WHEREAS, Alveretta Theresa Frilot Ledet of Houston passed |
away on January 20, 2018, at the age of 90, leaving her wide circle |
of loved ones to cherish their many happy memories of time spent in |
her company; and |
WHEREAS, Affectionately known as "Retta," the former |
Alveretta Frilot was born on September 5, 1927, in the community of |
Frilot Cove, Louisiana, to Clifford and Inez Frilot; the eldest of |
six children, she worked to support her family while attending Holy |
Ghost High School in Opelousas, and she helped her father raise her |
younger siblings, Clifford, Alphonse, Albertha, Lois, and |
Veronica, after their mother died in 1945; following her |
graduation, she taught school for one year in Frilot Cove; and |
WHEREAS, On November 18, 1950, she wed her true love, Curtis |
Ledet, with whom she shared nearly seven decades; they moved to |
Houston to begin their married life, and Mrs. Ledet devoted herself |
to providing a nurturing home for her five children, Sheliah, |
Michael, Carey, Sharon, and Carmela; she was also delighted to |
become a grandmother and great-grandmother many times over; her |
superb skills as a cook were greatly appreciated by her relatives |
and friends, who were particularly fond of her delicious rice |
dressing and pecan cake; and |
WHEREAS, Mrs. Ledet's faith was a source of much comfort and |
reassurance to her, and she was a loyal member of the congregation |
at Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church; in her free time, she |
enjoyed reading the newspaper and watching her favorite basketball |
team, the Houston Rockets; and |
WHEREAS, Possessed of a kind and caring nature, Retta Ledet |
brightened the world for all who were blessed to know her, and she |
will forever hold a treasured place in their hearts; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas |
Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Alveretta Theresa |
Frilot Ledet and extend sincere sympathy to her loved ones; and, be |
it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of |
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Alveretta |
Ledet. |