WHEREAS, Members of the Miakan/Garza Band of the Coahuiltecan |
Indians of Texas have provided cultural and educational programs |
and presentations to the children of our state for almost 20 years; |
and |
WHEREAS, Direct descendants of Zaragosa Garza, a cacique of |
the Mier Band of the Garza Tribe, the members of the Miakan/Garza |
Band incorporated the Indigenous Cultures Institute in 2006 to |
promote and preserve the cultures of Native Americans indigenous to |
Texas and Northern Mexico and to maintain their covenant with |
sacred sites; and |
WHEREAS, Through the institute, members offer elementary and |
high school students numerous free cultural programs, including a |
summer camp, in an effort to increase young people's awareness of |
their rich indigenous history and culture and at the same time to |
encourage in them a sense of pride; the institute also educates and |
enlightens members of the Hispanic community about their indigenous |
heritage through the online publication Nakum, a peer-reviewed |
academic journal; and |
WHEREAS, Each year, the Miakan/Garza Band produces the Sacred |
Springs Powwow at Spring Lake by Aquarena Springs in San Marcos as a |
celebration of indigenous heritage and culture; moreover, the band |
has greatly benefited the international indigenous communities by |
translating the required songs and other ancient intertribal songs |
of the Native American Church, which has over 500,000 active |
members in the United States and Canada; the band has further |
recorded the first and only compact disc of traditional ceremonial |
songs in the Coahuiltecan language; and |
WHEREAS, The Miakan/Garza Band of the Coahuiltecan Indians |
has contributed immeasurably to the indigenous people of Central |
and South Texas through its dedicated efforts to sustain and |
preserve its spiritual and cultural traditions; now, therefore, be |
it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas |
Legislature hereby honor the Miakan/Garza Band of the Coahuiltecan |
Indians of Texas for its outstanding accomplishments and extend to |
its members sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the Miakan/Garza Band as an expression of high regard |
by the Texas House of Representatives. |
Naishtat |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 1618 was adopted by the House on May |
1, 2013, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |