WHEREAS, More than 231,000 domestic violence incidents were |
reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety in 2021 alone; and |
WHEREAS, The Texas Council on Family Violence has estimated |
that one in three Texans will be a victim over the course of their |
lifetime; such violence affects people of all ages and backgrounds, |
but over 70 percent of victims are women; in Texas, 169 women were |
killed by an intimate partner in 2021, and 22 other family members, |
friends, and bystanders were killed, including 11 children; and |
WHEREAS, Physical injuries are not the only effects of family |
violence; many victims suffer from anxiety, depression, and low |
self-esteem, and they may lean on drugs or alcohol in an attempt to |
cope; victims may also suffer economically, missing work or losing |
jobs because of violence or the threat of violence; and |
WHEREAS, Children who are victims or witnesses of domestic |
violence suffer in many ways, and they may experience a range of |
responses, from anger or fear to an inability to sleep; some are |
plagued by long-term emotional effects that can lead to substance |
abuse, unhealthy adult relationships, reduced social and academic |
skills, and increased risk of suicide; and |
WHEREAS, The societal ills caused by domestic violence are |
manifold, and reducing its occurrence is a matter of vital concern |
to the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas |
hereby request the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House |
of Representatives to provide for a joint interim study regarding |
domestic violence; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That a full report, including findings and |
recommendations, be submitted to the 89th Texas Legislature before |
it convenes in January 2025. |