WHEREAS, A full and generous life drew to a close with the |
passing of Olga R. Gomez of Houston on February 16, 2011, at the age |
of 82; and |
WHEREAS, Born on June 6, 1928, to Clotilde and Rafael |
Rodriguez, the former Olga Rodriguez was married to Camilo Gomez in |
November 1956; the couple were blessed with three daughters, |
Gloria, Olga, and Norma, as well as four grandchildren and five |
great-grandchildren, and they enjoyed a close and rewarding union |
until Mr. Gomez's death on December 29, 2010; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Gomez owned Camilo's Jewelry, a |
jewelry manufacturing, repair, and retail business; a skilled |
businesswoman, Mrs. Gomez was instrumental in marketing her |
husband's creative talent, and her outgoing personality and hard |
work greatly contributed to the success of their retail store; and |
WHEREAS, Long active in the community, Mrs. Gomez often had |
occasion to exercise her considerable leadership skills; she |
belonged to Club Familias Unidas and the League of United Latin |
American Citizens, and she gloried in the great richness of |
Hispanic culture; and |
WHEREAS, Mrs. Gomez was a valued parishioner of St. Cecilia |
Catholic Church, where she devoted many hours to practicing and |
performing with the choir; an enthusiastic singer, she would lift |
her strong voice in song at any and every opportunity; above all |
else, Mrs. Gomez loved spending time with her family, and she |
hosted many family gatherings at her homes in Spring Branch and in |
Surfside Beach; and |
WHEREAS, Olga Gomez brightened the lives of all those who |
were fortunate enough to know her, and she will be fondly remembered |
and deeply missed; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas |
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Olga R. Gomez and |
extend sincere condolences to the members of her family: to her |
daughters and sons-in-law, Gloria Gayle and Elias Rivas, Olga and |
Scott Leonard, and Norma and J. D. McGraw; to her grandchildren, |
Victor Rivas, Virginia Ochoa, and Joshua and Kim Leonard; to her |
great-grandchildren, Brandon, Briaunna, and Bella Rivas and Taylor |
and Thomas Ochoa; to her sisters, Yolanda Montelongo, Ninfa Luera, |
Minerva Davila, Rosalinda Baylor, and Dahlia Fernandez; to her |
brother, Roland Rodriguez; to her brother-in-law, Oscar Gomez, and |
his wife, Lillie; to her sister-in-law, Lita Gomez; and to her other |
relatives and friends; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of |
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Olga |
R. Gomez. |