WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to join |
the Senate Ladies Club in honoring those ladies who have been |
club members for 25 years or more; and |
WHEREAS, The Senate Ladies Club originated in 1927 as a |
social club for ladies who accompanied their husbands to Austin |
for the 40th Legislative Session; the club was organized to |
provide a means by which the ladies could become better |
acquainted with one another and introduce themselves to the |
Austin community; and |
WHEREAS, The club has a tradition of hosting a dinner the |
Monday preceding the opening of the legislative session to honor |
the governor and lieutenant governor and their spouses and the |
new members of the Senate and their spouses; the club meets |
frequently during the regular session; and |
WHEREAS, Active members are those women serving in the |
Senate and the wives of senators; associate members are women who |
are former senators or wives of former senators; and honorary |
members are the spouses of the current governor, lieutenant |
governor, and the attorney general; membership in the club is, in |
effect, a life membership--"Once a Senate Lady, always a Senate |
Lady"; and |
WHEREAS, Ginny Turner joined the Senate Ladies Club in 1991 |
and is being honored this year for her 26 years of loyal |
membership and outstanding service; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 85th |
Legislature, hereby pay special tribute to this distinguished |
lady and commend her for her accomplishments and contributions to |
our state; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for her |
as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate. |
Seliger |
________________________________ |
President of the Senate |
I hereby certify that the |
above Resolution was adopted by |
the Senate on May 4, 2017. |
________________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
________________________________ |
Member, Texas Senate |