85R9005 BPG-D
  By: Smithee H.C.R. No. 68
         WHEREAS, The certain knowledge of a life well lived may
  comfort those saddened by the death of Will David Davis Sr., who
  passed away on December 12, 2016, at the age of 87; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Houston on July 18, 1929, Will Davis was the
  son of David Davis and Nita Barnett Davis; in 1934, he moved to
  Austin with his mother, and five years later, when he was only nine,
  he became the youngest page to serve the Texas Legislature; he
  worked during three sessions to help provide for his family; and
         WHEREAS, After graduating from Austin High School, Mr. Davis
  went on to play football for Lamar University and then Baylor
  University, where he completed his bachelor's and law degrees; he
  was a member of the Baylor team that played in the 1951 Orange Bowl,
  and he won election as president of the student body; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Davis was hired as an assistant attorney
  general, and in 1957, he was appointed general counsel of the Texas
  Department of Insurance by Governor Price Daniel; three years
  later, he joined his uncle, W. W. Heath, as a partner in the firm
  that became Heath, Davis, and McCalla; in 2010, he took on the role
  of counsel to Thompson Coe, and he retired the following year; and
         WHEREAS, Over the course of his distinguished career,
  Mr. Davis represented major insurance companies, insurance holding
  companies, and insurance trade associations; he became general
  counsel for the Texas Association of Life and Health Insurers at its
  inception in 1997, having served one of its predecessor
  organizations for many years; in addition, he served as outside
  general counsel and as a member of advising boards of directors and
  management for several insurance companies; he frequently
  represented insurance company clients before the Texas
  Legislature, and as an insurance industry representative, he was
  instrumental in the drafting of laws that are now part of the Texas
  Insurance Code; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Davis was very engaged in the political arena,
  and in the 1960s, he served as chair of the Texas Democratic Party
  and of the Texas State Democratic Conventions; moreover, he was a
  delegate to both state and national conventions and served in many
  campaigns and on many gubernatorial inauguration committees; and
         WHEREAS, Because his mother had been a teacher, Mr. Davis
  felt called to support public education and professionals in the
  field through his leadership; he was a member of the Austin
  Independent School District Board of Trustees for 16 years and
  served three terms as president; in 1978, he was president of the
  National School Boards Association, and he served as an officer for
  seven years; and
         WHEREAS, At the state level, Mr. Davis was president of the
  Texas Association of School Boards; he was a member of the
  Governor's Select Committee on Public Education, which made
  recommendations for major reforms that were adopted by the
  legislature in the 1984 Special Session as House Bill 72; in
  addition, he was elected to the Texas State Board of Education and
  his tenure, which spanned more than a decade, included a term as
  vice chair; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Davis benefited higher education as well; one of
  the original seven founders of Austin Community College, he became
  inaugural president of the board of trustees in 1972, and following
  three terms, he remained a board member until 1982; during that
  time, enrollment grew to more than 20,000 students, and today, ACC
  is one of the largest community colleges in Texas; he was also chair
  of the Baylor University Board of Regents from 2004 to 2006 and
  served as a regent for almost two decades; and
         WHEREAS, The recipient of myriad accolades for his
  professional and civic accomplishments, Mr. Davis was accorded
  Baylor's Distinguished Alumni Award, the Price Daniel "Pro Texana"
  Distinguished Public Service Award, and the "Pro Texana" Award; in
  1991, AISD paid tribute to his achievements with the opening of the
  Will D. Davis Elementary School, and nine years later, the Texas
  Association of School Boards named its office the Will D. Davis
  Building; the Insurance Council of Texas presented him with its
  Raymond Mauk Award for leadership in 2010, and two years later,
  TALHI conferred on him its first Will Davis Leadership Award; and
         WHEREAS, A devoted family man, Mr. Davis shared a rewarding
  marriage of 57 years with Ann Byargeon Davis before her passing; he
  took great pride in his children, Lisa Davis, Lynn Davis Walker, and
  Will Davis Jr., as well as in his nine grandchildren, Katelyn
  Baroch, Allie Frazier, Becca Jahnke, Bill Walker III, Davis Walker,
  Natalie Betzer, Will Davis III, Emily Boone, and Sara Regan, and
  five great-grandchildren, Davis and Blake Baroch, Annaleigh
  Frazier, Mary Carson Walker, and William "Liam" A. Walker IV; he was
  a valued member of Hyde Park Baptist Church and taught young married
  couples in Sunday school for many years; and
         WHEREAS, Will Davis left a lasting imprint on the Lone Star
  State through his outstanding contributions, and although he is
  deeply missed by those he left behind, they will continue to find
  inspiration in his irreproachable character and his dedication to
  his family, his faith, and his fellow citizens; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the 85th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby pay tribute to the memory of Will David Davis Sr. and extend
  sincere sympathy to his loved ones; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in memory of
  Will David Davis Sr.