An Act to amend and reenact § 3.1 of Chapter 255 of the Acts of Assembly of 1974, which provided a charter for the Town of Virgilina in Halifax County, relating to November elections.
[H 1127]

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1.  That § 3.1 of Chapter 255 of the Acts of Assembly of 1974 is amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 3.1. Election, qualification, and term of office.

(a) The town of Virgilina shall be governed by a town council composed of six councilmen and a mayor, all of whom shall be qualified voters of the town.

(b) The mayor and councilmen in office at the time of the passage of this act shall continue until the expiration of the terms term for which they were elected expires or until they are replaced by virtue of the passage of this amendment.

An election for mayor and councilmen shall be held on the first Tuesday in May, 1974 November 2012, and those elected shall take office at the expiration of the present incumbents' terms and hold same until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Thereafter, there shall be an election on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May November of each even numbered year, and those elected shall take office on the first day of the succeeding July January for a term of two years.

(c) The mayor shall preside over meetings of the town council and shall be the chief official of the town for ceremonial purposes. He shall have the same powers and duties as other members of the council with a vote but no veto power.

2.  That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage.