relating to the disclosure restrictions on personnel files of |
police officers of municipalities that have adopted certain civil |
service laws. |
SECTION 1. Section 143.089(g), Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(g) A fire [or police] department may maintain a personnel |
file on a fire fighter [or police officer] employed by the |
department for the department's use, but the department may not |
release any information contained in the department file to any |
agency or person requesting information relating to a fire fighter |
[or police officer]. The department shall refer to the director or |
the director's designee a person or agency that requests |
information that is maintained in the fire fighter's [or police
officer's] personnel file. A police department may maintain a |
personnel file on a police officer employed by the department for |
the department's use. The information contained in the police |
department file is public information subject to disclosure under |
Chapter 552, Government Code, unless the information is made |
confidential under that chapter or other law. |
SECTION 2. Section 143.1214, Local Government Code, is |
amended by amending Subsections (b), (c), and (e) and adding |
Subsection (c-1) to read as follows: |
(b) The department shall maintain an investigatory file |
that relates to a disciplinary action against a fire fighter or |
police officer that was overturned on appeal, or any document in the |
possession of the department that relates to a charge of misconduct |
against a fire fighter or police officer, regardless of whether the |
charge is sustained, only in a file created by the department for |
the department's use. The department may only release information |
in those investigatory files or documents relating to a charge of |
misconduct: |
(1) to another law enforcement agency or fire |
department; |
(2) to the office of a district or United States |
attorney; or |
(3) in accordance with Subsection (c) or (c-1). |
(c) The department head or the department head's designee |
may forward a document that relates to disciplinary action against |
a fire fighter [or police officer] to the director or the director's |
designee for inclusion in the fire fighter's [or police officer's] |
personnel file maintained under Sections 143.089(a)-(f) only if: |
(1) disciplinary action was actually taken against the |
fire fighter [or police officer]; |
(2) the document shows the disciplinary action taken; |
and |
(3) the document includes at least a brief summary of |
the facts on which the disciplinary action was based. |
(c-1) The department head or the department head's designee |
shall forward a document that relates to disciplinary action |
against a police officer to the director or the director's designee |
for inclusion in the police officer's personnel file maintained |
under Sections 143.089(a)-(f). |
(e) The requirements of this section are in addition to the |
requirements of Section 143.089. This section does not prevent a |
fire fighter [or police officer] from obtaining access to any |
personnel file maintained by the director or the department, other |
than a file maintained by an internal affairs division or other |
similar internal investigative division, on the fire fighter [or
police officer] under Section 143.089. This section does not |
prevent a police officer from obtaining access to any personnel |
file maintained by the director or the department. A police officer |
may obtain access to information that is subject to disclosure |
under Chapter 552, Government Code, contained in a file maintained |
by an internal affairs division or other similar internal |
investigative division under Section 143.089. |
SECTION 3. Section 143.1216(d), Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(d) The department shall [may not] include a record of a |
supervisory intervention procedure or a policy and procedure |
inquiry regarding a police officer in the police officer's |
personnel file maintained under Section 143.089 and [or] in the |
department file maintained under Section 143.089(g). |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2017. |