relating to an adult high school diploma and industry certification |
charter school pilot program for adults 19 to 50 years of age. |
SECTION 1. Subdivision (1), Section 29.251, Education Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(1) "Adult education" means services and instruction |
provided below the college level for adults by public local |
education agencies, public nonprofit agencies, nonprofit entities |
providing services and instruction as described by Section 29.259, |
or community-based organizations. |
SECTION 2. Section 29.252, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The agency shall: |
(1) provide adequate staffing to develop, administer, |
and support a comprehensive statewide adult education program and |
coordinate related federal and state programs for education and |
training of adults; |
(2) develop, implement, and regulate a comprehensive |
statewide program for community level education services to meet |
the special needs of adults; |
(3) develop the mechanism and guidelines for |
coordination of comprehensive adult education and related skill |
training services for adults with other agencies, both public and |
private, in planning, developing, and implementing related |
programs, including community education programs; |
(4) administer all state and federal funds for adult |
education and related skill training in this state, except in |
programs for which another entity is specifically authorized to do |
so under other law; |
(5) prescribe and administer standards and |
accrediting policies for adult education; |
(6) prescribe and administer rules for teacher |
certification for adult education; |
(7) accept and administer grants, gifts, services, and |
funds from available sources for use in adult education; |
(8) adopt or develop and administer: |
(A) a standardized assessment mechanism for |
assessing all adult education program participants who need |
literacy instruction, adult basic education, or secondary |
education leading to an adult high school diploma or the |
equivalent; and |
(B) a standardized secondary exit-level |
assessment instrument appropriate for assessing adult education |
program participants who successfully complete high school |
curriculum requirements under a program provided under Section |
29.259; |
(9) collaborate with the Texas Workforce Commission to |
improve the coordination and implementation of adult education and |
literacy services in this state; and |
(10) monitor and evaluate educational and employment |
outcomes of students who participate in the agency's adult |
education and literacy programs. |
(b) The assessment mechanism prescribed under Subsection |
(a)(8)(A) [(a)(8)] must include an initial basic skills screening |
instrument and must provide comprehensive information concerning |
baseline student skills before and student progress after |
participation in an adult education program. |
SECTION 3. Section 29.253, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
education programs shall be provided by public school districts, |
public junior colleges, public universities, public nonprofit |
agencies, and community-based organizations approved in accordance |
with state statutes and rules adopted by the State Board of |
Education. A nonprofit entity described by Section 29.259 may also |
provide an adult education program as provided by that section. The |
programs must be designed to meet the education and training needs |
of adults to the extent possible within available public and |
private resources. Bilingual education may be the method of |
instruction for students who do not function satisfactorily in |
English whenever it is appropriate for their optimum development. |
SECTION 4. Section 29.2531, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 29.2531. ADULT EDUCATION ASSESSMENT. (a) The agency |
[Texas Education Agency] shall, in consultation with the Texas |
Higher Education Coordinating Board, review the standardized |
assessment mechanism required under Section 29.252(a)(8)(A) |
[29.252(a)(8)] and recommend any changes necessary to align the |
assessment with the assessments designated under Section 51.3062 to |
allow for the proper placement of a student in an adult basic |
education course or to provide the student with the proper |
developmental or English as a second language coursework, as |
appropriate. |
(b) The commissioner shall determine the level of |
performance considered to be satisfactory on a secondary exit-level |
assessment instrument described by Section 29.252(a)(8)(B) for |
receipt of a high school diploma by an adult education program |
participant in a program provided under Section 29.259. |
SECTION 5. Section 29.255, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 29.255. FUNDING. (a) Funds shall be appropriated to |
implement statewide adult basic education, adult bilingual |
education, high school equivalency, and high school credit programs |
to eliminate illiteracy in this state and to implement and support a |
statewide program to meet the total range of adult needs for adult |
education, related skill training, and pilot programs to |
demonstrate the effectiveness of the community education concept. |
The agency shall ensure that public local education agencies, |
public nonprofit agencies, nonprofit entities providing programs |
under Section 29.259, and community-based organizations have |
direct and equitable access to those funds. An additional sum of |
money may be appropriated to the Texas Economic Development and |
Tourism Office [Department of Commerce] for the purpose of skill |
training in direct support of industrial expansion and start-up, |
and those locations, industries, and occupations designated by the |
Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office [Department of
Commerce], when such training is also in support of the basic |
purposes of this subchapter. To fulfill the basic purposes of this |
subchapter, an additional sum of money may be appropriated for |
skill training that is conducted to support the expansion of |
civilian employment opportunities on United States military |
reservations. |
(b) The agency, in conjunction with the Texas Economic |
Development and Tourism Office [Department of Commerce], may adopt |
rules to administer skill training programs for which the agency is |
responsible, and the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office |
[Department of Commerce] may adopt rules to administer skill |
training programs for which it is responsible. |
SECTION 6. Subchapter H, Chapter 29, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 29.259 to read as follows: |
shall establish an adult high school diploma and industry |
certification charter school pilot program as provided by this |
section as a strategy for meeting industry needs for a sufficiently |
trained workforce within the state. |
(b) Notwithstanding any other law and in addition to the |
number of charters allowed under Subchapter D, Chapter 12, the |
State Board of Education may grant, on the basis of an application |
submitted to the board, a charter under the pilot program to a |
single nonprofit entity described by Subsection (c) to provide an |
adult education program for not more than 150 individuals described |
by Subsection (e) to successfully complete: |
(1) a high school program that can lead to a diploma; |
and |
(2) career and technology education courses that can |
lead to industry certification. |
(c) A nonprofit entity may be granted a charter under this |
section only if the entity: |
(1) has a successful history of providing education |
services, including industry certifications and job placement |
services, to adults 18 years of age and older whose educational and |
training opportunities have been limited by educational |
disadvantages, disabilities, homelessness, criminal history, or |
similar circumstances; and |
(2) agrees to commit at least $1 million to the adult |
education program offered. |
(d) A nonprofit entity granted a charter under this section |
may partner with a public junior college to provide career and |
technology courses that lead to industry certification. |
(e) A person who is at least 19 years of age and not more |
than 50 years of age is eligible to enroll in the adult education |
program under this section if the person has not earned a high |
school equivalency certificate and: |
(1) has failed to complete the curriculum requirements |
for high school graduation; or |
(2) has failed to perform satisfactorily on an |
assessment instrument required for high school graduation. |
(f) The nonprofit entity must include in its charter |
application the information required by Subsection (g). |
(g) A charter granted under this section must: |
(1) include a description of the adult education |
program to be offered under this section; and |
(2) establish specific, objective standards for |
receiving a high school diploma, including satisfactory |
performance on the standardized secondary exit-level assessment |
instrument described by Section 29.252(a)(8)(B) as provided under |
Section 29.2531. |
(h) Funding for an adult education program under this |
section is provided based on the following: |
(1) for participants who are 26 years of age and older, |
an amount per participant from available funds appropriated for |
adult basic education equal to the statewide average amount of |
state funding per student in weighted average daily attendance that |
would be allocated under the Foundation School Program to an |
open-enrollment charter school under Section 12.106 were the |
student under 26 years of age; and |
(2) for participants who are at least 19 years of age |
and under 26 years of age, an amount per participant through the |
Foundation School Program equal to the amount of state funding per |
student in weighted average daily attendance that would be |
allocated under the Foundation School Program for the student's |
attendance at an open-enrollment charter school in accordance with |
Section 12.106. |
(i) Sections 12.107 and 12.128 apply as though funds under |
this section were funds under Subchapter D, Chapter 12. |
(j) Not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year, |
beginning December 1, 2016, the agency shall prepare and deliver to |
the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of |
representatives, and presiding officer of each standing |
legislative committee with primary jurisdiction over public |
education or economic development a report that: |
(1) evaluates any adult education program operated |
under a charter granted under this section; and |
(2) makes recommendations regarding the abolition, |
continuation, or expansion of the pilot program. |
(k) The commissioner shall adopt rules necessary to |
administer the pilot program under this section. In adopting |
rules, the commissioner may modify charter school requirements only |
to the extent necessary for the administration of a charter school |
under this section that provides for adult education. |
SECTION 7. Subsection (a), Section 42.003, Education Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) A student is entitled to the benefits of the Foundation |
School Program if, on September 1 of the school year, the student: |
(1) is 5 years of age or older and under 21 years of age |
and has not graduated from high school, or is at least 21 years of |
age and under 26 years of age and has been admitted by a school |
district to complete the requirements for a high school diploma; or |
(2) is at least 19 years of age and under 26 years of |
age and is enrolled in an adult high school diploma and industry |
certification charter school pilot program under Section 29.259. |
SECTION 8. This Act takes effect September 1, 2013. |
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