WHEREAS, In the wake of the recent economic downturn, more |
and more Americans are facing homelessness or the prospect of |
losing their homes, including an increasing number who do not fit |
the commonly held stereotype of the homeless; and |
WHEREAS, A homeless person is generally defined as an |
individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime |
residence, or whose primary nighttime residence is a public or |
private place not designed for regular sleeping accommodation; and |
WHEREAS, While it is impossible to measure the rate of |
homelessness with perfect accuracy, the Texas Homeless Network |
estimates that close to 80,000 Texans experience homelessness on |
any given day, with 265,000 experiencing homelessness over the span |
of a year; and |
WHEREAS, A sobering consequence of the nationwide economic |
recession is the growing number of families and children |
experiencing homelessness; according to a recent point-in-time |
count, families now account for 40 percent of the state's homeless |
population, and 3 percent of the homeless are unaccompanied minors; |
children who lack safe and permanent housing often suffer from |
health and emotional problems as well as impeded academic progress, |
with fewer than one in four graduating from high school; and |
WHEREAS, The State of Texas is home to a great number of |
charities, government agencies, businesses, and advocacy groups |
that are committed to serving homeless populations and developing |
solutions to prevent and reduce homelessness in our communities; |
and |
WHEREAS, To that end, advocates from across the state are |
gathering in Austin on March 19, 2013, to observe Homelessness |
Awareness Day at the State Capitol; this occasion presents a |
worthwhile opportunity to promote greater understanding of issues |
facing homeless individuals and to foster solidarity in statewide |
endeavors to end homelessness, a problem whose implications for the |
future of our society cannot be overstated; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize March 19, 2013, as Homelessness |
Awareness Day and commend the state's homelessness advocates for |
their important work. |
Hunter |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 1020 was adopted by the House on March |
19, 2013, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |