relating to prohibited nonconsensual medical procedures and |
treatment on certain minors with intersex traits. |
SECTION 1. Chapter 266, Family Code, is amended by |
designating Sections 266.001 through 266.013 as Subchapter A and |
adding a subchapter heading to read as follows: |
SECTION 2. Chapter 266, Family Code, is amended by adding |
Subchapter B to read as follows: |
Sec. 266.051. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Intersex trait" means an inborn chromosomal, |
gonadal, genital, or endocrine characteristic, or a combination of |
those characteristics, that is not suited to the typical definition |
of male or female or is atypical for the sex assigned to an |
individual. |
(2) "Medical procedure or treatment related to an |
intersex trait" includes: |
(A) hormonal treatment to treat or modify an |
intersex trait; or |
(B) genital surgery, including: |
(i) clitorectomy, clitoroplasty, clitoral |
reduction, and clitoral recession, including corporal-sparing |
procedures; |
(ii) vaginoplasty, introitoplasty, vaginal |
exteriorization, and partial or total urogenital sinus |
mobilization; |
(iii) labiaplasty and labial reduction; |
(iv) hypospadias surgery, relocation of the |
urethral meatus, and chordee release; |
(v) phalloplasty; and |
(vi) gonadectomy, including of testes, |
ovaries, ovotestes, or streak gonads. |
(3) "Medically necessary" means a medical procedure or |
treatment immediately necessary to treat an injury, illness, |
disease, or condition affecting a child's health that if delayed |
would adversely affect the child's physical health. |
OR TREATMENTS. A physician may not perform a medical procedure or |
treatment related to an intersex trait on a foster child unless: |
(1) the procedure or treatment is medically necessary |
and the child consents to the procedure or treatment; or |
(2) for a procedure or treatment that is not medically |
necessary, the child consents to the procedure or treatment and a |
court authorizes the procedure or treatment as provided under this |
subchapter. |
Sec. 266.053. INFORMED CONSENT. (a) Consent to a medical |
procedure or treatment related to an intersex trait is voluntary |
and informed only if: |
(1) the physician provides to the child and the child's |
caregivers the information necessary for the child to provide |
voluntary and informed consent to the procedure or treatment, |
including: |
(A) the nature of the proposed procedure or |
treatment, including whether and the extent to which the procedure |
is irreversible; |
(B) the goals of the procedure or treatment, |
including whether the benefits of the proposed procedure or |
treatment are medical, psychological, or social, and the strength |
of the evidence supporting claims that the procedure provides each |
of those benefits; |
(C) the possible risks associated with the |
procedure or treatment, including, if applicable, risk from |
anesthesia, loss of reproductive capacity, and loss of sexual |
function or sensation; and |
(D) the alternatives to the proposed procedure or |
treatment, including delay of the procedure or treatment; |
(2) on at least two separate occasions a mental health |
professional with previous experience treating individuals with |
intersex traits evaluates the child and the child's caregivers to |
ensure the child: |
(A) does not have an undiagnosed mental health |
condition; and |
(B) has capacity to understand the procedure or |
treatment and is providing voluntary and informed consent absent |
coercion from family members or medical staff; and |
(3) the consent is in writing and includes the |
following statements: |
(A) "I (name of child) certify that I understand |
(reprint of Subdivisions (1)(A)-(D)) and consent to (description of |
medical procedure or treatment) to be performed or provided by |
(name of physician) on (date the medical procedure or treatment is |
scheduled to be performed or provided on the child)."; |
(B) "I (name of physician performing the |
procedure or providing the treatment) certify that I have discussed |
with (name of child and names of child's caregivers) (reprint of |
Subdivisions (1)(A)-(D)) on (date the information was provided)."; |
and |
(C) "I (name of mental health professional) |
certify that I have discussed with (name of child and names of |
child's caregivers) (reprint of Subdivisions (1)(A)-(D)) on (date |
the information was provided). It is my professional opinion that |
(name of child) actively desires (name of procedure or treatment) |
and is capable of providing informed consent." |
(b) The child's physician shall retain the original consent |
in the child's medical record and provide a copy of the consent to |
the child and the child's caregivers. |
OR TREATMENTS. (a) If the department determines a foster child |
should undergo a medical procedure or treatment related to an |
intersex trait that is not medically necessary or the child wants to |
undergo the procedure or treatment, the department or child may |
file a petition with the court having continuing jurisdiction over |
the child seeking court approval for the procedure or treatment. |
(b) The court shall hold a hearing to determine whether the |
proposed medical procedure or treatment related to an intersex |
trait is in the child's best interest. |
(c) The child must be represented by an attorney at the |
hearing. The attorney for the child must: |
(1) possess adequate knowledge of intersex traits, the |
intersex population, and the range of medical procedures or |
treatments available to treat the child's intersex trait, including |
the option to delay any procedure or treatment; |
(2) communicate with the child, to the extent possible |
given the child's age, regarding: |
(A) the nature of the proposed medical procedure |
or treatment; |
(B) whether and the extent to which the proposed |
medical procedure or treatment is irreversible; and |
(C) the projected outcome of, the possible risks |
associated with, and the alternatives, including delay, to the |
proposed medical procedure or treatment; |
(3) interview the child, to the extent possible given |
the child's age, to determine the child's wishes regarding the |
pursuit or delay of any proposed medical procedure or treatment; |
(4) assist the child, to the extent possible given the |
child's age, in assessing the child's desires related to the child's |
medical care and in communicating the child's desires to the court; |
and |
(5) for a child younger than 12 years of age, argue |
against a proposed medical procedure or treatment that is not |
medically necessary. |
(d) Any party to the suit may submit to the court a report or |
introduce evidence from a qualified expert on: |
(1) intersex traits and the intersex population in |
general; |
(2) the child's specific intersex traits; |
(3) the range of medical procedures and treatments |
available to treat the child's intersex traits, including delay; |
(4) the specific medical procedure or treatment |
proposed for the child, including the risks and anticipated |
benefits associated with the procedure or treatment and the |
possibility that the child's ultimate gender identity may differ |
from the sex assigned; |
(5) whether and the extent to which the medical |
procedure or treatment: |
(A) is irreversible; and |
(B) may safely be delayed until the child is of an |
age to participate in the decision-making process; |
(6) the physician's duty to obtain informed consent |
from the child and whether the duty has been adequately discharged; |
and |
(7) the public statements of intersex individuals or |
patient advocates regarding Subdivisions (1)-(6). |
(e) Following the hearing, the court shall determine |
whether the proposed medical procedure or treatment related to an |
intersex trait is in the child's best interest and render an order |
with specific findings on: |
(1) whether clear and convincing evidence establishes |
that the short-term or long-term physical benefits of the proposed |
medical procedure or treatment outweigh the short-term or long-term |
physical risks; |
(2) whether clear and convincing evidence establishes |
that the short-term and long-term psychological benefits of the |
proposed medical procedure or treatment outweigh the short-term or |
long-term psychological risks; |
(3) the extent to which the proposed medical procedure |
or treatment would limit the child's future options for: |
(A) fertility; |
(B) development or construction of |
female-typical characteristics; |
(C) development or construction of male-typical |
characteristics; and |
(D) preservation of body characteristics |
unaltered by decisions the child did not initiate; and |
(4) whether clear and convincing evidence establishes |
that any limitation identified under Subdivision (3) is justified |
by an urgent need for the proposed medical procedure or treatment. |
(f) If the requirements of Section 266.053 are satisfied, |
the court may consider the child's consent to the proposed medical |
procedure or treatment related to an intersex trait as clear and |
convincing evidence for purposes of the court's best-interest |
determination under Subsection (e). |
OR TREATMENT. Notwithstanding Section 32.003 or 266.004 or other |
law, a foster child may consent to a medical procedure or treatment |
related to an intersex trait if the child provides voluntary and |
informed consent to the proposed medical procedure or treatment in |
accordance with Section 266.053. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2021. |