relating to the authority of a reserve peace officer. |
SECTION 1. Section 85.004(b), Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) A reserve deputy serves at the discretion of the sheriff |
and may be called into service if the sheriff considers it necessary |
to have additional officers to preserve the peace and enforce the |
law. The sheriff may authorize a reserve deputy [who is a peace |
officer as described by Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal |
Procedure,] to carry a weapon or act as a peace officer at all |
times, regardless of whether the reserve deputy is engaged in the |
actual discharge of official duties, or may limit the authority of |
the reserve deputy to carry a weapon or act as a peace officer to |
only those times during which the reserve deputy is engaged in the |
actual discharge of official duties. Notwithstanding Section |
1702.322, Occupations Code, a reserve deputy may not perform an |
action for which a license is required under Chapter 1702 of that |
code unless the deputy is licensed in accordance with that chapter. |
The sheriff may not authorize a reserve deputy to perform an |
activity requiring the use of a police vehicle outside the county if |
the activity is for private gain. The sheriff may authorize a |
reserve deputy to conduct a police escort as defined by Section |
546.002, Transportation Code, only if the escort begins or ends in |
the county. A reserve deputy [who is not a peace officer as |
described by Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure, may act as |
a peace officer only during the actual discharge of official |
duties. A reserve deputy, regardless of whether the reserve deputy |
is a peace officer as described by Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal |
Procedure,] is not[: |
[(1)] eligible for participation in any program |
provided by the county that is normally considered a financial |
benefit of full-time employment or for any pension fund created by |
statute for the benefit of full-time paid peace officers[; or |
[(2) exempt from Chapter 1702, Occupations Code]. |
SECTION 2. Section 86.012(b), Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) A reserve deputy constable serves at the discretion of |
the constable and may be called into service at any time that the |
constable considers it necessary to have additional officers to |
preserve the peace and enforce the law. The constable may authorize |
a reserve deputy constable [who is a peace officer as described by |
Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure,] to carry a weapon or |
act as a peace officer at all times, regardless of whether the |
reserve deputy constable is engaged in the actual discharge of |
official duties, or may limit the authority of the reserve deputy |
constable to carry a weapon or act as a peace officer to only those |
times during which the reserve deputy constable is engaged in the |
actual discharge of official duties. Notwithstanding Section |
1702.322, Occupations Code, a reserve deputy constable may not |
perform an action for which a license is required under Chapter 1702 |
of that code unless the deputy is licensed in accordance with that |
chapter. The constable may not authorize a reserve deputy |
constable to perform an activity requiring the use of a police |
vehicle outside the county if the activity is for private gain. The |
constable may authorize a reserve deputy constable to conduct a |
police escort as defined by Section 546.002, Transportation Code, |
only if the escort begins or ends in the county. A reserve deputy |
constable [who is not a peace officer as described by Article |
2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure, may act as a peace officer only |
during the actual discharge of official duties. A reserve deputy |
constable, regardless of whether the reserve deputy constable is a |
peace officer as described by Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal |
Procedure,] is not[: |
[(1)] eligible for participation in any program |
provided by the county that is normally considered a financial |
benefit of full-time employment or for any pension fund created by |
statute for the benefit of full-time paid peace officers[; or |
[(2) exempt from Chapter 1702, Occupations Code]. |
SECTION 3. Sections 341.012(g) and (h), Local Government |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(g) An appointment to the reserve force must be approved by |
the governing body before the person appointed may carry a weapon or |
otherwise act as a peace officer. [On approval of the appointment |
of a member who is not a peace officer as described by Article |
2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure, the person appointed may carry |
a weapon only when authorized to do so by the chief of police and |
only when discharging official duties as a peace officer.] |
(h) Reserve police officers may act only in a supplementary |
capacity to the regular police force and may not assume the |
full-time duties of regular police officers without complying with |
the requirements for regular police officers. On approval of the |
appointment of a member [who is a peace officer as described by |
Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure], the chief of police |
may authorize the person appointed to carry a weapon or act as a |
peace officer at all times, regardless of whether the person is |
engaged in the actual discharge of official duties, or may limit the |
authority of the person to carry a weapon or act as a peace officer |
to only those times during which the person is engaged in the actual |
discharge of official duties. Notwithstanding Section 1702.322, |
Occupations Code, a reserve police officer may not perform an |
action for which a license is required under Chapter 1702 of that |
code unless the officer is licensed in accordance with that |
chapter. The chief of police may not authorize a reserve police |
officer to perform an activity requiring the use of a police vehicle |
outside a county in which the municipality is wholly or partly |
located if the activity is for private gain. The chief of police |
may authorize a reserve police officer to conduct a police escort as |
defined by Section 546.002, Transportation Code, only if the escort |
begins or ends in a county in which the municipality is wholly or |
partly located. A reserve police officer[, regardless of whether |
the reserve police officer is a peace officer as described by |
Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure,] is not[: |
[(1)] eligible for participation in any program |
provided by the governing body that is normally considered a |
financial benefit of full-time employment or for any pension fund |
created by statute for the benefit of full-time paid peace |
officers[; or |
[(2) exempt from Chapter 1702, Occupations Code]. |
SECTION 4. Section 1702.322, Occupations Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 1702.322. LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL. This chapter |
does not apply to: |
(1) a person who has full-time employment as a peace |
officer and who receives compensation for private employment on an |
individual or an independent contractor basis as a patrolman, |
guard, extra job coordinator, or watchman if the officer: |
(A) is employed in an employee-employer |
relationship or employed on an individual contractual basis: |
(i) directly by the recipient of the |
services; or |
(ii) by a company licensed under this |
chapter; |
(B) is not in the employ of another peace |
officer; |
(C) is not a reserve peace officer; and |
(D) works as a peace officer on the average of at |
least 32 hours a week, is compensated by the state or a political |
subdivision of the state at least at the minimum wage, and is |
entitled to all employee benefits offered to a peace officer by the |
state or political subdivision; |
(2) [a reserve peace officer while the reserve officer |
is performing guard, patrolman, or watchman duties for a county and |
is being compensated solely by that county; |
[(3)] a peace officer acting in an official capacity |
in responding to a burglar alarm or detection device; or |
(3) [(4)] a person engaged in the business of |
electronic monitoring of an individual as a condition of that |
individual's community supervision, parole, mandatory supervision, |
or release on bail, if the person does not perform any other service |
that requires a license under this chapter. |
SECTION 5. Sections 60.0775(f), (g), (h), and (i), Water |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(f) A reserve force member [who is not a peace officer as |
described by Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure, may act as |
a peace officer only during the discharge of official duties. A |
reserve force member who is a peace officer under that article] must |
hold a permanent peace officer license issued under Chapter 1701, |
Occupations Code. |
(g) The commission must approve an appointment to the |
reserve force before the person appointed may carry a weapon or |
otherwise act as a peace officer. [On approval of the appointment |
of a person who is not a peace officer as described by Article |
2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure, the person appointed may carry |
a weapon only when authorized to do so by the chief of police and |
only when discharging official duties as a peace officer.] On |
approval of the appointment of a person [who is a peace officer as |
described by Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure], the chief |
of police may: |
(1) authorize the person appointed to carry a weapon |
or act as a peace officer at all times, regardless of whether the |
person is engaged in the discharge of official duties; or |
(2) limit the person's authority to carry a weapon or |
act as a peace officer to only those times during which the person |
is engaged in the discharge of official duties. |
(h) Reserve police officers may act only to supplement the |
district's regular police force and may not assume the full-time |
duties of regular police officers without complying with the |
requirements for regular police officers. Notwithstanding Section |
1702.322, Occupations Code, a reserve police officer may not |
perform an action for which a license is required under Chapter 1702 |
of that code unless the officer is licensed in accordance with that |
chapter. The chief of police may not authorize a reserve police |
officer to perform an activity requiring the use of a police vehicle |
outside a county in which the district is wholly or partly located |
if the activity is for private gain. The chief of police may |
authorize a reserve police officer to conduct a police escort as |
defined by Section 546.002, Transportation Code, only if the escort |
begins or ends in a county in which the district is wholly or partly |
located. |
(i) A reserve police officer[, regardless of whether the |
reserve police officer is a peace officer as described by Article |
2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure,] is not[: |
[(1)] eligible for participation in: |
(1) [(A)] a program provided by the commission that is |
normally considered a financial benefit of full-time employment; or |
(2) [(B)] a pension fund created by statute for the |
benefit of full-time paid peace officers[; or |
[(2) exempt from Chapter 1702, Occupations Code]. |
SECTION 6. Section 341.012(f), Local Government Code, is |
repealed. |
SECTION 7. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |