By: Marquez H.R. No. 12
         WHEREAS, Michael J. Dipp, Jr., is concluding his tenure as
  chair of the El Paso Central Business Association, and this
  occasion provides a welcome opportunity to recognize his 20 years
  of service to that organization as well as his myriad contributions
  as a community leader; and
         WHEREAS, Mike Dipp is an alumnus of St. Mary's University in
  San Antonio, where he earned a bachelor's degree in business
  administration in 1964 and graduated magna cum laude with a
  master's degree in economics in 1967; his business career in El Paso
  spans close to a half-century, beginning with his 25 years as a
  managing partner for the landmark Plaza Motor Hotel; over the
  years, he has held positions of responsibility in a range of
  businesses, including managing partner and executive vice
  president of Coldway Storage & Warehousing, chair of the board of
  Economy Cash & Carry, Inc., and manager of his own venture, Mike
  Dipp Farms; moreover, since 1973, he has served as a partner in
  Plaza Properties; and
         WHEREAS, A dynamic and longstanding promoter of local
  commerce, Mr. Dipp was elected to two terms as president of the El
  Paso Downtown Development Association and was a founding member of
  the Paso Del Norte Group and the El Paso-Juarez Interplex World
  Trade Center Association; apart from his work with the Central
  Business Association, in which he is also a past president, he spent
  six years on the board of directors for the El Paso Chamber of
  Commerce and has been both a board member and vice president of the
  Downtown Management District; in addition, he has served as
  president of the El Paso Chapter of the Texas Restaurant
  Association and has shared his insight on the boards of a number of
  industry authorities, among them the Western Pecan Growers
  Association; and
         WHEREAS, His extensive record of civic involvement includes
  memberships on municipal committees for building and zoning, tax
  increment financing, tourism, and industrial development, as well
  as a seat on the Child Support Service Board for the Texas Attorney
  General's Office; active in the National Conference of Christians
  and Jews as both a board member and chair, he has further served as
  president of the Coronado Kiwanis Club and on advisory boards for
  several area schools and hospitals; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Dipp has won such accolades as the coveted
  Conquistador Award from the City of El Paso and the Certificate of
  Appreciation from the El Paso Chamber of Commerce, as well as the
  Distinguished Alumnus Award from St. Mary's University in honor of
  his outstanding leadership and service; additionally, his concern
  for the quality of life of his fellow residents is reflected in his
  receipt of humanitarian awards from Project Amistad and the Black
  El Paso Democrats and the Border Heroes Award from Las Americas
  Immigrant Advocacy Center; he is also a Hall of Fame inductee in the
  El Paso Democratic Party; and
         WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, Mr. Dipp is blessed with the
  support of a loving family that includes his wife, Mary Ann Wasaff
  Dipp, and his two daughters, Michelle and Margaret; and
         WHEREAS, Dedicated to the growth and prosperity of the El
  Paso community, Mike Dipp may reflect with pride on the knowledge
  that his achievements will continue to benefit area Texans for
  years to come; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby honor Michael J. Dipp, Jr.,
  for his service to the El Paso Central Business Association and his
  wide-ranging professional and civic accomplishments and extend to
  him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Dipp as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.