84R13300 CJC-F
  By: Elkins H.B. No. 3870
  relating to the appointment of a master in chancery in certain
  counties to aid in the determination of certain ad valorem tax
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 42, Tax Code, is amended by
  adding Section 42.241 to read as follows:
         Sec. 42.241.  MASTERS FOR CERTAIN TAX APPEALS. (a)  This
  section applies only to a district court located in a county with a
  population of 3.3 million or more.
         (b)  A district court may appoint a master in chancery to
  recommend a final judgment in an appeal authorized by Section
  42.01. The referring court may appoint no more than two masters in
  chancery under this section during each year.
         (c)  To be eligible to serve as a master in chancery, a person
  must be an attorney licensed in this state and have at least 10
  years of experience working in the field of ad valorem tax appraisal
  or collection.
         (d)  A master in chancery shall perform all of the duties
  required by the referring court.  The master is subject to the
  orders of the court.
         (e)  Subject to the limitations and specifications stated in
  the referring court's order appointing the master in chancery, the
  master shall:
               (1)  regulate all proceedings in a hearing or trial
  before the master and do all acts and take all measures necessary or
  proper for the efficient performance of the master's duties under
  the order;
               (2)  enforce provisions of the Texas Rules of Civil
  Procedure regarding discovery and order expedited discovery if
               (3)  rule on the admissibility of evidence; 
               (4)  administer oaths to and examine witnesses; 
               (5)  conduct nonjury trials; 
               (6)  make a record of the trial at the request of a
               (7)  exercise other powers prescribed by the order; and
               (8)  issue a report including findings of fact and
  conclusions of law and a recommendation of a final judgment to the
  referring court.
         (f)  If a jury demand is made and a jury fee is paid in a
  matter before the master in chancery, the master shall:
               (1)  refer each issue that requires a jury to the
  referring court; and
               (2)  conduct hearings, make determinations, and issue
  orders concerning pretrial matters, including motions for summary
  judgment, motions to compel discovery, and other procedural,
  interlocutory, and dispositive motions.
         (g)  A pretrial ruling by a master in chancery from which a
  writ of mandamus is sought must be appealed to the referring court
  before initiation of the mandamus proceeding in a court of appeals.
         (h)  Notwithstanding any other law or requirement, an
  attorney appointed as a master in chancery under this section may
  practice law in the referring court if otherwise qualified to do so.
         (i)  At the conclusion of a hearing or trial conducted by a
  master in chancery that results in a recommendation of a final
  judgment, or at the request of the referring court, the master shall
  transmit to the court all papers relating to the case with the
  master's signed and dated report and recommendation of a final
         (j)  After the master in chancery's report has been signed
  and filed with the referring court, the master shall provide the
  report and recommendation to the parties to the case, together with
  notice of the right to appeal to the court before the recommendation
  of a final judgment is approved.
         (k)  After the master in chancery's report and
  recommendation are filed with the referring court, and unless a
  party has filed a written notice of appeal to the court, the court
  may confirm, modify, correct, reject, reverse, or recommit the
  report and recommendation as the court determines appropriate.
         (l)  The referring court shall award reasonable compensation
  to a master in chancery to be paid as costs of court, along with the
  cost of a court reporter if a record of the proceeding is requested
  by a party.
         (m)  A recommendation of final judgment by a master in
  chancery to the referring court may be appealed in the manner
  provided by Section 33.74.  If an appeal to the court is not filed or
  the right to an appeal to the court is waived, the findings in the
  report and recommendation of the master become the decree or order
  of the court on the court's signing of an order or decree conforming
  to the master's report and recommendation.
         (n)  A master in chancery appointed under this section has
  the immunity granted by law to a master and the judicial immunity
  granted to a district judge.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2015.