relating to the Fort Bend Subsidence District. |
SECTION 1. Section 8834.001, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended by amending Subdivision (1) and adding |
Subdivisions (1-a), (1-b), (4-a), (5-a), (5-b), (5-c), (7-a), and |
(8-a) to read as follows: |
(1) "Agricultural crop": |
(A) means food or fiber commodities that are |
grown for resale or commercial purposes and that are to be used for |
food, clothing, or animal feed; and |
(B) includes nursery products and florist items |
that are in the possession of a nursery grower. |
(1-a) "Alternative water supply" means any water |
source other than groundwater withdrawn inside the district, and |
may include any water supplied through an approved groundwater |
reduction plan. |
(1-b) "Beneficial use" means any use that is useful or |
beneficial to the user, including: |
(A) an agricultural, gardening, domestic, stock |
raising, municipal, mining, manufacturing, industrial, commercial, |
or recreational use, or a use for pleasure purposes; or |
(B) exploring for, producing, handling, or |
treating oil, gas, sulfur, or other minerals. |
(4-a) "Florist item" means a cut flower, a potted |
plant, a blooming plant, an inside foliage plant, a bedding plant, a |
corsage flower, cut foliage, a floral decoration, or live |
decorative material. |
(5-a) "Nursery grower" means a person who grows in any |
medium more than 50 percent of the nursery products or florist items |
that the person sells or leases. A person grows a nursery product |
or florist item if the person cultivates or propagates the product |
or item by engaging in activities associated with the production or |
multiplying of stock, including the development of new plants from |
cuttings, grafts, plugs, or seedlings. The term does not include a |
person who merely holds or maintains a nursery product or florist |
item before sale or lease. |
(5-b) "Nursery product" includes a tree, shrub, vine, |
cutting, graft, scion, grass, bulb, or bud that is grown or kept |
for, or capable of, propagation and distribution for sale or lease. |
(5-c) "Regional water supplier" means a political |
subdivision of this state that has: |
(A) the authority to conserve, store, transport, |
treat, distribute, sell, and deliver water to any person; and |
(B) an approved groundwater reduction plan. |
(7-a) "Water conservation" means a measure that seeks |
to make a water supply available for alternative or future use. The |
term includes best management practices, improved efficiency or |
accountability, recycling, reuse, pollution prevention, and |
reduction in consumption, loss, or waste. |
(8-a) "Well owner" means a person who has an ownership |
interest in a well, operates a well, owns land on which a well is |
located, or owns the water withdrawn or to be withdrawn from a well. |
SECTION 2. Section 8834.006, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(a) Other laws governing the administration or operation of a |
conservation and reclamation district created under Section 52, |
Article III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, |
including Chapters 36 and 49, Water Code, do not apply to the |
district. |
(b) Notwithstanding Section 36.052, Water Code, this |
chapter prevails over any other law in conflict or inconsistent |
with this chapter. |
SECTION 3. Section 8834.055, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended by amending Subsections (a) and (c) and adding |
Subsection (d) to read as follows: |
(a) Each year, at the first meeting after the new directors |
take office, the directors shall select a chair [president], a vice |
chair [president], and a secretary. |
(c) The chair [president] shall preside over meetings of the |
board. If the chair [president] is not present, the vice chair |
[president] shall preside. |
(d) The secretary shall ensure that all records and books of |
the district are properly kept and attest to the chair's signature |
on all documents. The board may authorize another director, the |
general manager, or any employee or contractor to execute documents |
on behalf of the district and to certify the authenticity of any |
record of the district. |
SECTION 4. Section 8834.056, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 8834.056. MEETINGS. (a) The board shall hold [one] |
regular meetings [meeting each month] at a time set by the board. |
(b) The board may hold a special meeting at the call of the |
chair [president] or on the written request of at least three |
directors. |
SECTION 5. Subsection (b), Section 8834.057, Special |
District Local Laws Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(b) A meeting of a committee of the board is not subject to |
Chapter 551, Government Code, if less than a quorum of the board is |
present at the meeting. |
SECTION 6. Subsection (a), Section 8834.104, Special |
District Local Laws Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The [Before March 31 of each year, the] board shall hold |
an annual [a] hearing to determine the effects during the preceding |
calendar year of groundwater withdrawal on subsidence in the |
district. |
SECTION 7. Section 8834.115, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 8834.115. NOTICE OF HEARINGS. (a) Not later than the |
10th day before the date set for a hearing other than a permit |
application hearing, the district shall deliver or mail notice of |
the hearing to: |
(1) each county, regional water supplier, and |
municipal government in the district; and |
(2) each person that the board considers to have an |
interest in the subject matter of the hearing. |
(b) Not later than the 10th day before the date set for a |
hearing, the district shall: |
(1) publish notice of the hearing once in a newspaper |
of general circulation in each county in the district; and |
(2) provide a copy of the [post] notice of the hearing |
to the county clerk to be posted at the county courthouse of each |
county in the district in the place where notices are usually |
posted. |
SECTION 8. Subchapter D, Chapter 8834, Special District |
Local Laws Code, is amended by adding Section 8834.158 to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 8834.158. INVESTMENT OFFICER. (a) Notwithstanding |
Section 2256.005(f), Government Code, the board may contract with a |
person to act as investment officer of the district. |
(b) The investment officer shall: |
(1) not later than the first anniversary of the date |
the officer takes office or assumes the officer's duties, attend a |
training session of at least six hours of instruction relating to |
investment responsibilities under Chapter 2256, Government Code; |
and |
(2) attend at least four hours of additional |
investment training within each two-year period after the first |
year. |
(c) Training under this section must be from an independent |
source approved by: |
(1) the board; or |
(2) a designated investment committee advising the |
investment officer. |
(d) Training under this section must include education in |
investment controls, security risks, strategy risks, market risks, |
diversification of investment portfolio, and compliance with |
Chapter 2256, Government Code. |
SECTION 9. Section 8834.201, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
RULE. (a) Groundwater withdrawals governed by this chapter, |
including withdrawals of injected water, are subject to reasonable |
board rules and orders. |
(b) The board may issue permits to drill new wells and by |
rule may provide exemptions from the permit requirements. The |
district shall grant a permit to drill and operate a new well inside |
a platted subdivision if water service from a retail public utility |
is not available to the lot where the well is to be located. |
(c) In this section, "retail public utility" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 13.002, Water Code. |
SECTION 10. Section 8834.202, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
The permit requirements of this [This] chapter do [does] not apply |
to: |
(1) a well regulated under Chapter 27, Water Code; |
(2) a well that: |
(A) has a casing with an inside diameter of not |
more than five inches; and |
(B) serves only a single-family dwelling; or |
(3) a shallow well that: |
(A) is not used to provide water for: |
(i) human consumption; |
(ii) agriculture; |
(iii) manufacturing or industry; or |
(iv) water injection; and |
(B) withdraws water solely: |
(i) to prevent hazardous sand boils, |
dewater surface construction sites, or relieve hydrostatic uplift |
on permanent structures; |
(ii) for groundwater quality analysis and |
for monitoring migration of subsurface contaminants or pollution; |
or |
(iii) for recovery of contamination or |
pollution. |
SECTION 11. Subsections (a) and (c), Section 8834.206, |
Special District Local Laws Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) A well [The] owner [of a well located in the district] |
must obtain a permit from the board before: |
(1) drilling, equipping, or completing the well; |
(2) substantially altering the size of the well or a |
well pump; or |
(3) operating the well. |
(c) A well [An] owner [or operator] commits a violation if |
the well owner [or operator] does not obtain a permit as required by |
Subsection (a). A violation occurs on the first day the drilling, |
equipping, completing, altering, or operation begins. Each day |
that a violation continues is a separate violation. |
SECTION 12. Subsection (c), Section 8834.209, Special |
District Local Laws Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(c) The board shall issue a permit to an applicant if the |
board finds on sufficient evidence that: |
(1) there is no other adequate and available |
substitute or supplemental source of alternative [surface] water |
supplies at prices competitive with the prices charged by suppliers |
of alternative [surface] water supplies in the district; and |
(2) compliance with any provision of this chapter or |
any district rule will result in an arbitrary taking of property or |
in the practical closing and elimination of any lawful business, |
occupation, or activity without sufficient corresponding benefit |
or advantage to the public. |
SECTION 13. Section 8834.214, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 8834.214. ANNUAL REPORT. (a) Before January 31 each |
year, a well owner who is required to hold [holds] a permit under |
this chapter shall submit to the board a report stating: |
(1) the well owner's name; |
(2) the location of the well; |
(3) the total amount of groundwater withdrawn from the |
well during the preceding calendar year [12-month period]; |
(4) the total amount of groundwater withdrawn from the |
well during each month of the preceding calendar year [12-month
period]; |
(5) the purpose for which the groundwater was used; |
and |
(6) any other information required by the board that |
the board considers necessary for the board to control and prevent |
subsidence in the district. |
(b) A well owner whose well is aggregated with other wells |
permitted and managed by a regional water supplier shall file the |
report required by Subsection (a) with the regional water supplier |
instead of the district. A regional water supplier shall submit to |
the board the report required by Subsection (a) for all wells owned, |
managed, or permitted by that supplier not later than March 31 of |
each year. |
SECTION 14. An investment officer for the Fort Bend |
Subsidence District who holds that office on the effective date of |
this Act must attend the training required by Subdivision (1), |
Subsection (b), Section 8834.158, Special District Local Laws Code, |
as added by this Act, not later than the first anniversary of the |
effective date of this Act unless that person has already taken the |
training during the previous calendar year. |
SECTION 15. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2013. |
* * * * * |