WHEREAS, Residents of El Paso benefit each day from the |
contributions of those public servants who greatly improve the |
quality of life in their communities through the fulfillment of |
their duties; and |
WHEREAS, Elected in 2013, Oscar Leeser has worked diligently |
to promote economic development during his first term as mayor of El |
Paso; and |
WHEREAS, A native of Chihuahua, Mexico, Mayor Leeser has |
enjoyed a long and successful career in the auto industry; he serves |
as the president and dealer operator of Hyundai of El Paso, where |
his efforts have helped turn the dealership into the top seller in |
the region; active in his community, he gives freely of his time and |
talents to a number of worthwhile community and professional |
organizations, including the National Dealer Council and the |
University Medical Center of El Paso Foundation Board; and |
WHEREAS, Oscar Leeser has demonstrated a steadfast |
commitment to making El Paso an even better place in which to live |
and work, and in so doing, he has earned the deep respect and |
appreciation of his fellow Texans; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas |
Legislature hereby honor El Paso mayor Oscar Leeser for his efforts |
in behalf of his community and extend to him sincere best wishes for |
the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Mayor Leeser as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |