WHEREAS, JoAnne Johnson has benefited the young people of the |
Fort Bend Independent School District as the coordinator of the |
Volunteers in Public Schools program at Elkins High School; and |
WHEREAS, VIPS coordinators serve as liaisons between |
schools, parents, and the community; determining the needs of the |
campus they serve, these dedicated men and women recruit, train, |
and place volunteers while helping to oversee the program and to |
recognize its members; and |
WHEREAS, Contributing to the vitality of each school, VIPS |
participants mentor students and work alongside faculty and staff |
to support a variety of vital initiatives, including fund-raisers, |
athletic events, and extracurricular activities; and |
WHEREAS, Children are the Lone Star State's most valuable |
resource, and by giving generously of her time and talents, Ms. |
Johnson has positively affected the youth of Fort Bend ISD and |
invested in the future of her community; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas |
Legislature hereby commend JoAnne Johnson for her service as a |
Volunteers in Public Schools coordinator and extend to her sincere |
best wishes for continued success with her important work; and, be |
it further |
R |
ESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Ms. Johnson as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |
Reynolds |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 1865 was adopted by the House on May |
19, 2011, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |