relating to the consideration of and action on applications for |
financial assistance for water supply and sewer service projects in |
economically distressed areas. |
SECTION 1. Section 17.927(d), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(d) Before considering an application, the board may |
require the applicant to: |
(1) provide documentation to the executive |
administrator sufficient to allow review of the applicant's |
managerial, financial, and technical capabilities to plan, build, |
and operate the system for which assistance is being requested; |
(2) provide a written determination by the commission |
on the applicant's managerial, financial, and technical |
capabilities to plan, build, and operate the system for which |
assistance is being requested; |
(3) request that the comptroller perform a financial |
management review of the applicant and, if the review is performed, |
provide the board with the results of the review; or |
(4) provide any other information required by the |
board or the executive administrator. |
SECTION 2. Section 17.929(a), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) In passing on an application for financial assistance, |
the board shall consider: |
(1) the need of the economically distressed area to be |
served by the water supply and sewer services in relation to the |
need of other political subdivisions requiring financial |
assistance under this subchapter and the relative costs and |
benefits of all applications; |
(2) the availability to the area to be served by the |
project of revenue or financial assistance from alternative sources |
for the payment of the cost of the proposed project; |
(3) the financing of the proposed water supply and |
sewer project including consideration of: |
(A) the budget and repayment schedule submitted |
under Section 17.927(b)(4); |
(B) other items included in the application |
relating to financing; and |
(C) other financial information and data |
available to the board; |
(4) whether the county and other appropriate political |
subdivisions have adopted model rules pursuant to Section 16.343 |
and the manner of enforcement of model rules; [and] |
(5) the feasibility of achieving cost savings by |
providing a regional facility for water supply or wastewater |
service and the feasibility of financing the facility by using |
funds from the economically distressed areas account or any other |
financial assistance; and |
(6) the applicant's managerial, financial, and |
technical capabilities to plan, build, and operate the proposed |
water supply and sewer project. |
SECTION 3. Section 17.930(b), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) After making the considerations provided by Section |
17.929, the board by resolution shall: |
(1) approve the plan and application as submitted; |
(2) approve the plan and application subject to the |
requirements identified by the board or commission for the |
applicant to obtain the managerial, financial, and technical |
capabilities to plan, build, and operate the system and any other |
requirements, including training under Subchapter M, the board |
considers appropriate; |
(3) deny the application and identify the requirements |
or remedial steps the applicant must complete before the applicant |
may be reconsidered for financial assistance; |
(4) if the board finds that the applicant will be |
unable to obtain the managerial, financial, or technical |
capabilities to plan, build, and operate a system, deny the |
application and issue a determination that a service provider other |
than the applicant is necessary or appropriate to undertake the |
proposed project; or |
(5) deny the application. |
SECTION 4. The change in law made by this Act applies only |
to an application for financial assistance under Subchapter K, |
Chapter 17, Water Code, that is filed with the Texas Water |
Development Board on or after the effective date of this Act. An |
application for financial assistance under that subchapter that is |
filed with the board before the effective date of this Act is |
subject to the law in effect on the date the application is filed, |
and that law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |