relating to transition planning for a public school student |
enrolled in a special education program. |
SECTION 1. Section 29.011, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 29.011. TRANSITION PLANNING. (a) The commissioner |
shall by rule adopt procedures for compliance with federal |
requirements relating to transition services for students who are |
enrolled in special education programs under this subchapter. The |
procedures must specify the manner in which a student's admission, |
review, and dismissal committee must consider, and if appropriate, |
address the following issues in the student's individualized |
education program: |
(1) appropriate student involvement in the student's |
transition to life outside the public school system; |
(2) if the student is younger than 18 years of age, |
appropriate [parental] involvement in the student's transition by |
the student's parents and other persons invited to participate by: |
(A) the student's parents; or |
(B) the school district in which the student is |
enrolled; |
(3) if the student is at least 18 years of age, |
[appropriate parental] involvement in the student's transition and |
future by the student's parents and other persons, if the parent or |
other person: |
(A) is invited to participate by the student or |
the school district in which the student is enrolled; or |
(B) has the student's consent to participate |
pursuant to a supported decision-making agreement under Chapter |
1357, Estates Code; |
(4) appropriate [any] postsecondary education |
options, including preparation for postsecondary-level coursework; |
(5) an appropriate [a] functional vocational |
evaluation; |
(6) appropriate employment goals and objectives; |
(7) if the student is at least 18 years of age, the |
availability of age-appropriate instructional environments, |
including community settings or environments that prepare the |
student for postsecondary education or training, competitive |
integrated employment, or independent living, in coordination with |
the student's transition goals and objectives; |
(8) appropriate independent living goals and |
objectives; [and] |
(9) appropriate circumstances for facilitating a |
referral of [referring] a student or the student's parents to a |
governmental agency for services or public benefits, including a |
referral to a governmental agency to place the student on a waiting |
list for public benefits available to the student, such as a waiver |
program established under Section 1915(c), Social Security Act (42 |
U.S.C. Section 1396n(c)); and |
(10) the use and availability of appropriate: |
(A) supplementary aids, services, curricula, and |
other opportunities to assist the student in developing |
decision-making skills; and |
(B) supports and services to foster the student's |
independence and self-determination, including a supported |
decision-making agreement under Chapter 1357, Estates Code. |
(a-1) A student's admission, review, and dismissal |
committee shall annually review the issues described by Subsection |
(a) and, if necessary, update the portions of the student's |
individualized education program that address those issues. |
(a-2) The commissioner shall develop and post on the |
agency's Internet website a list of services and public benefits |
for which referral may be appropriate under Subsection (a)(9). |
(b) The commissioner shall require each school district or |
shared services arrangement to designate at least one employee to |
serve as the district's or shared services arrangement's designee |
on transition and employment services for students enrolled in |
special education programs under this subchapter. The |
commissioner shall develop minimum training guidelines for a |
district's or shared services arrangement's designee. An |
individual designated under this subsection must provide |
information and resources about effective transition planning and |
services, including each issue described by Subsection (a), and |
interagency coordination to ensure that local school staff |
communicate and collaborate with: |
(1) students enrolled in special education programs |
under this subchapter and the parents of those students; and |
(2) as appropriate, local and regional staff of the: |
(A) Health and Human Services Commission; |
(B) Texas Workforce Commission [Department of
Aging and Disability Services]; |
(C) [Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative
[(D)] Department of State Health Services; and |
(D) [(E)] Department of Family and Protective |
Services. |
(c) The commissioner shall review and, if necessary, update |
the minimum training guidelines developed under Subsection (b) at |
least once every four years. In reviewing and updating the |
guidelines, the commissioner shall solicit input from |
stakeholders. |
SECTION 2. Sections 29.0112(b) and (e), Education Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) The transition and employment guide must be written in |
plain language and contain information specific to this state |
regarding: |
(1) transition services; |
(2) employment and supported employment services; |
(3) social security programs; |
(4) community and long-term services and support, |
including the option to place the student on a waiting list with a |
governmental agency for public benefits available to the student, |
such as a waiver program established under Section 1915(c), Social |
Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1396n(c)); |
(5) postsecondary educational programs and services, |
including the inventory maintained by the Texas Higher Education |
Coordinating Board under Section 61.0663; |
(6) information sharing with health and human services |
agencies and providers; |
(7) guardianship and alternatives to guardianship, |
including a supported decision-making agreement under Chapter |
1357, Estates Code; |
(8) self-advocacy, person-directed planning, and |
self-determination; and |
(9) contact information for all relevant state |
agencies. |
(e) A school district shall: |
(1) post the transition and employment guide on the |
district's website if the district maintains a website; [and] |
(2) provide written information and, if necessary, |
assistance to a student or parent regarding how to access the |
electronic version of the guide at: |
(A) the first meeting of the student's admission, |
review, and dismissal committee at which transition is discussed; |
and [or] |
(B) the first committee meeting at which |
transition is discussed that occurs after the date on which the |
guide is updated; and |
(3) on request, provide a printed copy of the guide to |
a student or parent [becomes available, if a student has already had
an admission, review, and dismissal committee meeting discussing
transition]. |
SECTION 3. Section 29.017, Education Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (c) and (d) and adding Subsections (c-1), |
(c-2), (c-3), (e), and (f) to read as follows: |
(c) Not later than one year before the 18th birthday of a |
student with a disability, the school district at which the student |
is enrolled shall: |
(1) provide to the student and the student's parents: |
(A) written notice regarding the transfer of |
rights under this section; and |
(B) information and resources regarding |
guardianship, alternatives to guardianship, including a supported |
decision-making agreement under Chapter 1357, Estates Code, and |
other supports and services that may enable the student to live |
independently; and |
(2) ensure that the student's individualized education |
program includes a statement that the district provided the notice, |
information, and resources required under Subdivision (1). |
(c-1) In accordance with 34 C.F.R. Section 300.520 |
[300.517], the school district shall provide written notice to |
[notify] the student and the student's parents of the transfer of |
rights under this section. The notice must include the information |
and resources provided under Subsection (c)(1)(B). |
(c-2) If a student with a disability or the student's parent |
requests information regarding guardianship or alternatives to |
guardianship from the school district at which the student is |
enrolled, the school district shall provide to the student or |
parent information and resources on supported decision-making |
agreements under Chapter 1357, Estates Code. |
(c-3) The commissioner shall develop and post on the |
agency's Internet website a model form for use by school districts |
in notifying students and parents as required by Subsections (c) |
and (c-1). The form must include the information and resources |
described by Subsection (c). The commissioner shall review and |
update the form, including the information and resources, as |
necessary. |
(d) The commissioner shall develop and post on the agency's |
Internet website the information and resources described by |
Subsections (c), (c-1), and (c-2). |
(e) Nothing in this section prohibits a student from |
entering into a supported decision-making agreement under Chapter |
1357, Estates Code, after the transfer of rights under this |
section. |
(f) The commissioner shall adopt rules implementing the |
provisions of 34 C.F.R. Section 300.520(b) [300.517(b)]. |
SECTION 4. This Act applies beginning with the 2018-2019 |
school year. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2017. |
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