WHEREAS, Cruz Pantoja, a valued employee of the historic |
Wilson Plaza in Corpus Christi, has earned the appreciation and |
esteem of many members of her community over the course of her long |
career at a South Texas landmark; and |
WHEREAS, Wilson Plaza had its origins in 1927 as the Nixon |
Building, the first skyscraper to be erected in Corpus Christi; |
that structure was expanded in 1935 with the addition of the "Cotton |
Exchange" annex; in 1947, the complex was purchased by oil and real |
estate financier Sam E. Wilson, and in 1951, he added a 17-story |
office tower with a four-story luxury penthouse, where he lived |
with his wife, Ada; until Mrs. Wilson died in 1977, the tower was |
the center of Corpus Christi's social scene; and |
WHEREAS, Cruz Pantoja is the daughter of Estanislao Valdez |
and Martha Valdez Pinones; her sister, Geneva, was the first member |
of the family to work at Wilson Plaza, and when Geneva moved to |
California in the late 1950s, their other sister, Matilde Zambrano, |
took over her job as an elevator operator; and |
WHEREAS, Mrs. Pantoja joined her sister as an elevator |
operator at Wilson Plaza in 1966, and apart from a four-year period |
when she was raising her two sons, Christopher and Juan, she has |
worked there ever since; the manually operated elevators were |
replaced with automatic models in 1995, but the two sisters were |
held in such high regard by the building's tenants and management |
that they were asked to stay on; today, Mrs. Pantoja represents the |
plaza as an official greeter and concierge; and |
WHEREAS, Cruz Pantoja is the wife of the late Juan Jose |
Pantoja; in addition to her two sons, Mrs. Pantoja has been blessed |
with a grandson, Joseph; and |
WHEREAS, For more than five decades, this dedicated, |
hardworking woman has assisted the tenants of, and countless |
visitors to, Wilson Plaza, and through her warmth and friendliness, |
she has brightened the day of all whom she has greeted; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas |
Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby commend Cruz Pantoja for |
her many years of service at Wilson Plaza and extend to her sincere |
best wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Mrs. Pantoja as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |