Legislative Research: US HB3494 | 2021-2022 | 117th Congress
Other Sessions
Session | Title/Description | Last Action |
2023-2024 118th Congress (Introduced) | To create dedicated funds to conserve butterflies in North America, plants in the Pacific Islands, freshwater mussels in the United States, and desert fish in the Southwest United States, and for other purposes. [HB3494 2023 Detail][HB3494 2023 Text][HB3494 2023 Comments] | 2023-05-18 Referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources. |
2021-2022 117th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | To amend title 5, United States Code, to clarify the nature of judicial review of agency interpretations of statutory and regulatory provisions. [HB3494 2021 Detail][HB3494 2021 Text][HB3494 2021 Comments] | 2022-11-01 Referred to the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law. |
2019-2020 116th Congress (Engrossed - Dead) | Reauthorizes for FY2018-FY2020 intelligence activities in various U.S. government departments and agencies. It also establishes several intelligence-related programs and calls for reports on various topics. The bill establishes a paid parental leave ... [HB3494 2019 Detail][HB3494 2019 Text][HB3494 2019 Comments] | 2019-07-18 Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Select Committee on Intelligence. |
2017-2018 115th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | National Care Corps Act of 2017 This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to establish the National Care Corps through which Corps volunteers provide certain home-based or community-based services to individuals in need via participation in loca... [HB3494 2017 Detail][HB3494 2017 Text][HB3494 2017 Comments] | 2017-07-28 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. |
2015-2016 114th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Protecting Infants Born Alive Act This bill amends title XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act to modify requirements regarding a state plan for medical assistance. Under current law, a state plan for medical assistance must provide that any indi... [HB3494 2015 Detail][HB3494 2015 Text][HB3494 2015 Comments] | 2015-09-18 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. |
2013-2014 113th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Revises the highway safety improvement program. Directs the Secretary of Transportation (DOT), under the highway safety improvement program, to establish performance measures for states to use to assess significant reductions in the number of serious... [HB3494 2013 Detail][HB3494 2013 Text][HB3494 2013 Comments] | 2013-11-15 Referred to the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit. |
2011-2012 112th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Restoring America's Faith and Trust Act - Makes rescissions in the discretionary budget authority for FY2012-FY2014. Limits increases in total new budget authority after FY2013 to the percentage by which the U.S. gross domestic product increases from... [HB3494 2011 Detail][HB3494 2011 Text][HB3494 2011 Comments] | 2011-11-29 Referred to the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands. |
2009-2010 111th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Makes funds appropriated to the Department of Defense (DOD) available for costs incurred by the National Guard in conducting international military-to-civilian contacts, civilian-to-civilian contacts, and comparable activities in order to: (1) suppor... [HB3494 2009 Detail][HB3494 2009 Text][HB3494 2009 Comments] | 2009-07-31 Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services. |
References Online
Legislative Citation
US HB3494 | 2021-2022 | 117th Congress. (2022, November 01). LegiScan. Retrieved December 19, 2024, from https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB3494/2021
"US HB3494 | 2021-2022 | 117th Congress." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 01 Nov. 2022. Web. 19 Dec. 2024. <https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB3494/2021>.
"US HB3494 | 2021-2022 | 117th Congress." November 01, 2022 LegiScan. Accessed December 19, 2024. https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB3494/2021.
LegiScan. US HB3494 | 2021-2022 | 117th Congress. 01 November 2022. https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB3494/2021 (accessed December 19, 2024).
US Congress State Sources
Type | Source |
Summary | https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3494/all-info |
Text | https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr3494/BILLS-117hr3494ih.pdf |