relating to land reclamation projects using tires. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter C, Chapter 361, Health and Safety |
Code, is amended by adding Section 361.1126 to read as follows: |
(a) In this section: |
(1) "Land reclamation" means the process of restoring |
an area of excavated, deteriorated, or disturbed land to its |
approximate natural grade and to prepare or reclaim the land for |
reuse. |
(2) "Scrap tire" has the meaning assigned by Section |
361.112. |
(b) A person may not begin a land reclamation project using |
scrap tires without a permit issued by the commission under this |
section. |
(c) A person may not use scrap tires for a land reclamation |
project unless the tires are shredded, split, or quartered as |
provided by commission rule. The commission may grant an exception |
to this requirement if the commission finds that circumstances |
warrant the exception. |
(d) The commission may not grant a permit for a land |
reclamation project using scrap tires before: |
(1) the commission receives comments or suggestions |
from: |
(A) the governing body of any municipality in the |
corporate limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of which the |
proposed project is located; |
(B) the commissioners court of each county in |
which the proposed project is located; |
(C) each groundwater conservation district, if |
any, in which the proposed project is located; and |
(D) each regional planning commission, council |
of governments, or similar regional planning agency created under |
Chapter 391, Local Government Code, if any, for the region in which |
the proposed project is located; or |
(2) the earlier of: |
(A) the 61st day after the date the application |
to request a permit for the project is submitted to the commission; |
or |
(B) the day following the first date the |
commissioners court of each county in which the proposed project is |
located has conducted two regularly scheduled meetings following |
the date the application was submitted to the commission. |
(e) The application to request a permit for a land |
reclamation project using scrap tires must include at a minimum: |
(1) a legal description of the area to be reclaimed; |
(2) a map clearly identifying the area to be reclaimed |
and the topography of the area; |
(3) an affidavit from the property owner certifying |
that the reclamation project complies with this section and the |
rules adopted under this section; |
(4) a demonstration of the seasonal high groundwater |
level in the area in which the proposed project is located; and |
(5) an analysis and evaluation of the environmental |
impacts on the soil and groundwater in the area of the proposed |
project that compares the impact of using scrap tires for the |
proposed reclamation project to the impact of at least one |
reasonable alternative method of land reclamation for the proposed |
project. |
(f) A person submitting an application to request a permit |
under this section must mail a copy of the application to the |
commissioners court of each county in which the proposed project is |
located and provide notice to the other entities listed in |
Subsection (d). Proof of notice must be provided in the form and |
manner described by commission rule. |
(g) The executive director may request that a person |
submitting an application to request a permit under this section |
provide additional information if the executive director |
determines that the application does not address all applicable |
requirements of this section or commission rules adopted under this |
section or any potential risks to public health or the environment. |
(h) The commission may not grant a permit under this section |
if the commission receives notice before issuing the permit that |
the proposed project violates a local regulation, ordinance, order, |
or other law in the area in which the proposed project is located. |
(i) The commission by rule shall: |
(1) prescribe minimum standards to protect the soil |
and water for a land reclamation project using scrap tires; and |
(2) adopt application forms and procedures for the |
permitting process under this section, including the adoption of a |
procedure that allows the electronic submission of applications. |
(j) The commission may amend, extend, transfer, or renew a |
permit issued under this section as provided by this chapter and |
commission rule. |
(k) The notice and hearing procedures provided by this |
subchapter apply to a permit issued, amended, extended, or renewed |
under this section. |
(l) The commission may, for good cause, deny, revoke, |
suspend, annul, or amend a permit under this section for reasons |
concerning public health and safety, air or water pollution, land |
use, or a violation of this section as provided by Section 361.089. |
SECTION 2. (a) Before September 1, 2012, the Texas |
Commission on Environmental Quality shall adopt any rules required |
to implement Section 361.1126, Health and Safety Code, as added by |
this Act. |
(b) On or after the effective date of this Act, any person |
responsible for an ongoing or pending land reclamation project |
using scrap tires that has not yet placed the tires below ground may |
not place the tires below ground until the person has obtained a |
permit under Section 361.1126, Health and Safety Code, as added by |
this Act. |
(c) To the extent that a land reclamation project using |
scrap tires has placed tires below ground before the effective date |
of this Act, the project is subject to the law in effect on the date |
the tires were placed below ground, and that law is continued in |
effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |