relating to protection of the rights of conscience for child |
welfare services providers. |
SECTION 1. Subtitle D, Title 2, Human Resources Code, is |
amended by adding Chapter 45 to read as follows: |
Sec. 45.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Adverse action" means any action that directly or |
indirectly adversely affects the person against whom the adverse |
action is taken, places the person in a worse position than the |
person was in before the adverse action was taken, or is likely to |
deter a reasonable person from acting or refusing to act. An adverse |
action includes: |
(A) denying an application for, refusing to |
renew, or canceling funding; |
(B) declining to enter into, refusing to renew, |
or canceling a contract; |
(C) declining to issue, refusing to renew, or |
canceling a license; |
(D) terminating, suspending, demoting, or |
reassigning a person; and |
(E) limiting the ability of a person to engage in |
child welfare services. |
(2) "Child welfare services" means social services |
provided to or on behalf of children, including: |
(A) assisting abused or neglected children; |
(B) counseling children or parents; |
(C) promoting foster parenting; |
(D) providing foster homes, residential care, |
group homes, or temporary group shelters for children; |
(E) recruiting foster parents; |
(F) placing children in foster homes; |
(G) licensing foster homes; |
(H) promoting adoption or recruiting adoptive |
parents; |
(I) assisting adoptions or supporting adoptive |
families; |
(J) performing or assisting home studies; |
(K) assisting kinship guardianships or kinship |
caregivers; |
(L) providing family preservation services; |
(M) providing family support services; and |
(N) providing temporary family reunification |
services. |
(3) "Child welfare services provider" means a person |
that provides, seeks to provide, or applies for or receives a |
contract, subcontract, grant, subgrant, or cooperative agreement |
to provide child welfare services. The person is not required to be |
engaged exclusively in child welfare services to be a child welfare |
services provider. |
(4) "Governmental entity" means: |
(A) this state or a municipality or other |
political subdivision of this state; or |
(B) any agency of this state or of a municipality |
or other political subdivision of this state, including a |
department, bureau, board, commission, office, agency, council, |
court, and public institution of higher education. |
Sec. 45.002. APPLICABILITY. (a) This chapter applies to any |
ordinance, rule, order, decision, practice, or other exercise of |
governmental authority. |
(b) This chapter applies to an act of a governmental entity, |
in the exercise of governmental authority, granting or refusing to |
grant a government benefit to a child welfare services provider. |
governmental entity or any person that contracts with this state or |
operates under governmental authority to refer or place children |
for child welfare services may not discriminate or take any adverse |
action against a child welfare services provider on the basis, |
wholly or partly, that the provider: |
(1) has declined or will decline to provide, |
facilitate, or refer a person for child welfare services that |
conflict with, or under circumstances that conflict with, the |
provider's sincerely held religious beliefs. |
(2) provides or intends to provide children under the |
control, care, guardianship, or direction of the child welfare |
services provider with a religious education, including through |
placing the children in a private or parochial school or otherwise |
providing a religious education in accordance with the laws of this |
state; or |
(3) has declined or will decline to provide, |
facilitate, or refer a person for abortions, contraceptives, or |
drugs, devices, or services that are potentially |
abortion-inducing. |
Sec. 45.004. PRIVATE RIGHT OF ACTION. A child welfare |
services provider may assert an actual or threatened violation of |
this chapter as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative |
proceeding and obtain the relief specified in Section 45.005. |
Sec. 45.005. REMEDIES. A child welfare services provider |
who successfully asserts a claim or defense under this chapter is |
entitled to recover: |
(1) declaratory relief; |
(2) injunctive relief to prevent the threatened or |
continued adverse action or effects of the action on the child |
welfare services provider; |
(3) compensatory damages for pecuniary and |
nonpecuniary losses; |
(4) punitive damages; and |
(5) reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, and other |
reasonable expenses. |
Sec. 45.006. TWO-YEAR LIMITATIONS PERIOD. A child welfare |
services provider must bring an action to assert a claim for damages |
under this chapter not later than the second anniversary of the date |
the provider actually knew of the violation of this chapter. |
Sec. 45.007. IMMUNITY WAIVED. (a) Sovereign, governmental, |
and qualified immunity to suit and from liability are waived and |
abolished to the extent of liability created by Section 45.005, and |
a claimant may sue a governmental entity or official for damages |
allowed by that section. |
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), this chapter does not |
waive or abolish sovereign immunity to suit and from liability |
under the Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution. |
Sec. 45.008. EFFECT ON RIGHTS. (a) This chapter may not be |
construed to authorize a governmental entity to burden a person's |
free exercise of religion. |
(b) The protections of religious freedom afforded by this |
chapter are in addition to the protections provided under federal |
or state law and the constitutions of this state and the United |
States. |
(c) This chapter may not be construed to supersede any law |
of this state that is equally as protective of religious beliefs as, |
or more protective of religious beliefs than, this chapter. |
(d) This chapter may not be considered to narrow the meaning |
or application of any other law protecting religious beliefs. |
Sec. 45.009. INTERPRETATION. This chapter shall be |
liberally construed to effectuate its remedial and deterrent |
purposes. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2015. |