relating to a local community supervision and corrections |
department monitoring certain conditions of bond and the |
administrative fees associated with certain department services. |
SECTION 1. Article 17.441, Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows: |
(e) If a magistrate designates the community supervision |
and corrections department serving the county in which the |
defendant lives as the designated agency to verify installation of |
the device and to monitor the device under Subsection (d), the |
magistrate may require the defendant to pay a monthly |
administrative fee under Section 76.015, Government Code, in lieu |
of the fee otherwise required by Subsection (d). The defendant |
shall pay the initial fee under Section 76.015, Government Code, at |
the time the community supervision and corrections department |
verifies the installation of the device. |
SECTION 2. Subsection (c), Section 76.015, Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(c) A department may assess a reasonable administrative fee |
of not less than $25 and not more than $60 [$40] per month on an |
individual who participates in a department program or receives |
department services and who is not paying a monthly fee under |
Section 19, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure. |
SECTION 3. Section 103.0211, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
CIVIL CASES: GOVERNMENT CODE. An accused or defendant, or a party |
to a civil suit, as applicable, shall pay the following fees and |
costs under the Government Code if ordered by the court or otherwise |
required: |
(1) a court reporter fee when testimony is taken: |
(A) in a criminal court in Dallas County (Sec. |
25.0593, Government Code) . . . $3; |
(B) in a county criminal court of appeals in |
Dallas County (Sec. 25.0594, Government Code) . . . $3; |
(C) in a county court at law in McLennan County |
(Sec. 25.1572, Government Code) . . . $3; and |
(D) in a county criminal court in Tarrant County |
(Sec. 25.2223, Government Code) . . . $3; |
(2) a court reporter service fee if the courts have |
official court reporters (Sec. 51.601, Government Code) . . . $15 |
or, in specified counties, $30; |
(3) a speedy trial filing fee in El Paso County (Sec. |
54.745, Government Code) . . . $100; |
(4) costs for use of magistrate in Brazos County (Sec. |
54.1116, Government Code) . . . not to exceed $50; |
(5) the costs of a criminal magistrate if the court |
determines that the nonprevailing party is able to defray the |
costs: |
(A) in Bexar County (Sec. 54.913, Government |
Code) . . . magistrate's fees; |
(B) in Dallas County (Sec. 54.313, Government |
Code) . . . magistrate's fees; |
(C) in Lubbock County (Sec. 54.883, Government |
Code) . . . magistrate's fees; |
(D) in Tarrant County (Sec. 54.663, Government |
Code) . . . magistrate's fees; |
(E) in Travis County (Sec. 54.983, Government |
Code) . . . magistrate's fees; and |
(F) in Williamson County (Sec. 54.958, |
Government Code) . . . expense of the magistrate; |
(6) an administrative fee for participation in certain |
community supervision programs (Sec. 76.015, Government Code) |
. . . not less than $25 and not more than $60 [$40] per month; and |
(7) fee paid on filing a petition for an order of |
nondisclosure of criminal history record information in certain |
cases (Sec. 411.081, Government Code) . . . $28. |
SECTION 4. The changes in law made by this Act apply only to |
a defendant charged with an offense committed on or after the |
effective date of this Act. A defendant charged with an offense |
committed before the effective date of this Act is governed by the |
law in effect on the date the offense was committed, and the former |
law is continued in effect for that purpose. For purposes of this |
section, an offense was committed before the effective date of this |
Act if any element of the offense occurred before that date. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |
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