WHEREAS, The Progreso Independent School District is helping |
to broaden the path of educational opportunity for its students as a |
sponsor of an Early College High School program; and |
WHEREAS, Established through a partnership with the Texas |
Education Agency, the Texas High School Project, and South Texas |
College, the Progreso Early College High School Academy blends high |
school and college curricula, offering traditionally underserved |
students an opportunity to earn as much as two years, or 60 hours, |
of college credit before receiving their diplomas; and |
WHEREAS, The young men and women currently benefiting from |
the initiative include Justin Davila, Amairani Lopez, Denis Lopez, |
Estevan Marroquin, Yahaira Munoz, Enrique Pineda, Jr., Jessica |
Reyes, Sergio Rocha, Nattalie Silva, Fidencio Soto, Selena Amaya, |
Uziel Cameron, Isabel Cervantes, Victor Cuellar, Jr., Nathan |
Galvan, Ilse Martinez, Ariana Marquez, Steve Medrano, Abigail |
Miranda, Jennifer Rodriguez, Rigoberto Serna, Jr., Stephanie |
Silva, Katherine Wolfe, Natalie Barreiro, Maria Limas, Alondra |
Moncada, and Daniel Munoz; and |
WHEREAS, This worthwhile program would not be possible |
without the support of Superintendent Fernando Castillo and the |
local school board, which includes President Michael Rene Vela, |
Vice President Raul Martinez, Secretary Juan J. Ramos, Treasurer |
David Hernandez, and trustees Raul Martinez, Jr., Felix Hernandez, |
Jr., and Juan T. Vela; and |
WHEREAS, By creating a seamless transition between high |
school and college, the Progreso ISD Early College High School |
program is bringing countless young Texans closer to their goal of |
achieving a higher education; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas |
Legislature hereby honor the Progreso Independent School District |
for its Early College High School program and extend to all those |
associated with this important initiative sincere best wishes for |
continued success; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the district as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |