WHEREAS, The Memphis High School girls' golf team once again |
proved itself the premier 1A team in Texas by placing first at the |
2013 University Interscholastic League State Tournament, claiming |
the championship for the second year in a row; and |
WHEREAS, Matching up against the other top squads at Lions |
Golf Course in Austin on May 2 and 3, the Lady Cyclones demonstrated |
the poise and skill of true champions; they compiled a two-round |
total of 695 and bested their closest competitor by a commanding |
48-stroke margin to take home the trophy; the triumph followed the |
team's title-winning performance in 2012 and earned the school its |
third state crown since 2007; moreover, Memphis has finished in the |
top three at the state tournament in six of the past seven years; |
and |
WHEREAS, The Lady Cyclones were paced by April Barnett, who |
shot 78 the first day and 80 on the second to repeat as the 1A |
individual champion; she was followed by Cassy Monzingo, who tied |
for fifth place with a total score of 170, and Kenley Maddox, who |
finished eighth with a 177 tally; strong showings were also made by |
team members Sami Lindsey, who scored 190, and Renee Molloy, who |
totaled 198; the players all benefited from the guidance and |
expertise of coach Andy Correll; and |
WHEREAS, Through their talent and determination, the |
outstanding athletes on the Memphis High girls' golf team have |
furthered their school's notable tradition of excellence in the |
sport, and they may take justifiable pride in a job well done; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas |
Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby congratulate the Memphis |
High School girls' golf team on winning the 2013 UIL 1A state |
championship and extend to each person associated with the team |
sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
House of Representatives. |
Springer |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 104 was adopted by the House on June |
25, 2013, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |