WHEREAS, Members of the Academic Language Therapy |
Association and its Texas chapter are gathering at the State |
Capitol on February 4, 2015, to commemorate Dyslexia Awareness Day; |
and |
WHEREAS, A national organization headquartered in Dallas, |
ALTA was founded in 1986 to promote high standards of education, |
practice, and professionalism in the delivery of services to |
students with dyslexia and related disorders; the group's |
membership includes licensed dyslexia therapists and |
practitioners, along with parents and educators; and |
WHEREAS, One in five students has a language-based |
disability, and dyslexia is the most common of these disabilities; |
across Texas, public school district identification of students |
with dyslexia varies widely, from almost 17 percent in some schools |
to about 0.2 percent in others, according to 2014 Public Education |
Information Management System data; a 2000 study by The University |
of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston--Texas Department of Criminal |
Justice Hospital found dyslexia among 48 percent of the state's |
prison population; and |
WHEREAS, Dyslexia and related disorders are far from |
uncommon, but although their impact can be extensive, professional |
help and support can ensure that they provide no barrier to |
achievement; through the dedicated efforts of its members, the |
Academic Language Therapy Association is making a lasting, positive |
difference in the lives of countless young people, and it is indeed |
appropriate to recognize this noteworthy organization at this time; |
now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize February 4, 2015, as Dyslexia |
Awareness Day and honor the Academic Language Therapy Association |
and Texas ALTA on this occasion. |