WHEREAS, U.S. Army Major General Dana J. H. Pittard has |
rendered exceptional service both to his country and to his |
hometown of El Paso; and |
WHEREAS, Born and raised in the Sun City, Major General |
Pittard graduated in 1977 from Eastwood High School, where he was |
elected president of his class all four years; he went on to attend |
the United States Military Academy at West Point and to earn a |
master's degree from the School for Advanced Military Studies at |
the United States Army Command and General Staff College; after |
dedicated service stateside and overseas, he returned to El Paso in |
2010 to serve as post commander of Fort Bliss; and |
WHEREAS, Since taking up his present assignment, Major |
General Pittard has been committed to making Fort Bliss a premier |
national training center; to that end, he has introduced a new |
training model and nearly doubled the size of the training arena; he |
has also made mental and emotional health services and family and |
soldier support systems a top priority; and |
WHEREAS, During his tenure at Fort Bliss, this distinguished |
officer has overseen one of the largest expansions of any U.S. |
military base since World War II; in addition to increasing the |
training area, he has overseen the groundbreaking for a new |
hospital and the completion of Freedom Crossing, an entertainment |
district for soldiers and the public; he has also worked to promote |
energy efficiency and resource conservation, with the goal of |
making the base self-sufficient by 2018; and |
WHEREAS, Major General Pittard has been supported in all of |
his endeavors by a loving family; he has shared more than a |
quarter-century of marriage with his wife, Lucille, who has been |
actively involved in the life of the base, and he takes great pride |
in their two sons, Taylor and Jordan; and |
WHEREAS, Major General Dana Pittard has left an indelible |
mark on Fort Bliss and the wider community, and his fellow El |
Pasoans are justifiably proud of this accomplished native son; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas |
Legislature hereby honor U.S. Army Major General Dana J. H. Pittard |
for his service to Fort Bliss and the greater El Paso community and |
extend to him sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Major General Pittard as an expression of high regard |
by the Texas House of Representatives. |
Pickett |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 1669 was adopted by the House on May |
1, 2013, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |