WHEREAS, The City of Muleshoe has greatly benefited from the |
dedicated leadership and vision of Cliff Black, who has served his |
fellow citizens as mayor for 17 years; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. Black was first elected to the Muleshoe City |
Council as the representative for District 2 in 1995; he went on to |
run for mayor in 2004, and he has won six subsequent bids for |
reelection; during his tenure, he has overseen a number of major |
developments, including the construction of a new water park and a |
new building for the local police department, many upgrades to park |
facilities, and several renovations to the Muleshoe Municipal |
Airport; moreover, the city has made improvements to its water and |
wastewater system, and it has secured water rights and drilled new |
wells to ensure that the community will have a steady supply of |
water into the future; and |
WHEREAS, In addition to his service in municipal government, |
Mayor Black has volunteered his time generously with numerous |
organizations; he was appointed to the Governor's Agricultural |
Advisory Council for the Texas Employment Commission and to the |
Grant Advisory Committee for the Texas Secretary of Agriculture; he |
has also served as Region 3 president and as a member of the state |
legislative committee for the Texas Municipal League, and he has |
held other prominent roles with the South Plains Association of |
Governments, the Muleshoe Area Industrial Foundation, the Texas |
Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association, and the High Plains |
Vegetable Growers Association; well-respected for his expertise in |
agriculture, he has led Springlake Potatoes Inc. as its president |
and general manager; and |
WHEREAS, Mayor Black is a devoted husband, father, and |
grandfather who has contributed to the youth of the community |
through his work as president of the Muleshoe Little League, as a |
board member of the Muleshoe Youth Basketball League, and as a |
cubmaster and scoutmaster for the local Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts |
groups; he is the recipient of two Cub Scouts Silver Shovel Awards |
and the Boy Scouts Silver Beaver Award, and he was further |
recognized with a Distinguished Citizen Award from the Boy Scouts |
of America South Plains Council; moreover, he was honored as Man of |
the Year by the Muleshoe Chamber of Commerce in 1998; and |
WHEREAS, Over the course of a quarter century in public |
service, Cliff Black has demonstrated exceptional commitment to the |
betterment of Muleshoe, and his efforts in behalf of the community |
will be remembered and admired for many years to come; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas |
Legislature hereby honor Cliff Black for his outstanding service as |
mayor of Muleshoe and extend to him sincere best wishes for the |
future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Mayor Black as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |
King of Hemphill |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 902 was adopted by the House on May 8, |
2021, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |