron rod
  found at the Northwest corner of said ROLLING MEADOWS ESTATES and
  the Northeast corner of a called 81.104 acre tract described in Deed
  to Debra F. Jarma and Don M. Jarma recorded in County Clerk's
  Document Number 95-0092267, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas and
  continuing along the common line of said 81.104 acre tract and said
  632.051 acre tract, in all for a total distance of 2,209.89 feet to
  a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA" set for
         THENCE South 00 degrees 52 minutes 41 seconds West, along the
  common line of said 81.104 acre tract and said 632.051 acre tract, a
  distance of 421.13 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic
  cap stamped "DAA" set for corner;
         THENCE South 89 degrees 27 minutes 07 seconds West,
  continuing along the common line of said 81.104 acre tract and said
  632,051 acre tract, a distance of 1,159.85 feet to a 1/2 inch iron
  square pipe found at the Northwest corner of said 81.104 acre tract
  and the Northeast corner of a called 11.252 acre tract of land
  described in Deed to Debra F. Jarma and Don M. Jarma recorded in
  Volume 4973, Page 3420, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas;
         THENCE South 89 degrees 24 minutes 47 seconds West, along the
  common line of said 11.252 acre tract and said 632.051 acre tract, a
  distance of 281.99 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic
  cap stamped "DAA" set at the Northwest corner of said 11.252 acre
         THENCE Southerly, along the West line of said 11.252 acre
  tract, the following six (6) courses and distances: South 00
  degrees 55 minutes 08 seconds West, a distance of 420.00 feet to a
  1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA" set for
  corner; South 14 degrees 29 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance of
  241.26 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped
  "DAA" set for corner; South 00 degrees 55 minutes 08 seconds West, a
  distance of 320.00 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic
  cap stamped "DAA" set for corner; South 12 degrees 45 minutes 08
  seconds West, a distance of 449.55 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a
  yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA" set for corner; South 19 degrees 10
  minutes 32 seconds East, a distance of 436.57 feet to a 1/2 inch
  iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA" set for corner;
  South 33 degrees 22 minutes 42 seconds East, a distance of 288.40
  feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA"
  set for corner in the West line of said 19.93 acre tract;
         THENCE South 01 degrees 56 minutes 48 seconds West, along the
  West line of said 19.93 acre tract, a distance of 139.88 feet to the
  POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 681.999 acres of land, more or
         SECTION 3.  (a) The legal notice of the intention to
  introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
  Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
  copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
  officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
  under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
  Government Code.
         (b)  The governor, one of the required recipients, has
  submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality.
         (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
  its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor,
  lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives
  within the required time.
         (d)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
  state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
  to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act have been
  fulfilled and accomplished.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.